Royal Queen Hulkberry Hullabaloo With Ganjagrandaddy & Only Golden Tree, Superthrive Additives


Well-Known Member
I bit the bullet and decided to attempt multiple journals with this Hulkberry and my barneys farm bonanza one. Fingers crossed. Here goes.

Strain: HulkBerry is Royal Queen Seeds version of Bruce Banner #3, resulting from genetic experimentation. RQS has successfully isolated the Hulk OG Kush-dominant phenotype. HulkBerry is the cannabis strain with superpowers.

Medium: Root rapid dwcr

Lights: 2X600w HPS Cool tubes( Shared among room) exhausted by 6'inch kvh fan
1 x 6 inch kvh filtered exhaust fan
2x 9inch clip on ram fans
1x 12 inch oscillating fan
1 x 4 inch intake fan

Room: 2Mx2mx1.8 apexed roof grow tent

Avg room temp 27.6°

Avg R. Humidity 48%

Nutrients: Canna Aqua.
Golden Tree.

Summary to date.
After a nightmare trying to get my new rdwc up and running with a ton of freebie seeds from barneys farm, i have now been left with spare buckets to fill so hit the breeders sites for days on end and after so many reviews, grow reports, smoke reports, past experiences etc.. , i came accross the Hulkberry on Royal Queen Seeds site and fell in love. All reports look amazing on this strain and with a view to a stable, regular and productive strain to keep growing. The Hulkberry is a great fit for me so i ordered 3 seeds and got a freebie seed as part of the deal. I waited like an annoyed shitzu at the letterbox, dumping anything without an international stamp behind me for a week and it arrived. The package was brilliant with a grinder, stickers and seed catalogues to drool over too. I got an RQS Critical as my freebie seed too. I had them all in de-ionised water that evening and tucked them away snug with our towels in the airing cupboard. 24 Hours later and all of the seeds showed their taproots so went into rootplugs and the heated prop. Sadly only 1 Hulkberry seedling made it along with the critical.
1 Seed died before fully sprouting and one seedling was so mutated it fused its coty leaves to her stem and died.
The remaining seedlings are strong and healthy though so i didnt feel too upset bit thought an email to RQS would register my dissapointment at the loss. They jave been amazing and have replaced all the seeds( waiting like a dog at letterbox now again.! Lol) so will still be able to use them as my main crop after all. Thank you all at RQS.
So now the girls are doing well and very nearly ready to join the rdwc party. They will be behind by weeks but i think i can manage them together
Ladies are a week in seedling stage now 2\10\18,and looking good on just a bit of water daily.
Welcome to the journal. Please feel free to comment/be heard/seen


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Thanks for sharing, I have been wondering about RQS myself. Sounds like you've got a good setup to get them to their potential. I've found with a lot of smoke reports that words like "productive" and "energizing" are used in a relative sense, meaning that the strain will have that type of high but still includes a sleepy "crash" phase kind of like coffee has a crash. In 14-15 years of smoking I've only ever found one gram of what was reportedly "some kind of hashplant" that had no down effect or crash whatsoever. Maybe it was a hashplant that was just pulled early or something, but I'll never forget that. Anyways, best of luck with the grow. I hope they turn out well for you.
Thanks for sharing, I have been wondering about RQS myself. Sounds like you've got a good setup to get them to their potential. I've found with a lot of smoke reports that words like "productive" and "energizing" are used in a relative sense, meaning that the strain will have that type of high but still includes a sleepy "crash" phase kind of like coffee has a crash. In 14-15 years of smoking I've only ever found one gram of what was reportedly "some kind of hashplant" that had no down effect or crash whatsoever. Maybe it was a hashplant that was just pulled early or something, but I'll never forget that. Anyways, best of luck with the grow. I hope they turn out well for you.
Thanks gatorgrumble. The thc content is in the high end between 24-26. The seed company are very professional and some if their genetics are legendary. Their handling of my germination issue was excellent too. To replace the WHOLE order including freebie seed and merchandise is amazing. The old name of bruce banner no3 has amazing reports of one hit stones so should be good for us old timers. Lol. She is a 9 weeker in flower so will be watching the trichromes in the hope of getting the "up" to avoid taking over the family couch. !. Hopefully journal will do her justice too. Welcome along
Just a quickie( i am getting old!)
The ladies went into their new homes last night and have seemed to settle in bery happily. They survived the 1st night now and look good and green. Been a little growth on stem length too. Have the dwcr sussed better now and following res change , the girls seem happy all round
Have stopped feeding nutes until Hulk has settled in but have been using additionals.
Been adjusting ph for past 24 hours to get it to 5.8 and now perfect.
Ppm is at 244 but tap water here is at 170ppm to start. Added 20ml plagron power roots and 10ml of their Zym
2.5ml superthrive
10ml golden tree
30ml liquid ice(temps can get to 30° with tent sealed)
Hoping just not using the canna nase nutes allows Hulkberry(and R.Q.S companion Critical) to acclimatise without burning her to pieces.
Writing it down has made me worry more now for such toung seedlings. Any thoughts welcomed


