Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprouts

Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

Mrs Q,
i ask for the breeder cause mine cups also, not all tho....3 are nice 2 cup....clawlike even........i think its in the species....mine are from greenhouse.....seen the 1guy produce massive dongs....really nice ....my canopy of leaves is also in the middle of the total plant....then candles appear....with massive leaves at the top .....9 fingered leaves but very thin leaves....after seeing the 1guys pics im totally around...marvelous plant...im in love.

LOL@ Mrs. Q...Honey I am not that old just 43 but I know you don't know that. Yes, I got my skunk from Greenhouse too. I went through our sponsors Single Seed Center. I haven't actually counted fingers but I have noticed that the fan leaves are big, long and thin.

Your Lemon Skunk is a really big plant. Perhaps the reason she's starting to droop is that she's root bound. Not sure, but it's a possibility. Before I transplanted my clones, they were too big for their pots and were kinda droopy, too.

You think she is big? Awww, thanks, I hate that I can't clone her yet but she should have more than enough cuttings by the time I am in a new place. I am hoping she is not root bound, I have her in a 3 gallon pot!!! I just transferred my big bang to a 3 gallon last night. I have been checking out how to bonsai my mother from some links that was given to me. So once moved I plan on pruning the hell out of both of them.

You can keep using the hydrogen peroxide every time you water her and see what happens. There don't seem to be any mineral deficiencies, so your plant is relatively healthy. Sometimes, not always, a sign of overwatering is leaves cupping, i.e., curling upwards from the end of the leaves toward the stems. And you definitely don't have that problem.

I plan on using the peroxide but can I mix it in with the vinegar I am giving? I am out of calmag atm but there has been no more issues with brown spots just the drooping. I am just glad it's a minor thing considering this is my first good strain I've grown. But I thank the goddess for bag seed, it has given me the experience I need. I just had to pull a male that had balls for days last night. It amazes me how quick they show sex because the day before there were no balls. But it is the last male so now it's ladies from here on out.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

I gave the mamis their nutes along with the water and peroxide. After careful inspection, I plucked a few leaves. I brought them back down to the bottom shelf. I am going to have to try to lst them and tie them kinda sideways because they are too long to try to just tie down normally. Hopefully, I can get those middle branches to come up. Will post a pic of my work in a few days.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

I plan on using the peroxide but can I mix it in with the vinegar I am giving?

Yes, you can mix it with nutrients, CalMag, Blackstrap Molasses. It has the same effect as if you had aerated your water with an aquarium bubbler. I've been using it consistently on my new clones and they seem to like it.

I use it on the new clones because they are trying to grow roots and roots need oxygen to grow properly, ergo ...

The nice thing about hydrogen peroxide is that you can use it whether your plants are healthy or not. It's just oxygen. The roots will absorb it if they need it or ignore it if they don't. In other words, you can't hurt a healthy OR unhealthy plant by using it.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

woohoo! Save that lemon skunk! It's good stuff. :) Just wanted to check in and say hello!

Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

heya QTL.

started reading this thread, but obviously gonna take some time ;)

Just a random thought about PH checking.
as strange as it sounds, red cabbage is natures litmus liquid.
do a google about PH testing with red cabbage water (well its purple, lol)

im sure everyone will say get a real PH testing kit, but if your desperate, it DOES work to at least tell you if your PH is way off.
and of course the price of a cabbage isnt all that and you can make quite a few litres out of a single cabbage and still have plenty to add to a salad =D
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

Yes, you can mix it with nutrients, CalMag, Blackstrap Molasses. It has the same effect as if you had aerated your water with an aquarium bubbler.

That's great, I love when I can mix stuff together. I have like 5 or 6 jugs with different things in them.

woohoo! Save that lemon skunk! It's good stuff. Just wanted to check in and say hello!

Hey THSea, I am going to have to take your word for it until I get the clones going. I can't wait for that harvest to come.

im sure everyone will say get a real PH testing kit, but if your desperate, it DOES work to at least tell you if your PH is way off.
and of course the price of a cabbage isnt all that and you can make quite a few litres out of a single cabbage and still have plenty to add to a salad =D

Awww man, you should have caught me earlier yesterday when I had gone grocery shopping. I bought regular cabbage, doesn't work with that? Prolly not but will get some purple cabbage next time.

After getting nutes and peroxide last night, the girls may not need anything today. The lemon skunk doesn't seem like a big eater. Big Bang tends to eat more. So next feeding will be some molasses and some epsom salt til I can get some more calmag. I also tied down the lemon skunk as well as bend some branches. Bent the branches on the big bang too but plan on tying them down later when lights come on.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

Tonight I decided it was time to clean the ladies closet. Ugh, what a mess. I guess it's been awhile since I did it last when I had about 11 plants in there. Now it's only the mothers. So I got the dirt outta there then bleached the hell out of it. Now my room smells like bleach but I popped the window open. While letting the closet dry out, I decided to trim them back some. So I cut all the bottom branches out and did a little topping.I also gave them a shot of peroxide water and foliar feed. And I seemed to be jinxed when it comes to lst. Once again, I ended up splitting a branch. I had to do a little ghetto surgery, using garbage ties, I tied the branch back to its original place.

