Recess Is Over - Now To Muck Up The Lesson

Skunkworkz, that self type regulation gets people busted... people don't like being made fools of or having their work rejected and laughed at and lots of people are arseholes at the core, usually the ones trying to con money outta folks.. A self regulatory ethical standards committee.. couldn't see that being corrupt and a shitstorm.. try figure out who breed white widow :rofl::rofl:
And God strain is another one, I know the guy he is just a hippie in Eugene Oregon that has no idea how far his strain has gone but since he doesnt actively claim it others do lol
...then again, people still but scratch-offs too The search for the Unicorn is very compelling...who's siggy says 'The best weed is yet to be grown' Unfortunately that unicorn will probably show up in some shed in Tennessee. :/
Im hoping it shows up at my house lol
Had to kill some time this arvo so caught up on here, quite a read, lots of good points in many directions. A unicorn pizza with pineapple sounds good. I'm starving. Lol.
Eh no reason to get worked up brother the knowledgeable will prevail and the fly by nights will be just that, you never know we might get an interesting strain or two from it all, the chances of creating a strain that last through the years is slim just take a look back. Lots of great strains were accidents too though

I got to add my 1 cent
Yer right a few great strains were from mistakes,, Original cheese was just an accidental cross pollination from some plants that was being grown on the roof of an old farm ,, who would have thought that would turn out like that ? They grew one seed and it was a legend very quickly in Britain ,, but can you believe such silly hippies lost the seed and it hung around for years only in clone form :rofl:But thats a true story I was very close to the place where the original grew :)
From cheese came the Widow that was thanks to our late friend Franco of strain hunters ,, he some how got a well thats all another story??:geek:As far as breeders go though the ones that work for seedbanks often dont have things even tested proper so from what I understood of a video I just watched there mostly in it for the money and thats that
Bud Buddies: The Search for CBD - YouTube
And thats just wrong when folk need stuff for medicines an not just to get stoned :thumb:
Agreed making better meds was the only reason I even considered crossing two strains but if someone trying to make profit stumbles onto something we all benefit. Our job is to be educated and help educate, why the likes of Monsanto and careless practicess is no good for any industry. Monsanto planted crops in and around other farms had their pollen get into the neighboring farms crops had their crops tested then basically made them rip out their crops because they have a patent on their pesticide resistant vegetables. The farms eventually went under with no seed and Monsanto bought bought bought. It's why Norcaliwoods strain that won't produce seed interest me, maybe you can breed a strain that only accepts a certain pollen from another strain of your choice to protect your crops from invasive pollen. Or just keep a mother clone of his strain. This year the mites in Oregon are real bad some are saying that it's not an accident. Who knows but education of the consumer, grower/ farmer, will be the key to good practices I have found so many myths taught as gospel it's laughable.

From cheese came the Widow that was thanks to our late friend Franco of strain hunters ,, he some how got a well thats all another story?

Franco had absolutely nothing to do with breeding White Widow. Scotty (Shantibaba) bred it when he bred with Greenhouse-a very long time before Franco's time. And UK cheese was a (very nice) Skunk #1 selection done by the Exodus Collective. Just a couple of minor corrections. For science.
Lots of marketing out there Jaga, but there are still lots of people trying to help others with what they need. :Namaste:

I'm still alive, just working 13 hour days.... plants have all been harvested.. hope your all well....
Redmud, good to see you around mate.. looks like your getting better.. good stuff..
Jaga you old hippie.. now you grow copies of it :rofl: have you looked around for a clone of it?
Skunkworkz, that's one story :rofl: one i believe but I'm been known to be gullible also, but I'll go with shanti.. I'll go with Jaga rather than internet on cheese, I think he might know.. where are all the other Skunk1 cheeses..
Caretaker, there's good folks about still...
feral:passitleft:everybody :passitleft:
Aussie :rofl:
Blaze :passitleft: :thumb:
I'm pretty sure GHS is still working with the original WW. They did have the breeder, whatever the hell his name is, working with them before he left and went to Mister Nice. And I guess GHS has claims to the name? That's why they call it black widow now. Sure he took the strain with him,, but you can bet GHS still has the WW genetics and are still breeding seed stock from it. I'm am not one to even care about a name,,, Copycats galore everywhere. But even copycats get some of the original stock and reverse it. Sure doesn't mean they don't have some good stock. Myself, I do like alittle read and find the breeders that 'invented' I use that term loosly, the strains myself. I think WW is one of the most copied strains out there. Kind of like Blueberry. Do I knock all stains except DJ shorts? Hell no.... I've gotten plants straight from DJ's gardens that weren't shit. Least in my eyes........ To me there are 4 kinds of weed,, bad weed,, better weed, good weed, and mine............
GL and Keepem Green
Hiya Norcali! .
From what I recall, when Shanti left GHS, he took the Widow parents with him. Meaning, he didn't leave GHS copies. Widow is an F1 hybrid, in order to properly replicate it, one would need the original P1 parents otherwise it'd be an inbred F2 generation showing unequal P1 traits & losing the homogeneous nature of an F1 hybrid.. He later said he changed the name to Black Widow to avoid confusion. Me, I've smoked a million Widows all over Amsterdam, and I find it boring as fuck, myself. But that's just me. And I ran tons of Blueberry years back, and hated every godforsaken minute of it. In my book, it's utter shite. But again, that's just me.
One of these days I'll start a thread "What I like & why" or somesuch, and if it doesn't get reported into the trash by the easily offended Special Snowflake Social Justice Warrior types that seem to abound here, it just might be an interesting discussion. .

Ok, ☕
From what I have read its the reason why GHS only really offer fem strains, they don't have the parentage to recreate it, Shanti took all of his parents with him and GHS replicated them, shanti then changed all his strain names so there was no confusion and nobody passing off fem copies or s1's of his strains as originals, GHS went to shit the day Shanti left, nothing but hermy riddled crap.
I think Franco got them back on track to a degree. From what I gather.. but he couldnt do anything with the landraces which is a shame (as in release them)
From what I have read its the reason why GHS only really offer fem strains, they don't have the parentage to recreate it, Shanti took all of his parents with him and GHS replicated them, shanti then changed all his strain names so there was no confusion and nobody passing off fem copies or s1's of his strains as originals, GHS went to shit the day Shanti left, nothing but hermy riddled crap.

Good summary.
To my knowledge GHS has exactly zero original P1 stock left. And you're right, they haven't done shit since. Unless you consider getting caught buying a Cannabis Cup (they got caught buying one, imagine how many others they purchased) & getting banned from competition years back as a result as an "achievement" in which case they're Big Winners lol .
I forgot all about that :rofl: :rofl: you don't hear much about or from arjan these days, maybe its just the fact nobody is listening :rofl: he doesn't give a shit about the product he sells, its all about money, he used to go on about how he was going to be the first cannabis billionaire and how he is the "king of cannabis" when he never even had a hand in the growth of any plants, shit I'm pretty sure nev carried the "king of cannabis" name a long time before arjan, arjan was a coffee shop owner, that's it.
I don't know anything about them really, read few things.. wouldn't know what he has said or whatever.. actually what I have read from him made him look like a tosser.. apart from that, if he says has p1 stock, I'd believe him, dudes a multi multi millionaire,said he was going to be first billionaire from cannabis. I'd say he could buy nearly any plant he liked..
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