Tent Grow - Jack Herer - White Widow & Amnesia Haze - Mars II LED

wtf?!? (looking for an appropriate smiley ...) :surrender: (not exactly what i was after but it'll do)

I bought one off these "accurite" machines due to it's ubiquity :). Is it, at least, accurate "enough"?

[accurite:accurate :: shite:shinola? did i toss a piece of my tiny grow budget down the crapper?]

Edit: Sorry, guys. I should have read the replies before posting.

It's alright ButADream. I should figure out which one is more accurate.

Can I blame a bad grow on this?
Watch the colors change in the dark devil, it's like it happens overnight.

Might not. I think I gave all the girls too many nutes yesterday. Colors are changing from green to yellow. I'll be flushing early tomorrow morning to see if I can revive them. Only other thing I can think of was heat stress from yesterday.

It got warm here yesterday and I didn't turn the air conditioning on.

I don't think I've ruined the girls but they sure are ugly.:oops:
Might not. I think I gave all the girls too many nutes yesterday. Colors are changing from green to yellow. I'll be flushing early tomorrow morning to see if I can revive them. Only other thing I can think of was heat stress from yesterday.

It got warm here yesterday and I didn't turn the air conditioning on.

I don't think I've ruined the girls but they sure are ugly.:oops:

I'm sure you have seen how yellow mine is, with her rusted looking leaves. Her purple color came after she got sick.
JH and WW - Day 77
Dark Devil Auto - Day 54
12/12 started 10/30/2015

What I've learned: My mom used to say "less is more". When I look at the clutter around my house, I know her meaning. I've also find a similar concept when I read threads from experienced growers when they write things like "when I got my grow dialed in". My next grow will be with much less nutrients. I'm learning of the damage caused by aggressive feeding.

All the plants were out of the tent this morning for grooming and photos.

Jack Herer - She's now steady at 21 inches. I really don't expect much more vertical growth from any of my plants.


White Widow - 20 inches.


Wound from back building is healing


Dark Devil - 20 inches.


Starting to show that Purple that we all love

OMG, that purpling on the Dark Devil is amazing. I love the idea of getting the girls out and taking photos and grooming them (for some reason I picture your cat helping with that :)) -- that's what I didn't do on my first grow and it would have helped so much. Damn, I'm adding that to my list of things to do to become a better grower.

I still think they're pretty, by the way :)

Thanks MJ!
JH and WW - Day 78
Dark Devil Auto - Day 55
12/12 started 10/30/2015

Tent girls were given water with a tsp of Epsom salt yesterday pH 6.43. Somehow I have to figure out what's causing the leaf damage. I'm not terribly concerned but I know it's affecting the full potential of yield and quality of the flower.






I think they are beautiful MJ. They are going to fill in awesome! I also don't feed much, but, I don't flush enough either. If you want to play more, I recommend a coco run. You get to do "way too much" and flush it away everyday.. Lol

Plants are stunning!

Thanks man. I've already decided my next will be pretty much the same mix but it's been cooking away for about a week now. Without a doubt everything is in perfect order. This brings me to the following:

The cuts

These cuts were taken 10/16/2015 and I think they actually might make it.

Jack Herer cut - This one was planted in the one gallon in its rock wool cube. I'm not going to dig into it to check roots. It's got some new growth so I think it's out of the woods now.


White Widow is a different story as I went ahead and tore the rock wool cube looking for roots. Saw some little bumps but it went into the mix without any of the cube. I was just going to toss it out today but there is a small amount of green still there, so fingers crossed.

JH and WW - Day 79
Dark Devil Auto - Day 56
12/12 started 10/30/2015

I took the Dark Devil Auto out of the tent for photos and cleanup. The pot was light so these girls are using more water than I expected. I guess I should start doing a closer inspection to estimate finishing times.

Jack Herer


White Widow


Dark Devil Auto - Much of the recent leaf damage has now been removed.

JH and WW - Day 78
Dark Devil Auto - Day 55
12/12 started 10/30/2015

Tent girls were given water with a tsp of Epsom salt yesterday pH 6.43. Somehow I have to figure out what's causing the leaf damage.

Hey Jim, I see that you are using LEDs, and I also bought an LED about halfway through my veg cycle. I then noticed that I was having a Cal Mg problem within about a week or two of using it. Recently, I was reading Atrain's journal, and he mentioned that many people using LEDS are experiencing CalMg problems. I did a little research on it, and think that this may be the root of your problem. Most people are saying it has something to do with the light spectrum, and the addition of some CFLS or other types of light may balance out the light spectrum. I didn't do a whole lot of research on it, but figured I'd share the little knowledge I have on it with you, and possibly point you in the right direction.

Great grow you have here MagicJim, and I wanted to tell you to keep up the good work. Have a good day buddy, and I'll talk to you later. Cy.
Hey Jim, I see that you are using LEDs, and I also bought an LED about halfway through my veg cycle. I then noticed that I was having a Cal Mg problem within about a week or two of using it. Recently, I was reading Atrain's journal, and he mentioned that many people using LEDS are experiencing CalMg problems. I did a little research on it, and think that this may be the root of your problem. Most people are saying it has something to do with the light spectrum, and the addition of some CFLS or other types of light may balance out the light spectrum. I didn't do a whole lot of research on it, but figured I'd share the little knowledge I have on it with you, and possibly point you in the right direction.

Great grow you have here MagicJim, and I wanted to tell you to keep up the good work. Have a good day buddy, and I'll talk to you later. Cy.

