Pineapple Chunk - Cheap Fridge Grow - Soil - CFL


New Member
Okay so this is my first grow so prepare for some fuck ups.
Thanks in advance for all help.

What strain is it?
Barneys Pineapple Chunk

Is it in Veg or Flower stage?
Veg, its been 4 weeks 1 day since I planted the seeds.

Indoor or outdoor, Soil or Hydro, If soil... what is in your mix, If soil... What size pot?
Indoor grow inside a fridge, I'm, stupidly, using miracle grow potting mix (which has soluble plant food in it NPK: 24-8-16) in what i think is a 10l pot.

Size of light, Is it aircooled, Temp of Room/cab, RH of Room/cab?
I'm using 2 photography cfls 135w each at 5500k, i guess they are technically air cooled. The temperature of the fridge is between 23 and 26 degrees (c) and the humidity is usually at 40%

PH of media, Any Pests, How often are you watering, Type and strength of ferts used?
I don't know for sure but i did test my soils ph i seemed to be between 6 and 7, so far i've had fungus gnats. I water whenever the soil is almost completely dry. And for the first 3 weeks i used a weak mix of advanced nutrients sensei grow (NPK A=3-0-0 B=1-2-6), but after realising that the potting mix had plant food in it and seeing little burn patches I have changed to water.
Here's the plant after 1 week 4 days

here's the plant at 3 weeks 2 days

Here it is at 3 weeks 3 days

here it is at 3 weeks 4 days before and after i topped it (I cloned the top)

here it is at 3 weeks 6 days
Looking good, I have a fairly low budget cfl grow myself. Diatomascious earth is a good deterant for soil dwelling insects. HD and Lowes sell it for like 12$ a bag. All natural and easy to use, kills the bugs by cutting them as they move through it. Use as top dressing.
Looking much better, you can see how much greener and happier she is now that the soil is drying out some. How are the fungus gnats? Are you starting to see less of them? You may want to start tilling up the top inch or so of your soil with your fingers. That helps. Then once that pot gets good and light you can water with half and half hydrogen peroxide and water. They also sell little yellow sticky traps, to catch the adults.
As shrub said, hydrogen peroxide is just H2O3, which converts to H2O + O-. The oxygen free radical produced can then not only oxygenate your roots but can damage the eggs of fungus gnats.

But again, don't do this until your soil has really dried out. If you can stick your finger 1-2" down in the soil and it doesn't feel bone dry and the pot doesn't feel like it's full of rice. Don't water anymore. And I can tell you that's gonna take a while with pure MG.
4 weeks 3 days

its starting to spell up the fridge so i'm gonna get some odour remove gel stuff. Tied the plant to the next position for LST. Fucking return of the gnats. And some shitty pictures so just the one.

Im thinking it needs to go onto a 12/12 soon so as soon as as the latest nodes leaves have fully opened i will switch. I reckon it will be tomorrow or the day after.

on a related note what the best, cheapest, least smelly, most potent way to cure and dry the buds. I am literally just guessing, but im thinking hanging inside a cardboard box with an odour gel pot with a 12v fan blowing at the buds untill they are dry the sealing them in a zip lock bag or a tupperwear box opening 4 times a day for 1 minute a time for a week then opening 1 a day for 1 minute for 2 weeks. then giving it to swim to smoking up
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