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I usually like to wait until they have a leaf footprint about the diameter of their starter cups before moving them into their grown up pots, but they should be fine. Seedlings are pretty tough unless being preyed on by mold or pests, so no need to really worry otherwise. It's probably still smart to not lay on the nutes until they have settled in but DWC itself is a bit out of my league to be honest, though unfortunately killing seedlings isn't :laugh:.
I usually like to wait until they have a leaf footprint about the diameter of their starter cups before moving them into their grown up pots, but they should be fine. Seedlings are pretty tough unless being preyed on by mold or pests, so no need to really worry otherwise. It's probably still smart to not lay on the nutes until they have settled in but DWC itself is a bit out of my league to be honest, though unfortunately killing seedlings isn't :laugh:.
Thanks Gatorgumbo. I feel you on the seeling killer thing too nothing worse than watching them keel over and die after nirturing and watching them birth. Thanks for the heads up on age to transplant. Been sesrching for a definitive answer and found many !. Went with my gut and after a pep talk to the girls .. following all the screw ups from the dwc start up , i think i might have it sussed now and they all seem happy. Will be on high alert now. Been an age of wasted time and electricity to learn this so far with new hydro as had done nft for years then took a 10 year break. Nutes and additives have become a huge defining factor for the mixes in hydro now too. Hoping my troubles are done now and just need some veg time for the little ladies to catch up. Wont feed any nutes for a few days and then will gradually up the ppm(nute strength to us coco/soil farmers). Peace
Another week gone by and they are still going ok. I wish I had more time to have left them in their birthing beds for a week longer but had to go for it due to schedules and other strains needs.
Start of week I added 25ml canna aqua which bought ppm up to 367. They've been moving slightly between ph changes from 5.6-6.0 so hopefully got some of the available low strength nutes.
They are today still ok although their city leaves and very bottom ones are yellowing . They are still very small seedlings so I dropped the ppm for them to 217 for a few days but now added another 25ml canna aqua. . Am assuming they need a little real food as they are also losing some of the vibrant green of new growth.


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Looking good mate will be definitely watching this one
More than welcome along fella. Been a shitbag to get it this far to date. They are looking better but still have a little ways to go before i trust their chances among the older ladies from barneys. Never a smooth ride but always a huge grin the first toke on a harvested bud.
Have you looked into the high cbd strains from any breeders for your health issues at all. It does seem their are a few now who know the value of this active ingredient to a new market of sufferers. Royal queen seeds ( hulkberry breeder and critical too) have a whole selection of these with great stays and info on their benefits per strain.
The hulkberry is a 29%THC minimum and a hard hitter and my other journal is mainly heady hazes. I use recreationally but also reap the benefits of the healthy side too. Love the variety of multi strain but a pain in the arse keeping them all baseline happy. Whole crop is now taking feed and i an getting fairly good drops in the ppm's between measurements now too. Think i am getting my head round rdwx a bit more now. Loved coco growing a heap though and miss the medium. Soil ( only two in soil pots doing a " grow caps" sponsored comp on here ) is not a medium i like much because of my heavy handedness. Nearly mullered the poor pineapple auto but the laughing buddha is stomping now.
Glad you can join me mate
Fingers well crossed for your current fears and a quick resolve.
Not looked into cbd strains yet, I wanted a easy grown low smell and at 17-19% thc been a first time grower I would be looking at 17% so thats pretty low into day standerds, and from what I have heard it's the thc that's a good pain killer, I do smoke a bit for fun but am so busy now and most stuff i can get is night time smoke, I originally planned to grow some green kush aka green crack supost to be brilliant day time smoke and for getting things done, I looked into dwc first but all I hear is it a pain in the ass to keep water temps down and would need a chiller and there hard to top up under a scrog setup, with the auto pots no loud pumps the rez is out side the tent so no heat build up, and easy to manage the nutriances also I can go away for a few days and not have to think about them, perfect for my situation, am glad to be hear mate wishing you the best of look with them
I get your thinking with the auto pots. Never used them before but seem an ideal way to go. It is very similar method to dwcr which is what i use. Normal dwc is a" per bucket" method but the R means we have a res/control tank to mix and balance ph , ppm ect.. The keeping cool thing is a pain but with the right supplements for eating bad bacteria( pythos ) then this becomes a norm for mixes. Purely for the growth rate and feeding control. So many methods and ways now , it can get silly with tweeks and additional needs as you try them
Enjoy the journey mate , the drinks and snack trolley will be along shortly.
These little ladies are doing well now and actually look like they are growing slowly. Have been dialling in the mix to get it to ppm of 400 and the ph has been fairly stable at 5.8-5.9. Been hard holding the nutes back as there are 6 other ladies alongside so they are gagging for a real feed now. Not having a chiller and relying on ice bottles and pythoff tabs has not paid off at all. A few of the pots have pythos i think and i am now in a scrap to not lose to it. Treating with a fresh res and pyth patrol and rot stop( purchasi g today)
They all still look good above but their are some slimy roots among the beautiful new white ones. I used a zym the other day so am not sure if the slime( which was easy to remove without too much actual root tissue in???) , is actually the zym eating up old roots. It was in small clumps hanging on it seems?. Going to treat it in case anyway.
Besides this , a quiet week for them!!. Lets see hiw they are with nutes now and am holding off the superthrive till its handled ( can help rot thrive too)


