The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

Yes indeed.
ah, perfect choice kind sir....
Bar, what's the music scene going down right now in NYC....what is the vibe...and the dancing....can you speak to that at all....sorry Sue and Dennise, I'm hijacking.....
Your asking me! I'm an old fuddy dud now. The last time I went to a night club I was like "WHY THE HELL IS THE MUSIC SO LOUD! I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK!" The most I do now is bars & old-timers parties. You'd be better off asking Babygirl; She's into everything from techno, rock, rap, you name it. But she can't stand commercial pop. And the rock she listens to, they're not even singing they're screaming.
Your asking me! I'm an old fuddy dud now. The last time I went to a night club I was like "WHY THE HELL IS THE MUSIC SO LOUD! I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK!" The most I do now is bars & old-timers parties. You'd be better off asking Babygirl; She's into everything from techno, rock, rap, you name it. But she can't stand commercial pop.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: You are too funny....I could swing circles around you...enough said..... :rofl::rofl:
Oh, don't get it twisted! Put on some old school disco, R&B, reggae, house, or salsa and you better come with your dancing shoes...
:surf: you make me laugh....summertime in the city....
I'm going to an Old-timers House music party tomorrow night.
now, for realz...what does that mean, can you explain....what is that....
Are you too young to know what house music is? It's a very up tempo, hard bassline driven music. A lot of it doesn't even have many words. My mother use to call it the THUMP, THUMP, THUMP music. The way the DJs blend it it's like non-stop energy.
okay, big reveal....I'm a big fan of 'so you think you can dance'....these young 'uns bring me to my knees....
Awwww guys, that sounds like such a sweet idea. Hahaha! Dale's favorite strain was whatever was getting him high at the moment. Ha! Not a fine diner at all, that Magic Man of mine. I like the idea of a memorial cycle for him. I have a nice selection of seeds on the way myself. I'll look mine over and see which one I think would have excited him most. Probably the Medical No Name. One of our best buzzes in recent years.

I fell asleep somewhere back around 8:30. Going back under now.

Pot Chimp, that would be torture applied with a side of loving, eh? Remember, we're all about the Joy here. :laughtwo: I know I'm going to pop this tent open in the morning and she's going to be thanking me for the change. LOL! We'll see in a few hours.

Until then, good night. :love:
Oh, don't get it twisted! Put on some old school disco, R&B, reggae, house, or salsa and you better come with your dancing shoes...

Raised in a fundamental church that disapproved of dancing. How ridiculously sad, eh BAR? Now at 61 and newly widowed, you wouldn't believe how much I suddenly want to not only learn, but excel at salsa dancing. If I win my lawsuit against the nursing home I'm promising myself here and now to take lessons in celebration. Hell, why wait for some arbitrary event in the nebulous future? I should do it anyway.

It's that finding a partner thing. Somewhere out there. He's probably why the sudden urge to dance. :hmmmm: Stranger things have happened in my life. :battingeyelashes:

Sleep is calling again.

Shawnee, you can't hijack this journal. It's about as wide open as my tiny closet was. LOL! I enjoy the conversation. :love:
I agree with your mom and gotta admit... I just as soon be shoot in the head as listen to disco...:straightface: Did I say that out load...:confused:...:blushsmile:.... However you did save yourself with the Blues....:circle-of-love:

As I read that a rendering of "Night Fever" started up in my head. Hahaha! House music is what disco wanted to be. House music resets your inner beat to whatever the DJ aspired to and drags you along relentlessly to the end. I see the draw. I have this growing urge to salsa dance with absolute abandon in the streets. Not sure where that came from. :battingeyelashes:
Sue, when you roast a bud, what temperature and how long have you found works best? TY!

I thought I missed something back here.

225 degrees F (no higher than 245, so 225 is a safe point for any oven) for 30 minutes. I once forgot them and baked them to a nice toasty consistency (over 90 minutes) and they surprised us by being even more potent, but I haven't had enough on hand to test that out again. One of my future goals.

Sooner or later I'm going to entice a group of us to try it and document, and we're going to be surprised at how it turns out. I'm sure of that.

edit: I bake the buds whole. I pick one that I think would be equivalent to a joint and bake it. I actually now bake before smoking. Defies the science by being stronger. Works every time.
As I read that a rendering of "Night Fever" started up in my head. Hahaha! House music is what disco wanted to be. House music resets your inner beat to whatever the DJ aspired to and drags you along relentlessly to the end. I see the draw. I have this growing urge to salsa dance with absolute abandon in the streets. Not sure where that came from. :battingeyelashes:
I see you truly understand house music Sue but I got news for you; True salsa dancing can't be taught in any class. You have to go to a salsa club, bar, or party and just feel it. It's more about the energy than the steps and if you don't have two left feet you'll catch on instantly.
Good advice BAR. We have a fairly active Latin community in The Burgh. I'll have to explore. :battingeyelashes:

edit. I read that and had to laugh. I married a hermit. I wasn't aware at the time we wed just what that entailed, because I wasn't aware of that character trait until I was so deeply in love with him that it didn't matter to me, but I haven't "gone out" in over 36 years, since I got pregnant with my first. The concept of going "out" is foreign to me now.

Must make that right. Just not right now. :laughtwo:

Baby steps.
It's crazy how I find myself here every morning at 3-4 AM.

Going to try for sleep again. :love:
Just back from my walk in the rain along the river. It rained the entire time. I think the did serene between the serious walker and anyone else is that the serious walker could care less what the weather is doing. It's the doing that matters. Creature Comfort has nothing to so with the experience. I've been training to walk unflinchingly in the rain for months now.

I have to remind myself every time that this is NOT a fitness walk. This is my way to reconnect with myself through movement, to touch base with my community once again and to reinforce why I chose to settle in one of the most beautiful river valleys in the country.

A steamy shower later and I made myself take a peek into the tent.


Yeah. I think she'll be ok. I'm pretty sure I will be too.

Susan rebuilt. One soggy step at a time.

Now for breakfast. I cheated today and stopped on my way back to drip at McDonald's counter, looking for all the world like a contestant in a wet t-shirt contest. Geez, no inhibitions at all it seems. :laughtwo:

To be fair, I thought about not stopping, but what do I care? Hunger overrode social sensibilities. I've lived here for over 36 years. They should be used to me by now. :blushsmile:
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