Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

High Butcher, your information is always like good fertilizer... easily absorbed, and not too stinky :)


Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

Great to see things coming along for you Butcher. :cheer:
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

Holy crapamole Butch! :smokin: You are one damn fine breeder, that's for sure bro. That Kush and Mist especially float my boat. Love to see big fat leaves on a plant too, large solar panels=more good stuff. Thanx for the nute updates. I'm a GH 3-parter myself too. How're you likin' that Hygrozyme?

Can't wait to see what the next round of young adolescents bring. Rock on mate! :bravo:

Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

well put thats where i see myself in lab tryin to make the best meds not more money lab coat and all offical research
Re: 420 Consumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

Yeah just about all haze strains do, that and Thai as well. But in all honesty I've realized that with long flowering times comes short veg. So in my honest opinion, it evens out.

Think about it; say you have a haze plant that flowers 12 weeks, but grows very tall. Your naturally going to cut the veg period by if anything half your normal veg time. Say that would be 4 weeks so now your down to a 2 week veg; due to a big stretch from the haze genetics. So now technically your down to a 10 week flowering plant with nice sized colas, and a smell to match. So its not that bad, do you remember my mother Rainbow Kush going 16 weeks, now that was crazy. So if I can deal with a plant flowering 16 weeks you'll be all good. You have mad skills and unbelievable knowledge and experience with LED's :adore:, I truly feel no matter what strain you grab you'll make it work. :ganjamon:

Butcher is right on the shorter veg times with the Haze varieties, I have actually started mine on straight 12/12 straight from the beginning and in the end they were as big if not bigger than some of the plants that I grew with them that had a veg period of about 4 weeks...:roorrip:
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

Wow Butcher! The girls look amazing. So much great info thanks for sharing man!
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

Kinda all to be honest. But I never grow that amount all at once. I keep within my legal limits and pay my taxes on what I have to in order to keep everyone, including the authorities happy. I have a close set a friends that I trade and hang out with. As for my patients they are mostly cancer patients who I keep stocked on their meds (free of charge). That along with a few dispensaries who have been asked about my strains from random people.

These dispensaries have been trying to get me to grow for them for sometime now. I just haven't got the right offer yet, I'm more concerned about my patients at the hospitals. My last bigger pull helped them all out, by keeping them stocked for some time now. Plus with the passing away of my dear friend :rip:, I re-distributed his meds (free of charge) to a couple new patients that the had been suggested to me by their Doctor. I don't try to find them, I only take what the Dr. at the Hospital ask me to take. This Doctor doesn't smoke, nor condemns it, he knows that I grow for pure medicinal reasons. By showing and giving copies of my medical records to him, the hospital & Doctor keeps me in the loop on who needs what.

THE DOCTOR, I NOR THE HOSPITAL MAKE ANY MONEY, all of us are on the same page. Each and everyone of us do it due to being the best route for these patients to get through their days and nights. I'm not as bad as them, but due to having so many surgeries and injuries I use Cannabis instead of being stuck on vicodin for the rest of my life. Cannabis allow me to stay awake and not have to stress about getting addicted to an opiate such a Vicodin. And yes I literally have a lifetime prescription of Vicodin, and refuse to use it. Even my family physician is amazed, he says most people would kill to have it. I can't stand it to be honest, why should I conform my body to a med that can cause it to get sick cause I don't have it. Not cool what so ever.

Again though, once I do get an offer that fits both the needs of my patients and myself then I will play ball. I'm not trying to make $$$, I'm about making sure all my patients get their meds. I only get what is needed to get me to the hospital, since I moved another hour from the hospital. I have to keep separate books to ensure I have my car, gas and garden up to par. The most important thing is to keep the Cancer patients comfortable. Thats why this grow has been so important, these strains can and will make the meds more accommodating to the needs of the patient. Anyhow, sorry for the long answer, but there is to many details in that answer. :)

Finally some one who has it right. Good for you Butcher. The medicine is from our planet, should be our free right to medicate. You are awesome.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

The Last time I even took a stance like that I got bitched at Bravo Butcher there are so many people who would never consider giving away large amounts of bud it would all be about who will pay them , Do you distribute any of your extra amounts to dispensaries at all to help recoup your costs? I know here in canada growers are allowed to make a salary to par basically be paid for there expenses and time but not the product so arent you also allowed to do this with your excess beyond what your and your patients are allowed to have or do you destroy anything that would put you outside of the law?

And other then growing bud for others have you considered using your skills to breed and produce your own seeds you could prolly sell loads on
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

Are you OK Butch I havent seen you around? I hope all is well at the Butcher's shop?
Great Journal, it's always nice to drop by and see all the latest and greatest. BTW my man have you seen the Undercurrent system by Current Culture H20? I have a friend out here in the East using it getting 2-3lbs per plant with a 30 day veg and proper lighting. This system can be custom ordered to your specific grow-op specifications. What I saw is a beast and I thought I would ask your opinion.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

Are you OK Butch I havent seen you around? I hope all is well at the Butcher's shop?
Great Journal, it's always nice to drop by and see all the latest and greatest. BTW my man have you seen the Undercurrent system by Current Culture H20? I have a friend out here in the East using it getting 2-3lbs per plant with a 30 day veg and proper lighting. This system can be custom ordered to your specific grow-op specifications. What I saw is a beast and I thought I would ask your opinion.

