The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Hmmm.... I got the impression they blinked when it got hot. You sure it's not a heat related thing?

I wondered about that myself, but when I was chopping Early Miss it blinked, and it did so right now. It's only 81 in there now. Surely this panel can withstand temps into the mid-80s. That would have to be built into these units, I'd think.
I wondered about that myself, but when I was chopping Early Miss it blinked, and it did so right now. It's only 81 in there now. Surely this panel can withstand temps into the mid-80s. That would have to be built into these units, I'd think.

You'd think... but there are some electronic components involved. Blinking is a common symptom of some piece in the power conversion failing.
You'd think... but there are some electronic components involved. Blinking is a common symptom of some piece in the power conversion failing.

I haven't contacted Advanced yet. My previous communications with them haven't been their best customer service, making this more challenging for me than it need be. I'll try to tend to it today. There's this attitude I get that I shouldn't be complaining about a FREE light that, after all, isn't covered under warranty. A bit disconcerting.
Always on top of your gardens sue love to see your daily updates!

Why thank you Joe. You'd laugh to see how much pleasure I get out of pulling them together, so I'm pleased that they're so well-recieved. :hug:

A peek at the harvest

Early Miss (Day 47)


HARVEST!!!: Early Miss (Day 47)

I started off by pulling off all the necrotic fans and dropping them for mulch.



Certainly not my largest harvest at just 110 grams. I'll be lucky to get 21 grams dry. Ah well, she's a first time through. Next time I'll improve the numbers. She smells amazing! I still get a skunky ripe apple smell from her that's mouth-watering.










There's nothing to be gained in being less than appreciative for the limited bounty she provided, so I deliberately choose to be freaking excited to finally get to taste what so many of my friends have enjoyed. :laughtwo: I have to admit, I looked at that big pot of soil and this small harvest and thought "I could have fit two or three more hempy pots in that space and taken in two to three times this easily." Lol!

Ahhhh....... What have you guys started? :laughtwo:

Now that the tent's down to just one seedling I'm sorely tempted to make a switch and move the clones into that space. I'll hold off on that, because I know it won't be empty in there for long. I'll have another seedling up any day now and the clones that won't be going into flowering will join the tent crew for vegging.

Next harvest in about two weeks.

Hey, all you people I love so dearly....... get out there and have the most joyful day you can muster. It's a wonderfully bounteous universe just waiting to share with you. Be open. Be receptive. Be joyful. :yahoo: :love:

You know I love a harvest even when you get a light yield. :love::slide::party::slide:

Will you do an autopsy on the roots or is that a no till?



:laughtwo: That was fun Jim. Lol!

This is a no-till pot. No autopsy will be done. I'm chalking it up to overzealous training. I'm of a mind to believe this one wants to be left alone. bamaman has one growing at his place that stands a good four feet high and will be giving him at least a couple ounces. Mine survived my heavy hand, a mite infestation and a defective light panel. I'd say we did ok. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Daily Update: Carnival #2, Day 98 (Flip + 18)

She feels like she's close to needing a drench, but not quite there. I'm giving her one more day. That'll make her nine days between drenches, which is about where she was coming in earlier in veg. She's still mad at me. She's also still building buds, so I'm ok. I'd be happier with healthier leaves, but we don't grow them for the leaves, do we? That challenged DDA that arteekay and Jay are getting ready to harvest is a prime example. No really healthy leaves to speak of, but she still packed on mega blooms. You gotta love this species. :slide:






One more day down. I need to jump back into the pages and find out precisely when I started cooking my HB soil. It's time to get the little clone into more root space. She's not gonna last long in this tiny cup.




On to the daily chores, but first, a little bong dance with my DDA stash. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Ready for inspection Duggan. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
According to my records the HB soil was amended on the 11th, so I have one more week to go. I can keep that clone going one more week. :battingeyelashes:
Beautiful garden sue! Sorry advanced arent quite up to par with you. Congrats on the harvest. Looks yummmyyyy! :volcano-smiley:
Daily Update: Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Not much going on in the auto tent today.

Train Wreck (Day 11) She's still a few days away from her topping.


Still waiting.



In the tiny closet....

Dark Devil Auto ( Day 70)



As a comparison, here she is three weeks ago.


Coming along nicely. :battingeyelashes:








On to the clone shelf. On Sunday two of these get moved to the auto tent to ride out the next couple months while I finish Carnival #2 out. I'll be getting into these over the next couple days to get them restrained to control height when they get flipped.