I have my 2 clones in the flowering room. Clone 1 has already formed buds and clone 2 is just starting to show pistils but has gotten taller. I gave them both a shot of bpn bloom booster. Temps in both closets in running in the low 70's while humidity with the mothers is at 47 and humidity in flowering room is at 40.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

lmao, i feel like such an amature compared to you.

my entire strategy so far with this grow has been, 'wet the seed, plant the seed, watch for growth, add water.'

to be fair tho, the little buggers do seem to want to grow despite my best efforts to ignore their needs. what else can you do tho when you have a grow budget of around £5-10 per week to get everything. ;)

ah well, all i need is a single grow to boost my budget as each gram i can produce is a direct £10 saved i can turn back into the project. i think i can safely say that for me, cannabis is the cause of and solution to all of lifes little problems, lol
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

lmao, i feel like such an amature compared to you.my entire strategy so far with this grow has been, 'wet the seed, plant the seed, watch for growth, add water.'to be fair tho, the little buggers do seem to want to grow despite my best efforts to ignore their needs. what else can you do tho when you have a grow budget of around £5-10 per week to get everything. ;)

ah well, all i need is a single grow to boost my budget as each gram i can produce is a direct £10 saved i can turn back into the project. i think i can safely say that for me, cannabis is the cause of and solution to all of lifes little problems, lol

Aw, thanks for the compliment but technically I am on my fourth grow. To me that no longer makes me a noob but a novice. I know the basics but there is still much for me to learn. When I get some years under my belt and experience doing other things then I will go from being a novice to a moderate grower and so on. The only kind of gardening I ever did was with my mother when I was a kid, planting tulips.

And let's not talk about budget. I buy things depending on what I have left after paying bills. I literally had to rob Peter to pay Paul, in order to get my hps light. Depending on how things go, I might be able to get a second one in June. And if I get that then I will use my cfls for the bottom buds on the plant. I agree with you that cannabis gets me through a lot of unneccessary bullshit. I even had a doctor once that was pro cannabis and started running off all the things cannabis is good for. He even told me I should start growing. It blew me away but I didn't tell him I already was. :cheer:
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

Nothing to report. The temps in both closets are in the lower 80's. I hope this doesn't cause problems with the clones in flowering. Humidity is 45 with the clones and 60 with the mothers. Gave them a shot of micro along with peroxide today, now I prolly won't water them again til the middle of the week. Then they will get some molasses. I will post some pics of them all a little later.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

seems like the more grows under your belt the more fun it is.geuss that goes with out saying, Im on my third grow now and it wont belong till I will be pickin and grinnin:) yours look great next grow Im gonna try some store bought seeds. Anyway cant wait to se your end product:cheer:
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

seems like the more grows under your belt the more fun it is.geuss that goes with out saying, Im on my third grow now and it wont belong till I will be pickin and grinnin:) yours look great next grow Im gonna try some store bought seeds. Anyway cant wait to se your end product:cheer:

Thanks Fish. All my grows and harvest has been bag seed so far. I will be excited when I start cloning the mothers. I have already been told that I am going to like the lemon skunk. I haven't seen any journals for big bang. In a few weeks I will be picking and grinning again, my final 2 clones of bag seed will be done.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

Thanks Fish. All my grows and harvest has been bag seed so far. I will be excited when I start cloning the mothers. I have already been told that I am going to like the lemon skunk. I haven't seen any journals for big bang. In a few weeks I will be picking and grinning again, my final 2 clones of bag seed will be done.

mine too but alas my grass has no name, well maybe sarah, mary or my first grow might have been Pat lol as she turned into a baby factory and I wasnt sure how or him. but now I have the hankerin to go the next step. Just leary of getting those bean sent to me as where I live. dont want to send my cabbage some where and not get the goods wink wink:Namaste:
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

mine too but alas my grass has no name, well maybe sarah, mary or my first grow might have been Pat lol as she turned into a baby factory and I wasnt sure how or him. but now I have the hankerin to go the next step. Just leary of getting those bean sent to me as where I live. dont want to send my cabbage some where and not get the goods wink wink:Namaste:

Yeah, I know what you mean, I was nervous about it the first time I sent away for beans. But they got to me quick and stealthy. I know what you mean about going to the next step. I am working on that with cloning. I did two clones from bag seed, soon it will be time to clone from my Mamis. Plus, I want to do a bit more lsting.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

where did you order from if I might ask? I live somewhere between indiana and pennsilvania so well you know. not so leagal here:peace:
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

where did you order from if I might ask? I live somewhere between indiana and pennsilvania so well you know. not so leagal here:peace:

It's not here either but I ordered mine from our sponsor Single Seed Center.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

It's not here either but I ordered mine from our sponsor Single Seed Center.

sweet I love the fact that your post says it was at 4:20 lol. you recieved your order tho right?
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

sweet I love the fact that your post says it was at 4:20 lol. you recieved your order tho right?

Oh yeah, got my order in 9 days in a stealthy package with no issues whatsoever. But I don't order a bunch at a time. I usually order 3 at a time, too nervous to do more than that really.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

I heard you're looking to get a good perpetual grow going?

Can you get me up to speed on your plans? Give me a break down on your current setup and plants, growth stages, etc. I'll help you put together a grow plan and get you start in the perpetual cycle.
Re: Queen's Sophmore Grow F - Lemon Skunk - Big Bang - Along With Some Bag Seed Sprou

I heard you're looking to get a good perpetual grow going?

Can you get me up to speed on your plans? Give me a break down on your current setup and plants, growth stages, etc. I'll help you put together a grow plan and get you start in the perpetual cycle.

Yes, I would love to get a good perpertual grow going. What I would like to achieve is harvests about every 2 weeks or so. I don't know how many clones I would need to start out to do this. I would like to set this up after I move which should be the middle of next month. Right now I am trying to harvest the two clones I have left. Big bang and lemon skunk will be mothers. My Mamis are 4 months old from seed. I have them under 8 cfls. I am hoping to buy another 400w hps maybe by next month or June the latest. I also have a blackjack and big bud that I would like to get started along with the clones. But I also plan to make them mamis too. Did I leave anything out?
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