An under current system isnt that just a fancy way of saying RDWC Wingman? I know there is a wicked thread on RDWC systems on -----. One thing I really like about RDWC is if you switch your baskets to using lava rocks instead of hydroton you get massive beneficial microbe colonies due to the extremely porous nature of lava rocks. I have read one grow journal there where the guy has his system dialed in so well he does a complete grow of 36 tree sized plants with no rez dumps at all. Of course he is using the standard lucas formula of 8m-16B but because of the nature of RDWC ,The massive microbial herd and the Large amounts of Disolved Oxygen these types of systems make use of the grower actually does 2 grows in a row with the same rez and says the second grow is usually much larger yield due to the fact there is an established microbial heard in the system when the young plants enter and there growth is explosive.

Now I will be awful red faced if undercurrent and RDWC arent the same but to check a RDWC system fills the buckets from the bottom and has a drain at the top using high power pumps you want to be able to recirculate all the water in your buckets at least 12 times per hour and the faster the better? The return lines dump into the rez creating a water fall action which results in large amounts of dissolved oxygen to enter the nutrient solution. Is that the basic idea of undercurrent? If so just changing the medium in your basket to lava rock will make a massive difference in labor load from all I can tell the larger microbial heard from the extremly porous medium allows the microbes to actually keep the water clean and healthy .. If you get a chance you should go check out ----- and do a search of there forums for bigtokes guide to water chemistry this guy I am figuring form his knowledge is some type of water treatment engineer .
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

An under current system isnt that just a fancy way of saying RDWC Wingman? I know there is a wicked thread on RDWC systems on -----. One thing I really like about RDWC is if you switch your baskets to using lava rocks instead of hydroton you get massive beneficial microbe colonies due to the extremely porous nature of lava rocks. I have read one grow journal there where the guy has his system dialed in so well he does a complete grow of 36 tree sized plants with no rez dumps at all. Of course he is using the standard lucas formula of 8m-16B but because of the nature of RDWC ,The massive microbial herd and the Large amounts of Disolved Oxygen these types of systems make use of the grower actually does 2 grows in a row with the same rez and says the second grow is usually much larger yield due to the fact there is an established microbial heard in the system when the young plants enter and there growth is explosive.

Now I will be awful red faced if undercurrent and RDWC arent the same but to check a RDWC system fills the buckets from the bottom and has a drain at the top using high power pumps you want to be able to recirculate all the water in your buckets at least 12 times per hour and the faster the better? The return lines dump into the rez creating a water fall action which results in large amounts of dissolved oxygen to enter the nutrient solution. Is that the basic idea of undercurrent? If so just changing the medium in your basket to lava rock will make a massive difference in labor load from all I can tell the larger microbial heard from the extremly porous medium allows the microbes to actually keep the water clean and healthy .. If you get a chance you should go check out ----- and do a search of there forums for bigtokes guide to water chemistry this guy I am figuring form his knowledge is some type of water treatment engineer .

I checked out Bigtoke's "How To" on the other forum and noticed it was posted nearly 6 years ago. Has there been any negative feedback on it in the meantime? I ask because this is the first I've heard of it and I've been gleaning stuff here for over a year now.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

To tell the truth there hasnt been any they have an entire section of there forum based on RDWC one guy said the only negative is the explosive growth rates and when he switched to it from a standard DWC or ebb and grow buckets he veged fro the time he would have in those systems with the strain he normally works with and ended up out growing his room.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

Cateros and Bolivar the Undercurrent System from Current Culture is a DWC where water is constantly moving and Res changes are few and far between if at all. As for threads on other forums I stay here with Our 420Mag Family. I have seen the system first hand and with proper lighting it produces like no other. Yields of 2-4lbs per plant are very common. These systems are custom built to your grow room and made me think quite differently about DWC.
Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports - Seed Madness Medical Grow by The Butcher

Cateros and Bolivar the Undercurrent System from Current Culture is a DWC where water is constantly moving and Res changes are few and far between if at all. As for threads on other forums I stay here with Our 420Mag Family. I have seen the system first hand and with proper lighting it produces like no other. Yields of 2-4lbs per plant are very common. These systems are custom built to your grow room and made me think quite differently about DWC.

Thanks for the info. Frankly, the aspect that interests me most here is not having to drain and change res every 10 days. I've never liked knowing that my res is getting more fouled and less efficient by the day...
I only have a couple of minutes before I have to leave again, but wanted you guys to know I am okay and very sorry for being MIA for the last month or so. There have been some unfortunate things happening in my personal life that have taken priority over my volunteer work here at 420 Magazine. If all goes well, I should be back in action shortly after Thanksgiving. I miss you all dearly and look forward to returning and catching everyone up on my life and grows. Thank you for your understanding and support, it means the world to me. :ganjamon:
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