Stu’s First Grow

I think I will use that towel trick this round Nivek! Didn’t realize it could add that much humidity. I could use another 10% to put me in the 50-60% range during veg. Flower I don’t mind it in the 40s

completely dependant on the fan being directed at the towel,, does noteven need to be fully directly at the towel either,, just so some of the well moving air is blowing at the towel


this mine,, as you can see the fan is above the towel but the air blows down there as well,, it is the absolute same as one finds inside a humidifier,, but i need to refil twice daily and move the towel around and put fresh towels in occasionally. the towel absorbs the waters minerals and becomes less useful over time

as you might notice, i have two shallow dishes of water in there,, without this, my humidity is in the twenties, on a good day,, with this i am in the fifties,, tho it dips and rises but at least 25% more constant humidity in my quite small space
heya canuk,,

slow and steady wins every race, every time,, with nutes anyway,,

couple things i noticed in the pics,,

the little sprouts are wet, drops of water on em,, and the cup has a purple tinge like led lights,,

one never wants to have wet plants under led's, or any lights for that matter,, make sure they are dry bfore they get reintroduced to the light,,

one other,, the towel draped in a pail of water for humidity,, tho that does add some degree of humidity to a small space,, if you take a smallish fan and direct the air at that towel,, well now you have a humidifier that is worth the effort,,

i have one just as described in my small flower space and it adds a good 20% to the rh,, a steady 20,, tho i need to refil and adjust the towel constantly,, but it works and made a significant noticeable difference to the size of my plants

cheers friend,,


Hello! Thx for the reply....

I will stop spritzing my plants with water starting now!
I have directed my fan towards the towel ty
Yeah when I’m home I go in and re dip the towel every 4-6 hrs or so

As for nutes I haven’t used any yet and have no plans to until after I transplant, top and let recover, that’s the plan for now anyways.
And by the way. What kind of light is that? I know you said it's one of those cheap made in China lights, but which one is it and how many watts? Although they are on the low end of the LED lights, most of them work great.

I really know nothing of the light have no brand name info or anything, my friend was buying one and I said hey I’ll send you the money order me one to please I do not know the watts or anything, I have the sun system par meter on loan for the weekend to try and figure out exactly what it’s putting out.

As for nutes the I will be running the Sensi grow only when I do eventually start using them, the connoisseur was a gift to me and from what I’ve read it for more experienced growers, so that will sit on the shelf
Last Blue cookie finally saw the light and came out, unfortunately he came out with his shell on, I sprayed with water and gently removed it but one side of his leaves completely attached on one side, grown together completely, hopefully they find a way to open, I’ll give it another day or two and patiently watch as it seems to be slowly ripping that top leaf off

ha, such odd plants, indeed,, a new surprise round every corner,,

i wonder if that might be worth a bit o surgery,, perhaps with a sharp knife might be worth a try to split the leaf,, these plants so resilient

karma sent friend,,
wow,, great stuff, indeed,, i see the split in the leaf you was talkin about,,

nice work doc,,

strange tho,, tho already strange,, but no sign of the next set of leaves,, tho i think it can be a sec or twelve till the next set show,,

very interesting stuff,, cheers fer it
While today was another experiment of sorts, I moved one plant into its 3gal permanent home, they are all showing roots so I wanted to free one from the solo cup and get some opinions and see for myself how many roots there really were.
Do they look like there ready enough to transplant or should I leave them to get more roots built up, 6/9 have roots coming out the bottom of the solo cups. This one had lots on the sides that were visible so I thought I’d pick her for the test. Will be interesting to me to see how this one reacts over the next few days now.

Thanks for looking!
Hello, I’m starting this journal as it has been recommended to me as I am 100% a new grower,these are my first seeds and first attempt at growing. I have been smoking for 15 yrs and with pot becoming legal in Canada I’ve decided to grow my 4 legal plants and then some

Goal is to get another tent lights etc and have a veg and flower tent but for now I just have the one tent, a 5x5

I am struggling with low humidity as is cold and dry in Canada where I am, so I have a beach towel 1/4 in a bucket of water and hanging and a humidifier in the tent and have been able to get up to 38% rh, temps are 75-80 lights on and around 70 with lights off, as I have a small ceramic heater in there, have one fan blowing on the plants and one up top that’s on only when the lights are on.

