Smoky's Grow - 1st Timer - Need All The Advice I Can Get


Is this anything ?
Yeah, those are new branch shoots since they're right where they usually come out from. If you don't have a loupe, get one, they're like 3$ and I find em easier to use than a scope for daily checking. You want to keep an eye out in the area where you see the shoots coming from, but like half a mm belowish kinda. The first sign is a little pimple, then in a day or few, it will turn into an obvious protrusion that is different from the shoots. The shoots come out of the joint, the flowers grow outside the joint.

;3 I love/hate this time. So much excitement and expectation that can be partytime or 'you just wasted 4 weeks'... lol.
That damage is from last year man!


You always watch the new growth for evidence of corrections, the older leaves you just learn to not feel guilty about every time you see them.
Actually, I think that some of that is new. And, I never discovered what caused the earlier damage. It isn't bugs. It isn't the fan. I can't see the humidity doing it. It's back down now btw. I'm thinking it has to be a deficiency of some sort.
I agree with Emi, that looks totally like balls to me. My first reaction was 'too round' and looking close, can definately see it raised up. And don't worry bout the calcium deficiency, since that's what it was.

Everyone's telling you it's old damage, from a newbie grower, to botanical expert, to a lazy grower* with fashion mag looking plants, if you've not found bugs, then put 2 and 2 together and save this for your next grow. You've got other things to think about.
*'lazy grower' is a measure of their experience level,ie they know so much things are never 'exciting'.)
Yeup. No sense taking more pics of him. You just need to decide now if you want to:
a. grow it out some to watch it grow (this is a very good idea)
b. Cut it out tonight.
c. grow it to get pollen to make seeds with.
d. keep it because you like living dangerously.
e. cut it and juice it. (don't bother trying to cook with it)
Damn Smoky. Sorry about your her being a he. Happens to the best of us, doesnt even have to be in Thiland either. =]

Faic, I was watching some youtube video of this guy who juiced cannabis and unexpectedly got stoned from it. Kind of funny, as that was a first for him. Is that it, or is nutritional value its only medicinal property in juice form?

Thanks for this journal so far, Smoky. I learned a lot from it man.


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Hey McSmokin, if someone juiced a raw plant and actually got high high from it, I'd have to say there was some decarbing going on from the heat in the juicing process, or they're a total light weight and got high off .003% THC :) .

What I can see, from just getting into edibles myself, is that you will feel a definate change. Consider that all weed has all the chemicals in it, just different ratios. Like the male plants I tried juicing and making butter with, they were in veg, but I did feel 'different' after trying the butter.

And I mean different in a good way, I also felt quite abnormal, since it's not normal to want to wretch and want to vomit. The negative effects were from how I made the butter, not from what was in the butter. So it's not hard to believe someone say they felt 'high' after juicing a plant. Because you're defineately elavated from where you were 5 minutes ago.

Ya know, what good is spell check without auto correct?

So is it benificial to juice a male plant? I'm sure it is, if you can stomach the drink. I'd think it would have the same types of synergistic effects as decarbed weed, or along those lines without the hallucanigenic effects. This is imo the correct way to approach the benifits of cannabis until they get caught up on the 30bajillion man hours of scientific research they're behind on.

But good cookies don't get you 'high' in my book anyway. They get you up off your ass doingallthethingsyoushouldbedoingandfeelingmuchbettertheentiretimeyourdoingit. Like, much better aspirin than you everthoughtwasfrickingpossible.

Mmmmmm coookiessss. Wow, revalation. The Cookie Monster, was a cookie monster, and Oscar was the grower, Ernie and Burt, obviously the sellers... Damn I have to utube some Banana Splits....
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