:thanks: I appreciate the comments. Going in to this I had also read the many comments about LEDs and Cal/Mag absorption. I have added full strength of RAW's version of Cal Mag. to each nute mix. I suspect that my watering procedures are at fault along with original soil conditioning. So many times I just watered nute mixture rather than Nute/Water/Water. One more application of straight water should get me back on track. Then I might be able to rule out procedure. I guess I've intentionally pushed the nutes to extreme limits and I surely believe the LED light spectrum has some credence because posters mention the addition of Cal/Mag almost universally.

Next grow will move closer to organic as I've mixed the Baccto Pro with Fox Farms Ocean Forest at 2:1 with some additional perlite, azomite and lime. It's been cooking a week now and got stirred this morning. I anticipate that grow will begin water only with only modest nutes added as deemed necessary. I will early on provide Cal/Mag and humic acid.

Somehow I'll get it dialed in as they say. Again, thanks for your comments. They are always appreciated. I hope all is well with your dad's seeds.
:thanks: I appreciate the comments. Going in to this I had also read the many comments about LEDs and Cal/Mag absorption. I have added full strength of RAW's version of Cal Mag. to each nute mix. I suspect that my watering procedures are at fault along with original soil conditioning. So many times I just watered nute mixture rather than Nute/Water/Water. One more application of straight water should get me back on track. Then I might be able to rule out procedure. I guess I've intentionally pushed the nutes to extreme limits and I surely believe the LED light spectrum has some credence because posters mention the addition of Cal/Mag almost universally.

Next grow will move closer to organic as I've mixed the Baccto Pro with Fox Farms Ocean Forest at 2:1 with some additional perlite, azomite and lime. It's been cooking a week now and got stirred this morning. I anticipate that grow will begin water only with only modest nutes added as deemed necessary. I will early on provide Cal/Mag and humic acid.

Somehow I'll get it dialed in as they say. Again, thanks for your comments. They are always appreciated. I hope all is well with your dad's seeds.
I guarantee next grow you will be dialed in. I see it now.

My dad's seeds are doing ok. I had the second round of pollen sacks to go through, but they seem to be dwindling down a bit. I had a casualty this weekend with one of the seedlings. My dog topped it for me. This time right under my nose. Luckily, my dad recently popped about 10 seeds, so he's going to give me a replacement. Thanks for the kind words Jim. Talk to u later.
JH and WW - Day 83
Dark Devil Auto - Day 60
12/12 started 10/30/2015

Things are OK but I'm not seeing growth and bud development as I expected. Expectations exceeded reality and reality prevails. Come to think of it, my cab grow seemed to slow/stop when the stretch ended. My notes need to get better. :smokin:

Nothing in the tent looks great and I'm fairly certain this is an overall cal/mag and nutrient deficiency. It was probably exacerbated by straight water feeding for several days there. Full strength nutes resumed at last watering and I need to figure out when that was. I stayed well medicated this week and the notes suffered.








Give yourself a break... They look pretty damn nice! Much better leafs than any plant I've grown. Go back a week and look at your pics for comparison. It's tough to see new development when you look at them every day.

Are you rooting those clones under 12/12? One neat observation I've made is revegging flowering clones really leaves a new plant with awesome structure. It's like a FIM on steroids. You end up with a single stem and 6-12 nodes coming off it. Combine that with the mature behavior of clones vs seedlings, it's like growing 2 separate types of plant (although they are genetically Identical). It doesn't take a ton of light either. A single 23W on her 4-6" away for 24/day and she'll be ready for crazy veg in a week or 2.

Keep on those side views. I really like the structure and shape of that JH. Looking good sir!
Give yourself a break... They look pretty damn nice! Much better leafs than any plant I've grown. Go back a week and look at your pics for comparison. It's tough to see new development when you look at them every day.

Are you rooting those clones under 12/12? One neat observation I've made is revegging flowering clones really leaves a new plant with awesome structure. It's like a FIM on steroids. You end up with a single stem and 6-12 nodes coming off it. Combine that with the mature behavior of clones vs seedlings, it's like growing 2 separate types of plant (although they are genetically Identical). It doesn't take a ton of light either. A single 23W on her 4-6" away for 24/day and she'll be ready for crazy veg in a week or 2.

Keep on those side views. I really like the structure and shape of that JH. Looking good sir!

Hi Sptiz. Thanks for the information. I agree with the visual changes.

I'm not sure what to do with the clones. I'm not even sure they will make it but I'm going to box them under a CFL as you described above. I also plan to reveg Mary. One more project. Thanks for your support here. I really appreciate it.
JH and WW - Day 86
Dark Devil Auto - Day 63
12/12 started 10/30/2015

These photo-period girls have a breeder average bloom of 60 days and I'll be pumping nutes to them during the next two weeks. Buds are tight and thickening. There was a lot of leaf damage from some lack of nutrients a few weeks ago but I think I have them on the right track now. The Dark Devil auto may go another two weeks. We shall see.

Tent team


White Widow


Jack Herer


A close up of DD Bud


More of Dark Devil here
JH and WW - Day 89
Dark Devil Auto - Day 66
12/12 started 10/30/2015

I'm not sure I'll ever get a better photo of Dark Devil than this one:


I'm experimenting again with nutrients. Mix this morning was 1 Tsp Epsom salt, 1/8 Tsp CalMag, 6.5 ml Overdrive / gallon. Tent team was given 1/2 gallon distributed equally. Admittedly, leaves are not pretty but stand straight up towards the light. Buds continue to develop nicely and appear fully white for JH and WW. I'll check trichomes more closely today. I want to harvest the Dark Devil with only partial cloudy and just beginning to amber.

Jack Herer


White Widow


Dark Devil


*Gasp!* Your Dark Devil is so beautiful Jim. The leaf coloration is stunning in that last shot. You're getting close now, my friend. It's crazy, isn't it, how badly you want to chop something again? LOL! Been there, so I understand. Haha!

You've done well Jim and had fun, a most important consideration. :battingeyelashes:
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