TimHomeagrow G13 Haze & Majin Buu In Soil

Well, I now have 3 in soil in solo cups and three that sprouted tails in water that will be planted tomorrow. These photos really are slow compared to my previous two auto grows.

In more exciting news....got the new mars Hydro tent and Mars Hydro TS3000 set up and running ;). Right now I have it at 17,000 lux to test it out. Seedlings will go in tomorrow I think. Currently they are in my original tent/light

I have the drivers on top of the tent on the wood that came in the box to keep the heat down. I'm having a hard time getting the top right side vent to cinch down tight enough to block the light leak....will look at it more. It's my Bday I ate a few gummies .

Silly question with photo periods . .....should I use the tent side vents or is it better to get an intake tube to prevent light leak?
I have same set up... Lights, tent size and exhaust. :passitleft::popcorn:
I may be over watering.....something I usually struggle with. Thanks
If you think you are overwatering, you probably are. :thedoubletake:You mentioned light pots... but you didn't mention that they were as light as a feather. When you have properly let the plants dry out the containers down to the very bottom, your human senses would not be able to tell that there was ANY water weight there at all... they would not be just lighter. At the proper time to water while in veg, the soil will be as dry as the Sahara Desert... the soil will be pulling away from the sides... you will probably think you are killing your plant! In actuality this is when the plant is growing the most new roots, trying to find every last drop of water in there. I regularly let my plants get so dry they start to droop... indeed I just watered a room full of them doing this last night. I should take a before and after picture of my plants as I do this... it would shock you.

Now that being said, you don't want to treat a very young seedling like this, since it doesn't have the roots to be able to drain that cup right at first. My general rule in a solo cup is to use a mister twice a day, watering only up to 3x the diameter of the plant and not with enough water to saturate the cup... just 3 or 4 good squirts. When 3x the diameter of the plant gets to the sides of the cup, I water the entire cup to runoff for the first time, and from then on, I wait for the plant to drain the cup of all water weight before I water again. Always when properly watering, I try to end up with the edges of the cup being the wettest regions of soil, so that the roots are enticed to grow in that direction.

If you do these things as I described, your plants will greatly accelerate their growth. You can't coddle a weed and expect it to thrive... you have to challenge the weed to grow roots and your eventual yield will have a whole lot to do with how well you accomplished this task at each stage of the grow.
Well all my seeds germinated haha. The ones in the jiffy peat came to life so now I'll have too many plants since I only wanted 4 in the tent. Thank goodness I still have my old tent ;). My plants from oldest to youngest are 7 days apart....this should be fun to keep track of ha

Moved them all under the Mars Hydro TS300, 18" below the light at 30% has me at 18000 lum's....same as the old light at this stage.

Let the fun begin!


One unexpected thing I've learned with these grows is how much my home temp/humidity changes with the seasons ha. It's an old drafty house and even though the basement is connected to my HVAC, I see some variance in temperature through the year. I think it's getting a tad cold at night for these little girls. Tent temp is 71-74 with lights on and probably 68-71 lights off. It seems may-oct would be perfect with a warm and slightly more humid basement to start veg and in oct cool nights during the end of flower really brought out the colors.

But a side by side comparison, 6 days apart, shows they are growing. The one at the 12 o'clock position is a free girl scout cookies auto...will be in my old when at some point. Middle one is the Barney Farms G13 Haze that was an over achiever and sprout a few days before the rest. The 10 and 2 position ones are G13 Haze as well and the bottom three are the Majiun Buu. It's from one of these "boutique" breeds for lack of a better term so I'm not sure the real quality of the seeds.

Some look not so great but they are growing so moving on. First time using solo cups and my watering still seems off. Next time I'm putting the seeds in their final pots like I did with the auto.

Well, busy morning over here.... transplanted all the solo cups except two as I don't want to crowd the photo tent. I left the worst looking two in solo cups while I think what I may do with those girls.

7gal pots with FFOF, no MC used yet....trying to hold off until the first of the year and letting them grow in the FFoF goodies in the soil.

Biggest is 25 days old from sprout, rest are 19 days give or take a day. Hope I don't run into one plant bigger than the rest the whole grow ha.

Two on the left are G13 Haze. Not sure about the others as I knocked over the peat pods and mixed them up. Both may be Majin Buu or one is also a G13.

Raised the light intensity to 60%, giving me 22,000 lum's at 22". I think that's good for this stage?

The free auto seed, Girl Scout Cookies, is in my old tent in a 3gal pot with the two remaining solo cup girls. 25,000 lum's at 22".

When I flip the photo tent to 12/12, will having the auto tent in the same room give me light leak through the other tents vents? They are about 8' apart and I put up some cardboard (will improve that) to stop light from crossing the room. Will this work? Should I move the auto tent to another room?
Well, busy morning over here.... transplanted all the solo cups except two as I don't want to crowd the photo tent. I left the worst looking two in solo cups while I think what I may do with those girls.

7gal pots with FFOF, no MC used yet....trying to hold off until the first of the year and letting them grow in the FFoF goodies in the soil.

Biggest is 25 days old from sprout, rest are 19 days give or take a day. Hope I don't run into one plant bigger than the rest the whole grow ha.

Two on the left are G13 Haze. Not sure about the others as I knocked over the peat pods and mixed them up. Both may be Majin Buu or one is also a G13.

Raised the light intensity to 60%, giving me 22,000 lum's at 22". I think that's good for this stage?

