Second grow, Brickweed bag seed, all CFL's, Complete Journal.


New Member

after the dissapointment of yielding zero on my first grow attempt late last year i concluded it would be rude not to start over, this time more knowledgable on the subject, albeit only slightly perhaps as once again i learned from my mistakes with this grow.

Last time i was overrun with plants as i germ'd too many seeds and had to pull the lot, this go around my intention was just to use a single seed and even if it turned out male i would continue the grow and collect some pollen safe in the knowledge that 'one day' i would have some buds growing to pollinate if i chose to, of course i would just prefer the buds to start with. ;)

My grow room is by no means complete as i would like it, and during this grow modifications had to be made, some more essential than others but no doubt while the plant was away from the lights it suffered stress.

I germinated the seed using the paper towel method and planted it into a 15cm pot which was filled with a peat free organic compost.

The seedling broke ground on the 1st of January 2009 and i sat it underneath 2 20watt 2700k CFL's on an 18/6 schedule.

as the seedling grew over the next couple of weeks i gradually added more light, I am aware that daylight spectrum CFL's are the prefered vegatative light however the 6400k bulbs are very expensive and hard to find in the UK, I have seen them as much as 12 uk pounds each online plus postage for 30 watt cfls.

after extensive web browsing i found 30 watt spiral 2700k bulbs available locally at 3.50 uk pounds each, I cant find these bulbs anywhere near as cheap anywhere else in the UK, a stroke of luck, I got nine of these plus an 85 watt spiral and a couple of smaller UTube 20 watts, also 2700k.

I created some makeshift reflectors using the boxes from the bulbs some staples/glue/tape hehe lined them inside with diamond reflective mylar, better wooden ones will be constructed soon.

It seems the UK is way behind in cfl availability and competetive prices as regards higher wattage bulbs, not bad to say our government plan to ban incandescent bulbs, anyway thats for another post maybe!

I fed only water for the first two weeks, pH adjusted as accurately as possible with a liquid test kit and the appropriate chemicals used for alterations.

On day fourteen i transplanted into a 25cm pot hoping this would be the final shift.. I used the same compost i started with but added perlite (30%) and a little garden lime, fed 1ml per litre Bio Bizz - Bio Grow, pH adjusted as accurately as resources allow :)

At this point as i plan on adding pictures i shall apologise for:-
a) The quality of the image as a phone camera has been used
b) The lack of images throughout the entire grow period

DAY 15

lower leaves burned on the edges, i trimmed them off, must have overdone the first feed even at only 1ml per litre






DAY 17



I fed every 4 days or when the pot was light gradually upping the nutrient supply (bio grow) by 1 millilitre per litre

DAY 28

exactly 4 weeks since breaking soil and a foot tall, my guess height to induce flowering as i expect it to double in height and im limited for vertical space, started 12/12 lighting schedule. feeding 4ml/litre Bio Grow.

DAY 30

Introduced 5ml/per litre Bio Bloom as well as the 4ml/per litre Bio Grow.

DAY 38

10 days of 12/12 light,

lower leaves are loosing colour, worried about root bound because of the size of the plant compared to the pot, at this point i should have probably asked someone on here for some advice, but, i decided to transplant, a 16 litre bucket becomes the new home, modded of course for drainage. this time vermiculite is added to the compost/perlite mix from the first transplant, 3 different mixes for 3 transplants !
Introduced 4ml/per litre Bio Bizz - Top Max




DAY 42

2 weeks of 12 hour darkness and i see pre flowers, i had to do my research on these and have looked at multiple pictures of both sexes/hermie during various stages of maturity, but its still daunting when you dont know what to expect! :)

Great news!
I see llttle wite hairs, looks like she's a girl but im worried about light leaks in the grow room and it perhaps hermie'ing on me, fingers crossed.

DAY 60
32 days since 12/12 light switch, 18 days since preflowers showed.

plant is now 30" tall and budding quite nicely.

here are some pictures.









A liitle too hot in here, better extraction required.










DAY 61

OK this thing is really starting to stink, I have no carbon filter and i know the smell is going to get stronger in the estimated 3 - 5 weeks remaining.

DAY 62

It has to go im afraid, i know its very early to chop but the smell has me worried



I hung them in the grow room to air dry and they felt crispy after 4 days so i transferred to a glass jar.

I have no scales and am unused to seeing large amounts of bud so it's dificult for me to guess a wet/dry weight, half an ounce maybe?

The jar was near enogh full, but we have tried a 'little bit' over the last fortnight ;))

here's what left jarred up,


loose remains.


Immature buds maybe but i am quite pleased with the outcome of my second attempt/first harvest, The smoke is a lot nicer than the original brick weed the seed came from.

I just have a few questions about this grow that hopefuly someone more experienced could answer?

1. Did i need to transplant from the 25 cm pot to the 16 litre bucket?

2. How much longer would she have needed to reach full ripeness

3. Would she have grown more in vertical height, she was 12" when i went 12/12 on day 28, and 30" on day 62 when i cut her.

4. should i use a HID equivalent wattage light instead of nearly 400 watts of CFL?

Major plans for the growroom will be completed in the next few weeks, then i cant start again with some nice genetics.

apologies to admin for posting a complete journal into the in progress section, but i was unsure if i could post directly into the completed journal section..

just have a few questions about this grow that hopefuly someone more experienced could answer?

1. Did i need to transplant from the 25 cm pot to the 16 litre bucket? It looked ok, but more area for root development is better.

2. How much longer would she have needed to reach full ripeness: from the pics, maybe another 3 weeks+.

3. Would she have grown more in vertical height, she was 12" when i went 12/12 on day 28, and 30" on day 62 when i cut her. Yes, leaving the 18/6 cycle on longer would produce a taller larger plant.

4. should i use a HID equivalent wattage light instead of nearly 400 watts of CFL?
. A 400w HPS will be a greater asset than the CFL's. But you did produce some good buds from them.
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