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So far so good. That’s some extreme yellowing going on. I know everyone is different but I don’t feed until there are 3 sets of true leaves on the plant. And before that I just give them a touch of calmag and root boosters
i have learnt a few lessons the hard way iceman420(thanks to you mate) , lol . seems to be testing me all the way and i so wish i had given myself an option to slow down but sadly had the opposite. 20 seeds from barneys freebied for journal, only 6 survived germing and seedlings, no idea how come so poor and not my usual experience. when finally had enough to go into the new system , i had held them back way too long for health and had to put them in while i waited for the hulk and critical to pop and grow...... and here i am now stuck with having to keep the ppm lower for the babies while the others are growing steady but want food. i had a panic session with the roots when i saw black slimy crap on healthy looking plants and in clumps. following grabbing hold and feeling around them the black stuff had not damamged any roots and easily came off. i have been using golden tree , some power roots (plagron) and their pure zym a few days ago. am hoping they have been busy munching the dead roots only. once washed off in the nutes, the roots were slightly stained only and had strength the golden tree ,which is very very dark and i now think that this was my sludge. it dissolved away once i rubbed it a little and no roots came away. lots of fresh white ones too. looked awful but i am confident now. still going for a res change tomorrow and will be using only mild nutes and 2 pyth patrol tabs.
Sir gigglewick, i have been reading up on ways to kill any root rot and come across a few forums and seen a few using the bleach and allsorts but worries me a little too much to risk it with them. thank you though. did go that route mentaly before i got my hands in there. fingers crossed. still growing nicely and i think the newest have started to eat too.phew. lets see. lol
i have learnt a few lessons the hard way iceman420(thanks to you mate) , lol . seems to be testing me all the way and i so wish i had given myself an option to slow down but sadly had the opposite. 20 seeds from barneys freebied for journal, only 6 survived germing and seedlings, no idea how come so poor and not my usual experience. when finally had enough to go into the new system , i had held them back way too long for health and had to put them in while i waited for the hulk and critical to pop and grow...... and here i am now stuck with having to keep the ppm lower for the babies while the others are growing steady but want food. i had a panic session with the roots when i saw black slimy crap on healthy looking plants and in clumps. following grabbing hold and feeling around them the black stuff had not damamged any roots and easily came off. i have been using golden tree , some power roots (plagron) and their pure zym a few days ago. am hoping they have been busy munching the dead roots only. once washed off in the nutes, the roots were slightly stained only and had strength the golden tree ,which is very very dark and i now think that this was my sludge. it dissolved away once i rubbed it a little and no roots came away. lots of fresh white ones too. looked awful but i am confident now. still going for a res change tomorrow and will be using only mild nutes and 2 pyth patrol tabs.
Sir gigglewick, i have been reading up on ways to kill any root rot and come across a few forums and seen a few using the bleach and allsorts but worries me a little too much to risk it with them. thank you though. did go that route mentaly before i got my hands in there. fingers crossed. still growing nicely and i think the newest have started to eat too.phew. lets see. lol
sorry iceman420 , i meant you corrected my mistakes etc... not you caused them. lol looked odd how it was written here. sorry fella
You have a lot going on in there. It’s a lot of work running that many buckets. We will get through this.
Thank you iceman420. Cant ever give up and have had a few "emergency saves" thanks to coco being usable following nft issues. Am determined to get a decent harvest from these and will( with jelp !) Nail this medium. Kust wish we could get the products so often mentioned on here. Z7,hydroguard not shippable to uk without silly cost. Is cannazym or rhizotonic anything like those. Been trying to find an answer for last two days with no joy !!!.
Little lady is doing ok but still very slow grow on here. Have managed to find hydroguard in the uk and its on the way. The root zone does have activity going on with the rhizo amd the zym going at it. Dark roots beong munched and some very slimy looking goo that dissapates when u handle it. Going with the hydroguard option as it seems to ne a very popular and standard use for dwcr. Cant find many "all "canna grows using what i am either so cant swim upstream and expect results i want. Lol
Added 150ml aqua
50ml pure zym
50ml rhizotonic
50ml power roots
20ml golden tree
Ppm 700
Ph 6.17( trying new thoughts and ideas on higher being better for heat issues).
Res temp 19.8-20.8
Adding ph up to most res checks to bring back to as near 6.2 as can get. Drops back to about 5.6 if left but i top it up before then.
Slow drop of water level
Definite growth and the others in look ok but not vigorous like i expected. Time will tell. Roll on hydroguard.


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Update: Have now got the hydroguard running full strength and had a total res change.150ml canna aqua , 70ml hydroguard, 20lm Golden tree . Came out at 500ppm , ideal i think now. The ph was initially 7.2 from fill but bought down with 20ml ph down. Now at 5.9.
The Hulkberry looks happy enough and have now put second pump to use so they all get way more dissolved o2
Made some diffuser rings from soaker pipe and connections too. A hell of a lot quiter than the airstones and cover the pots better too. Early days but feeling positive now.


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