Stoned Henge Strain, Coco, CFL & LED

Thanks for the kind words guys,

we are at day 51 flower on the big girl, I am planning to start the flushing process in about a week, but leave her growing for another 7-10 days watering with tap water daily.


close up of cola

the little one seems like it could have been doing better. Not to sure whats up with it a little bit of yellowing on the tips & slow growth.

Any advice on either of the plants is much appreciated :)
Hi,Bernice-plant is looking great!
With all those fresh pistils coming in,you may have a little more
than ten days before she's ready-as long as the pistils keep coming,that means the buds are getting bigger...a lot can change in ten days,but she looks (to me) like she's got at least 3 weeks to go...Do you have a loupe to check the trichome color?
The little one looks healthy-maybe a little slow starting,but she'll catch up...with that yellowing,
she may need a tiny dose of nutes-not much at this stage,just a smidge...
thanks for the advice quite a lot to mention tonight,

The big girl is still swelling, her stench is getting quite overwhelming im concerned the close-by neighbours might be able to smell her. It also seems the tips of all her leaves are dying back, this is uniform across the plant (pictures 2 and 4) im not sure if the plant is naturally coming to the end of her life cycle. All the big buds seems to be developing in weird shapes on the top colas (pic 2). I also noticed some pests down in the substrate, they look to be fungas gnats would they pose an issue at this stage in the grow?





fingers crossed the bagseed is a girl, growing well. (check out that seed hull)

Edit: I forgot to mention i dont have a loupe unfortunately. I tried using an app on my phone and it was abit had to tell but seems that tricomes seem to be 10%clear 65%white and 25% amber.
Judging from pic two, she may have two maybe three weeks to go yet. I can see a lot of white pistils still in pic three and four as well.

Those tips being burnt like that almost looks like a bit of nutrient burn. Are you feeding her full strength nutes? Or what are you feeding her?
yes she is still pushing some white pistils, Id like to finish her as soon as possible as she is smelling. I live in an old house with lots of gaps in the walls, this combined with living in an urban area, where weed is still illegal has me slightly paranoid:nerd-with-glasses:. That being said I don't want to strip her from her potential but might need to play things by ear.

In terms of nutes Ive been a little naughty Ive only been feeder her part C flower nutes from advanced nutrients 3 part line. Ive been adding sea-sol to the mix every second day. I also have been measuring the nutes by eye judgement since germination so its definately possible I gave her to much one day:rolleyes:
I hate to break it to you, even after the plant is finished, your gunna have to think about a space to hang and dry the branches/plant. Which takes another week give or take. That’s the smelliest part of it all. Especially if you give it that extra time it needs to finish. In my opinion, I would recommend not cutting her down early, I’d hate for you to get this far and then be disappointed in the yield. She needs to finish her flower time and finish putting on that extra weight.

You need to look into getting your self a good quality tent and carbon air filter for more discreet growing.:rollit:
Hi,Bernice-She's coming along very well,as is the little one !

I'm in agreement with @Backlipslide about (ideal) harvest time being 2 or 3 three weeks away..

That being said,If you're getting very uncomfortable with the smell,you could smoke a little sample,and if you're satisfied with the quality,then go ahead and harvest her, because like he said, you're going to have another week of strong stinkiness as she dries...
She won't be as good as she can possibly be, but she may be "good enough"...that is your call.

The tip burn means(to me) that the nutes you're feeding her are right at the limit of what she can handle, so if it doesn't get worse,keep feeding what you've been feeding.

And this late in the game,I wouldn't worry about the soil gnats-maybe just add a little Hydrogen peroxide to her water to get rid of some of the larvae-the gnats themselves don't harm your plants,they're just annoying as hell.
Thanks for the advice guys
I've been doing my best to keep my hands off the girl however a few days ago I chopped all her small lower branches/buds. I needed the cfl light for the bagseed as the 50W she was under wasn't cutting it, so the stoned henge is going to have to finish solely with the LED.
A few days before cutting the lower branches I started the flushing process I flushed for 3 days before harvesting the lower branches which is how I have traditionally done things come harvest time in coco. But I like experimenting and this time round I am going to flush until the plant has sucked all the nutrients out of its leaves and is approaching death, shes about a week in currently and all her leaves are still green. I think she has at least another 7 to 10 days to go. I understand I will be sacrificing some yield and potentially potency? finishing her early but realistically after another week of flushing and a week of drying I will need the grow space for the bagseed I held off as long as I could however bagseed will outgrow its current space very quickly.

Talking about bagseed, I noticed a weird shine coming off the coco it was growing in (It must have been because I used recycled coco from some unsuccessful clones, i think the rooting gel must have reacted somehow with the coco and may be why I have been experiencing slow growth with the bagseed). I transplanted her into a bigger pot, removing as much of the spolied coco as possible in the process but not being to picky to the point of damaging the roots. As mentioned she also now has the 125w cfl. Since the transplant and light upgrade she has been one happy plant! Exploding in growth and her leaves are reaching for the sky instead of just standing up! I think bagseed will experience a serious growth spurt over the next few days.

Will update this awesome community with some photos when I get a chance.
Sounds good,Bernice-I'll be looking forward to the pics!
Great gardening, Bernie. That stonedhenge is looking fantastic! You chop when you need to. We won’t be upset so long as you throw us some budporn crumbs, tell us how she dries and give us her smoke report. Too early for an obit yet - she’s doing fine :yummy:
Beautiful harvest,bernice!
That is a lot of buddage!
That pic of her hanging is great!
And little junior(or juniorette) is coming right along- pray for female!
thanks everybody! AND WOOHOO first journal completed
After a 7 day dry she weighed in at just over 3oz. Her last bit of drying and curing probably took her back to 2.5 which im still very happy with!

I enjoyed her smoke and so did a few of my friends, she also paid for my electricity bill :thumb:

Unfortunately it looks like im not going to be able to finish the small plant off and probably wont have another chance to grow for at least a year. But ill be back :cool:
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