Runtz X Afghani And A Little Bokashi Soil

You know that when you wrap your cloth pots with plastic that it’s cutting off the roots from getting O2 right? Just a thought 💭. You’re basically turning them into a plastic container. CL🍀
That's what I wanted to do, the outside of the soil gets too dry and doesn't let the roots grow out. Every time I pull a root ball its really small.
Prime example, this is the 2 that I just cut. Small little root, I don't want them to air prune, I don't let them get real big so I don't think they will outgrow the pots.

That's what I wanted to do, the outside of the soil gets too dry and doesn't let the roots grow out. Every time I pull a root ball its really small.
Prime example, this is the 2 that I just cut. Small little root, I don't want them to air prune, I don't let them get real big so I don't think they will outgrow the pots.

If that’s what you’re going for then cool 😎. CL🍀
Update 7/13/23: This morning I'm going to be giving all the ladies something to eat. I am giving them each 3 tsp of the Bokashi extract and it won't be long to find out if they like it. I'm sure the 9lb will be fine but I'm not too sure if the RXA will handle it, she's just not acting right for some reason.
Let's see what the rest of the week brings 💚

Edit: I just noticed that I mixed up 2 of my pots... OOPS.
The back 2 and front right are the 9lb Biscotts and the front left is the RXA.
Good thing I have that one in a different bag or I may not have noticed the mixed tags.
In comes the safety pins I guess.
Update 7/15/23: A day early this week with the update but I started 12/12 this morning. But tomorrow will be the end of week 7 above the surface, so my update day has to adapt and overcome.
Although this little RXA is a little behind of what I would like to see, she's doing fairly well. The node development isn't quite there but, she's going to be whatever she turns into.
Thursday I gave her 3tsp of Bokashi extract and 1 tbsp of unsulfured blackstrap molasses per gallon and we seem to be doing ok with it so far.
I'm going to be staying with a feed, water, water and see how it goes, today I'm going to give it a shot of water.
All in all everything seems to be going good with it, no sign of want or need so on I go.
Starting today I'll put a pic of the full tent in my updates.
Back 2 and front right are 9lb Hammer X Biscotti, front left is the RXA.
Let's see what another week brings 💚


Welcome to a brand new week my friends.
I just thought I would put this in here for a gap fill.

I started a new project the other day that I am going to try on a plant next spring.
Friday night when I cleaned up the plants to flip Saturday, I took all the trim and started some JLF.
I also started a batch of Fish Hydrolysate made with Ocean Perch. It's safe to say that my wife doesn't want her blender back after that little experiment.
I am keeping the fish in the basement but the JLF is just going to set outside under the tree until everything starts to freeze, then I'll put it in the basement as well.

Have a wonderful week my friends 💚

Just putting this in for a gap fill.
I'm sure you have heard me say that I'm always thinking about my next grow.
I was going to make a SIP out of storage totes but a friend of mine hooked me up with a couple shipping totes, so that's what I used. I still have a few holes to drill and a few things to get so I can finish the project.
But I also want to start the grow in a SIP starter pot so I hit the wife's cupboard and grabbed a couple containers, I know they're white/clear but I have paint.
For the sip cup I got to work with the Dremel and cut wheel and cut a pill bottle up, a few more holes and a little finishing play and it should work out ok.
Have a wonderful week my friends 💚




Just another one of those gap fill days.
So I've been doing some reading, not only here but a few other places as well. I went from thinking about how I was going to do my SIP build , to that gray matter I call a brain and got to work.
I still have 1 more hole to drill but my concept of a pot with an adjustable first stage training net is starting to come together. This should make for a nice 420 grow.
I'm just wondering how hot the water in the tank will get in a tent, maybe I'll come up with some kind of chiller🤷.
Anyway it's just a gap fill day
Enjoy the rest of your week my friends 💚


Update 7/22/23: And just like that today is the end of the first week into the 12/12 shift.
Everything seems to be going about as well as it can for this little girl. She's looking good at the top but, there's not much for node development with her. I'm pretty sure it's the bean but I'm going to let it go and see what happens.
All in all everything seems to be good for the moment so forward I go.
Let's see what another week brings 💚


So I'm in the lung room puff puff keep it for me puff puff again.
I've been trying to figure out how to came up with another way to hang my tower fan so the air isn't blowing in the same tired old place all the time.
I think I got it and so far so good with it and it actually works well.
I took a piece of 3/8" steel rod and drilled the ends out 5/16".
Then I cut the base off the old stand and drilled a couple holes and 💥 BOOM 💥, maybe I'll hang my other one up there with it.
Have a wonderful weekend my friends 💚



Check this out 💚
My wife bless her heart. She wanted to do something for me for my birthday earlier this year but due to the same issues that hit us all she was unable.
Anyway I seen the smiley face van pull up to the house and my wife said, that will be for you today.
Happy belated Birthday, and this is what showed up.
This lady I have does it every time ♥️
4 inch Vivosun inline and carbon filter. I don't need it yet but when I do it will be put to good use.

Nice bro lucky guy 👌
Just another gap fill day.
I was wondering the other day about how warm the water in a SIP would get with an inside grow. Well that got my gray matter working, I call it a brain but the wife calls it an air pocket.
Anyway I think I might have it figured out...
I went and picked up a pump and a few things from the hardware store and got busy.
After a few hours of playing on paper, I put the concept into a 3D working model.
This will also have a Ink Bird thermostat controller that I have left over from my last tent, this will be fed down through a graphite tube and into the water tank. Water heats up and the cold water from the exterior tank should cool it down. I have it setting in a condensation catch tank just in case it wants to sweat. Will it work,IDK but I'll bet we find out together.
I'll be seeing if it works when I do my next run.
Enjoy your week my friends 💚



Update 7/29/23: And just like that we hit 2 weeks into the 12/12 flip and this little RXA is making flowers. I don't know if it's something I did or if it's just weak genetics but I'm not real happy with the way she's growing, it just doesn't appear to have what my last RXA did. But she's still green so forward I go.
Let's see what another week brings 💚


Update 8/5/23: Today puts me 10 days deep into making flowers but for update purposes I'm just going to call it the end of week 1 and that's good enough for me.
All in all everything seems to be going fairly well with this little RXA so forward I go.
With this update I'm going to be feeding the girl at 3tsp of Bokashi sauce and 1 tbsp of unsulfured blackstrap molasses per gallon.
If she keeps going the way she is I'll be able to stay with that for a few more weeks yet before I step up the molasses.
All in all everything seems to be on point so on I go.
Let's see what another week brings 💚


Bokashi soil update 8/11/23: Today I'm 6 weeks deep scenes I put the pre-compost and forest floor in the tote, Bokashi means fade away and that's exactly what it did. I'm seeing a few things that are still identifiable but I'm going to put worms in the tote today so they'll do a nice clean up. This soil has the smell of a fresh morning mountain breeze, I could stand over this tote all day and dream of the smell of camp.
So there you go, in less time that it takes to do a grow you can have a little homemade Bokashi soil.
I hope this is useful to someone some day and please keep in mind if you are going to do this..
Make sure you are getting your forest floor from private property with permission from the land owner.
If you just go out on a mountain you don't own or have permission to be on and get caught taking FF... This little bit of soil isn't worth the price you will pay.
Once everything is gone I'm going to mix what little of my last run I have in with it, but other than that it's done and ready to go for my next run.
I keep all my used soil so this fall I'll do it again.
Good luck with your soil 💚

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