The free auto seed, Girl Scout Cookies, is in my old tent in a 3gal pot with the two remaining solo cup girls. 25,000 lum's at 22".

When I flip the photo tent to 12/12, will having the auto tent in the same room give me light leak through the other tents vents? They are about 8' apart and I put up some cardboard (will improve that) to stop light from crossing the room. Will this work? Should I move the auto tent to another room?
Here is a good light leak fix for passive vents...Vent light leak fix
Are the girls getting a little burnt from light? maybe just some hot soil for the babies. I found this if it's any help....

Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 2.05.58 PM.png
Thanks, I saved that. My lux is 22,000 so it should be good. I was over watering in the solo cups....last two grows were autos and went right into their final pot, I should have started these photos the same way ha
Thanks, I saved that. My lux is 22,000 so it should be good. I was over watering in the solo cups....last two grows were autos and went right into their final pot, I should have started these photos the same way ha
I can't wait to see what grows in those those seven gallon pots.. I'm just wondering... Can't you dim lights even more saving watts and putting light closer like 12 inches and adjusting dimmer until you achieve 22000 lux?
I can't wait to see what grows in those those seven gallon pots.. I'm just wondering... Can't you dim lights even more saving watts and putting light closer like 12 inches and adjusting dimmer until you achieve 22000 lux?
Probably.....just taking it easy on getting the light too close since it's new to me

The girls are loving the big pots after just one day and color improved. Note to self...never use solo cups and go straight into the final pot ha.

Since one has a 7-10 day head start I'm thinking of topping her after the 5th node and the other three after the 6th node. Do we think that will help to even out the canopy?

Big one got 1g of MC....may be a tad hot but I'll check tomorrow again and adjust if necessary.
Not much new to report, girls coming along fine. Topped the big one.

But I did have some mad scientist kitchen fun with the larfy buds from the last grow...gummy day!!!. I even cured it like smokeable flower to make it as good as possible.

Decarbed 25g of larfy buds, 250 degrees for 25 minutes. I swear I catch a buzz when it's cooking ha

Into the Magical Butter machine with 2 cups olive oil

1/2 cup of cannabis infused oil and 1/2 cup of water. 85g pack of jello and 2 tablespoons of plain gelatine over low hear, constantly stirring for 15 minutes


Using a turkey baster quickly into the molds and into the freezer. 30 minutes later ....yummy ;)

In total makes 30 gummies. Last time I used this recipe I used 14g of larf instead of 25g this time. Hoping my more potent oil makes the gummies more potent. Last time one gave me a really good buzz but I needed two to fuck me up . But the texture and taste is like a real gummy and they don't get oily or sweaty if out of the fridge.
Approximately Day 26, the bigger one is day 30.

Looking good other than my slight over watering again as I see dark shiny leaf edges and tips, not real bad but will be adjusting my watering.


Also noticed the first fungus gnat on my sticky card.....hate these things ha. Added some mosquito bites and also thinking of adding this pine bark mulch @Emilya suggested once. This is the right stuff? It's ok to water on top of it or will the line affect PH?

Approximately Day 26, the bigger one is day 30.

Looking good other than my slight over watering again as I see dark shiny leaf edges and tips, not real bad but will be adjusting my watering.


Also noticed the first fungus gnat on my sticky card.....hate these things ha. Added some mosquito bites and also thinking of adding this pine bark mulch @Emilya suggested once. This is the right stuff? It's ok to water on top of it or will the line affect PH?

I Looked everywhere for pine mulch per @Emilya. I miss America sometimes. I ended up buying Mosquito dunks I was told these work great and is an organic. I was also told to make sure pots get really dried out before watering.. I only saw a couple and continued to make sure I didn't water too soon and gone. Also air on bottom. they don't like that either.. I never had to take any action... saw one floating in water runoff and confirmed with jewelers loop. only one I caught.. In all fairness it was dead. So, I'd say over watering gives the gnats a nice environment to lay eggs... Just keep it dry.

Approximately Day 26, the bigger one is day 30.

Looking good other than my slight over watering again as I see dark shiny leaf edges and tips, not real bad but will be adjusting my watering.


Also noticed the first fungus gnat on my sticky card.....hate these things ha. Added some mosquito bites and also thinking of adding this pine bark mulch @Emilya suggested once. This is the right stuff? It's ok to water on top of it or will the line affect PH?

That's the stuff! You can just water right over it, and it doesn't affect the pH. It also sets up a layer of very beneficial bacteria growing right at the soil surface, that normally would be killed off because of the bright light.
Day 28...day 32 for the big girl. She got put in bondage today ;). Thinking she may get watered to runoff in the morning.


Amazing the growth in all of them in just a couple of days. Rest are starting their 5th node.
Watered to runoff for the big girl today. Next watering I think the others will get watered to runoff as well.

I haven't seen a gnat since adding the pine bark mulch, thanks for the tip @Emilya !

Lux meter reading 28k-30k.
Well dejavu again....getting spotting on the big fan leaves of my biggest/oldest girl. Growing in FFOF and just gave MC (1g) the last two feedings, around day 30 old. What gives???

Lux says 31k-33k, 16" height at 75 %

@Justin Goody yours looked like this when you have some cal mag?


Even a smaller one, still on just FFOF, no MC, 25 days old is also starting


Perhaps I've waited too long for some MC?

Full tent shot
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