Seeds were germinated on nov 11 and all showed tap roots after 14 hrs in water then spent 2-3 days in paper towels and all looked great, put all in solo cups under crapy Saran Wrap domes for a couple days now they are under the light about 15” away.

What strain is it? 3 White Widow (ww),
3 Blue Cookies (bc) , 3 Jack Herer (jh)
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Seedlings
If in Veg... Week 1
If in Flower stage... No
Indoor- Yes
Soil- Yes
Soil- Gaia green and blue sky organics
I obviously don’t know what soil I like better so I’ll be doing 1 seed of each plant in the blue sky soil and 2 seeds in the Gaia
If soil... What size pot? 3g
Light? Led
Is it aircooled? Has fans Yes
Temp of Room/cab? 75-80 lights on 70 off
RH of Room/cab? Struggling for 40%
PH of media or res? I don’t know
Any Pests ? No
How often are you watering?
Type and strength of ferts used? Advanced nutrients






Thanks for taking a look at my first post in my first journal, I spent a few weeks here as a guest just reading and decided to sign up, So glad I did! I’ve learned so much in my short time on this site and am so excited to get to learn more and become a legitimate grower who can hopefully become self sufficient one day. I’m looking for help along the way and to make some new friends on this lovely site. I’ve been following stinky snids grow journals in detail and will be attempting to train 3 of my plants, with his techniques.

Looking sweet bud! Can’t wait to see the progress! Cheers!
day 9
Decided to transplant some today, roots looked good so took the chance hopefully all goes well now!
My light can’t support all my plants, so I’m giving a Jack Herer and a blue cookie to the guys at my local hydro shop, my hurting blue cookie is still hurting lol, one leaf has started but I don’t think he’s gonna make it. Pretty sure I burned him with the lights also now
So I have 2 blue cookies I can’t grow that are decent looking seedling, sadly I’ll have to give away (anyone here from Regina sk and want a started 2” tall healthy looking blue cookie seed from cks?) if I can’t give away I’ll put him under a t5 and see if he stays alive



Yeah so if anyone in Regina sk, who wants a free blue cookie plant, just ask...would also be cool to have a friend that grows/smokes also, I’m the only pot smoker of my friends (except one) and no family smokes it.

Hope you all have a great night, thx for looking!
Light question
So this is the one I was and am considering getting, I looked at a bunch and 1000.00 Canadian is my limit
I was considering a Goliath till I seen these on sale just now, the 1200w is also the only one that’s not out of stock in Canada
This will cost around 900 or so for me, am I making the right decision here or could 900 be spent on a better light if I bump up the budget slightly and look for a better one..... an hour and a half ago I almost dropped 2400 on my credit card on a California lightwoks unit they had in one of my local stores that just opened, I went out for a smoke to think about it and drove home to smoke one......I’m a spur of the moment buyer so glad I came home to think this over.... it’s my first grow, I don’t think I need to spend 2+ grand on a light..... So is this mars a good option for me

(5x5 tent 6-9 plants is plans)


I’d start small and work your way up. Unless you just feel Like having a $1000-$2000 light. If your just growing autos in a 4X4, you could get away with Mars Hydro Full Spectrum 600w. Under $250 Canadian. I currently have 2- 300w Mars Hydro in my tent growing 4 autoflowers and they are rocking!! They give off a little heat too which for me is perfect. Beautiful colour and growth with Fox Farm! Save your money!! #marshydro
Happy Growing my friend.


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Pretty sound advice from Southern Farmer. That COB from Mars is pretty decent. But their cheaper lights are ok too, and being a 420 sponsor you can get some good support.

I run a FusionPro 400 from grow lights Canada. Seems to be a decent light too. Half the price of that cob if I recall. Built like a tank, free shipping in Canada too.
I’d start small and work your way up. Unless you just feel Like having a $1000-$2000 light. If your just growing autos in a 4X4, you could get away with Mars Hydro Full Spectrum 600w. Under $250 Canadian. I currently have 2- 300w Mars Hydro in my tent growing 4 autoflowers and they are rocking!! They give off a little heat too which for me is perfect. Beautiful colour and growth with Fox Farm! Save your money!! #marshydro

Okay thanks for the couple reply’s guys, didn’t expect many but was hopefull someone would chime in, thank you for the advice.. I plan for 6-9 plants and fem seeds not auto.... i got some more thinking to do before I click the order button, but I do really like the price of these mars, going to look up the fusion pro lights also

Thanks guys, have a great day
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