Rifleman's Roost Open 24/7: Perpetually Perplexed

Nice drama in the last three shots Mr. McCain. :high-five:
Nice drama in the last three shots Mr. McCain. :high-five:

Click on the first photo Sue. That's the same plant that was foxtailing and looking like it was going to be a pitiful harvest. A week or so later and I'm having to use pipe cleaners to hold up the branches. :) I owe it all to Brian Griffin's book "Wish It, Want It, Do It". :rofl:

I swear, I better get some bad-ass harvests out of my HB soil or I'm switching methods next year. Your pictures make me hurt with sheer longing! Dammit already Rifleman. :kisstwo:

Nice to see first thing through the door. On my way to Canna and nis's. it's nis's birthday. Time to make a little noise. :laughtwo:
I swear, I better get some bad-ass harvests out of my HB soil or I'm switching methods next year. Your pictures make me hurt with sheer longing! Dammit already Rifleman. :kisstwo:
Nice to see first thing through the door. On my way to Canna and nis's. it's nis's birthday. Time to make a little noise. :laughtwo:

I hear DBHB is the stuff that grows legends... if ya follow directions. :rofl::rofl:

For those of you that have been keeping up, and have the ability to pick up on patterns, you know that this morning was a water change for the Dark Devil girls. It was done before the light went out on Day 41. #1 & 2 are starting to take off vertically... finally.:biglaugh: It's a wait and see kind of thing but obviously two different genetic expressions this time.

Enjoy the photos, if you have questions or concerns please speak up. I'm always looking to learn something new. :) :Namaste:

DD1 14.75"
Drank 11 quarts
Grown 5"
PPM out 704
PPM in 880
PPM nutrients 713

DD2 15.25"
Drank 13 quarts
Grown 5.5"
PPM out 681
PPM in 889
PPM nutrients 719

DD3 23"
Drank 14.5 quarts
Grown 7.25"
PPM out 734
PPM in 749
PPM nutrients 582

DD4 25.5"
Drank 14.5 quarts
Grown 7.5
PPM out 698
PPM in 796
PPM nutrients 628

Lucas.... it's amazing how the grow split itself down the middle. You obviously got two distinct pheno expressions. 3&4 scream sativa while 1&2 are almost falling asleep indica. :laughtwo:

I'll be curious to see how the smoke compares.
Lucas.... it's amazing how the grow split itself down the middle. You obviously got two distinct pheno expressions. 3&4 scream sativa while 1&2 are almost falling asleep indica. :laughtwo:

I'll be curious to see how the smoke compares.

You know the only way I'm going to be able to tell a difference is to take a tolerance break don't you? Dadjim woman, you cursed me ! :rofl: I hope it is two different smokes, I do like a variety. :)

I forgot to mention earlier, today is Day 90 for the Six Shooters. I see all cloudy with just an occasional amber trichome. They will get plain water only between now and harvest. I'm thinking Monday. :)
No need to put the SS(day 91) on a water only diet, they've decided to do it for themselves. I usually give them 2 to 4 quarts each day, this week they are not thirsty. Since Sunday each has only used 1 gallon. If I was the type to take hints, I'd think this was one. :)

The dark devil tent is getting full now. #1 & 2 are finally starting to get larger with the stretch. It's about time too, Day 43. Still not seeing any purple inside her pistil clusters. Can't call them buds yet, still too small. Amazing when you look at how far along #3 & 4 are. :)

How about a walk on the wild side with a little Dark Devil cannaporn? Just enough get you as excited as I am about having different phenos. :loopy: I've read that the all green pheno is a heavy producer, so y'all know my fingers are crossed. :)

Plants are looking awesome... not even remotely jealous....Lol...

Thanks Dhlx. The Devils are cooperating nicely, the others not so much. :biglaugh: I seem to have an interest in them only when they are growing and changing quickly. Once they settle down and start getting fat I lose that interest. :scratchinghead: I never was a chubby chaser. :rofl:

Yesterday was a flash of activity around the farm, so I didn't get around to posting heights or anything else. To ease your wondering minds;

Since last Sunday SS1 has had 8qts, SS2 only 4qts (big change there), AU1 15.5qts, and finally AU2 12.5qts.Yes water usage for the SS has dropped waaaaaay off. Chop chop snip snip soon. :)

The Devils are all still growing, #3 & 4 are slowing but still adding a half inch per day.

Plant..................48hrs.................7 days
DD1...................+ 1.75"...............+ 5"
DD2...................+ 2"....................+ 5.75"
DD3...................+ 1.25"...............+ 5.5"
DD4...................+ 1"....................+ 6"

Now you're caught up. :) Photos again on Sunday.

Peace out Y'all. :peace:


AU and SS received a water change this morning. The SS got water and Flawless Finish only. I also moved them off to the side so I could get the AU more fully under the light. I'll be harvesting them one day this week when I get the time. Once the SS are out of the tent the AU will be centered under the light and untied so their branches can splay open and increase light coverage. It might be what some would call crowded in this jungle. :)

Stay tuned for a Dark Devil update tonight when the light comes on. Photos included. See y'all then. :ciao:

All photos clickable for larger versions

Looking good Rifleman. Just gorgeous.


Thanks DW. Just stopped by your place and it was looking mighty greenish too. We might get a couple of decent harvests... in spite of ourselves. :rofl:

I forgot to mention earlier that it is Day 94ss and 93au. Since the sun just rose on the DD it is now Day 46 for them.

DD3 and 4 have stopped verticle growth at 24.5" #3 and 26.5" #4. Neither has had a gain in height in 48 hours. The other two have finally decided to take off, each gaining another inch since yesterday. #1 is 18.5" and #2 now 19.5" Both are starting to show their indica heavy side too as they are getting are round as they are tall. :yahoo:

I'm still not seeing any purple in the pistil clusters on the first two either.

This coming water change is supposed to be a new recipe for DD3/4. Up until now it has been calmag, mgb, voodoo, piranha, and bud igniter. Instead of hammering them both with all the normal additives that start now, I'm going to give one the royal treatment and the other gets the minimum. Same for #1 & 2 when they get to this point.

It is obvious I have two phenotypes, but the plants of each type are so close to each other in size, appearance, and up to now day to day growth and uniformity, that I think it would be a shame to pass up this opportunity. I'll be looking for a difference in total yield, size and appearance of buds, amount of trichomes, strength of branches, and anything else ol Roscoe can remind me of. What say y'all, reckon I'll be able to tell a noticeable difference? Worth the dollars spent? I'll let you know what I think afterwards. :)





So fascinating, the way this grow split itself right down the middle. It's also intriguing the way the 1&2 haven't gone purple yet, but 3&4 are screaming the color already. Let's see what your experiment shows. You're right, too good an opportunity to pass up.
So fascinating, the way this grow split itself right down the middle. It's also intriguing the way the 1&2 haven't gone purple yet, but 3&4 are screaming the color already. Let's see what your experiment shows. You're right, too good an opportunity to pass up.

It does appeal to the mad scientist in me. :laughtwo:

Good Lord man... you'll need some wedges to squeeze anything else under that light!
Sorry... I was installing some exteriors doors this weekend.... wedges on the mind.

The life of a landlord, neverending repairs and upgrades. :biglaugh: I've run dozens of scenarios of what plant is going where, and when. It's driving me mad. I thought for sure when I added the 4x4 I'd finally have room to turn around but the curse of the dwc giants is slowly killing me. Maybe I need to find a rental property, something with breakers instead of fuses, and steel exterior doors. Make me a deal ? :rofl::rofl:

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