First off, the Carn1 clones. #1 (Day 25)


#2 (Day 25)


#3 (Day 22)


#4 (Day 19)


#5 (Day 19)


#6 (Day 19)


The Carn2 clones (Day 7)


Emerald (Day 7) enjoying her surround lighting. :slide:


And that's everyone. Thank you for stopping by to check up on us. On to the rest of the day now. I'm gonna try to work past this pesky pinched nerve in my neck and get a session of Callanetics in. I took the past week off to heal, and I'm starting to feel a little stiff. Wish me luck. I still can't lie flat to the floor without head support, so I know I need to proceed cautiously. I promise to be gentle with myself. :battingeyelashes: :love:

I'll be seeing you all out and about in our virtual neighborhood. Until then....


Please do t top that little one yet, she needs some more love before the tough love.
On that note i noticed (not mich experience with autos, but photos), topping early stunns the plant for at least a few days where no growth occurs, as to where some lst to start with for the first 3 to 4 weeks then topping does not stop the plant at all, and i have an auto growing now its a royal critical, the branching on her is just amazing open long initial nod spacing making it look like a lolly popped plant with all side branching strong a couple as high as the main cola almost. So just my opinion, hey but what do i know., wish you a nice evening miss sue, love the updates by the way,i feel like i come in there and see your lovely healing garden.
Please do t top that little one yet, she needs some more love before the tough love.
On that note i noticed (not mich experience with autos, but photos), topping early stunns the plant for at least a few days where no growth occurs, as to where some lst to start with for the first 3 to 4 weeks then topping does not stop the plant at all, and i have an auto growing now its a royal critical, the branching on her is just amazing open long initial nod spacing making it look like a lolly popped plant with all side branching strong a couple as high as the main cola almost. So just my opinion, hey but what do i know., wish you a nice evening miss sue, love the updates by the way,i feel like i come in there and see your lovely healing garden.

I appreciate the well-timed thought Ketama. I was talking with my growing buddy with the larger Early Miss about letting the first time through plants have their lead, so I was thinking about letting this one grow without molestation. I'm not sure I can restrain the urge to top her though, because arteekay has demonstrated beyond any shadow of a doubt that topping an auto at this early stage is the best way to go and will increase yield.

I'll have to restrain her some for height purposes, but that can be more gentle than I did with the stunted Early Miss. I need to remember I have many seeds, I won't run out of them ever again, and I have lots of time to learn the strains.

Essentially I decided to take a deep breath and stop making the grow mean more than it does. Just relax and enjoy it. I have most of the major pieces in hand and it's finally evolving into something akin to a perpetual schedule. Every once in a while I need to remind myself that this is a hobby. :laughtwo:

Your Royal Critical sounds divine. You don't often get side branches reaching that high. Do you have any pictures?

I'm pleased you feel the personal touch in my updates. arteekay once commented that when he read my updates he felt like he was standing in the room with me. I took that as the highest of compliments, as that's always been my intention. Your own gentle nature shines through your posts. It's a pleasure to find you visiting. :hug: :love:
hmm thats interesting I topped this @ day12 and photo is day 22 when it was super cropped. Its a Beast now I just sold it today!


Great update Sue . :cheer:

Thanks Hab.

I will snap some exclusive shots for you tomorrow miss sue, i have been hesitating on making a journal but i just might, lets see.
I just got done from working down in the garden, it is pretty late here, so tomorrow i will snap some nice shots as i wanna show off some of my babies haha.
Ps appreaciate the detailed joirnaling for 2 apparent reasons, one it is beautiful to be able to see others beauties, and second reminders of trics and information one might already know just forgot to implement, some are new and lovely as is the case for the bag cloning method, for peopple with small amounts of clones i believe it is perfect even dough i am just now trying it for the first time so lets see.:circle-of-love:
I will snap some exclusive shots for you tomorrow miss sue, i have been hesitating on making a journal but i just might, lets see.
I just got done from working down in the garden, it is pretty late here, so tomorrow i will snap some nice shots as i wanna show off some of my babies haha.
Ps appreaciate the detailed joirnaling for 2 apparent reasons, one it is beautiful to be able to see others beauties, and second reminders of trics and information one might already know just forgot to implement, some are new and lovely as is the case for the bag cloning method, for peopple with small amounts of clones i believe it is perfect even dough i am just now trying it for the first time so lets see.:circle-of-love:

Good luck with the clones. Remember, don't open the bags for three days at a time. Sheer simplicity.
My black or white text, sorry if that came off brash I get that sometimes....

Awe Sue and in Red too. Red and White are my colors lol shhh .

Where is this breeding ground you spoke of? :circle-of-love:

In case you hadn't noticed (yeah, sure you haven't :laughtwo:) I'm kinda partial to brash. :battingeyelashes:

What breeding ground? You lost me and I'm too high to figure it out on my own. Help? :passitleft:
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