Holy crap didn’t see these last posts - sorry for being so absent and thanks for all the suggestions guys.


That’s the second or third time that Bubba Hash has come up. I’m making a list. In the meantime I went through my freezer and tried to sprout the most likely victims. Out of four seeds only two sprouted. A Silver Widow which is struggling, and a Critical Plus. The SW was a suggestion, and the Crit+.... I don’t know if that fits the bill or not but I threw it in- it’s a Big Bud x Skunk#1.
I also sprouted another P Chunk.

In the quest to reinvigorate the original PC, I ordered the ingredients for making STS from the Internet, thinking to self pollinate it, only to find out that my 1/100 gram digital scale was busted. Took it all apart and finally found a loose connection and re-soldered it to get it working again. Don’t you love it when something goes right?

So I mixed up the STS and took it out to apply to the original PC, Only to find out that it up and died on that exact day. I wasn’t too heartbroken as I fully expected to do exactly that. It’s always been a tricky one. Rest in peace original Pineapple Chunk- we had a long run.

Anyway... I know I have some catching up to do here. In an effort to keep this journal alive I recently re-set the flowering light schedule to run in the daytime, which is a huge bonus for actually being able to get in there and work on stuff.
Previously the lights came on late at night and in winter time it is pure hell to go work in there after a long day. And therefore -no extra TLC or time left for fun- oogling plants, flower arrangement, new ideas etc.

The other thing I did is order a new HPS camera filter in the hopes I may be able to get some worthwhile photos in flowering for once. Not being able to take photos under the lights has been a number one journal problem especially when right now there’s no daylight here to speak of.

Anyway..... I actually just popped into my journal to try to find that video of the crazy Russian dude making hash with the CO2 fire extinguisher. I’ve not been able to locate locally any purely CO2 fire extinguishers. They all seem to contain various random chemicals which I’m not too interested in spraying on my buds.

Edit- I see now he wasn’t making hash- just dry ice.

However, I finally located a local source for refilling CO2 tanks. I have a large one I use for beer/wine/cider, and I want to see if it’s possible to make hash or extract with it.
I’m not 100% sure this is possible because I haven’t seen anyone do it but this way, but I would think it should be possible using the same method as with butane- ie pressurized CO2 forced through a bud filled tube.
Any thoughts?

This of course because dry ice is not available where I live and probably never will be. And I’m getting tired of making bubble hash. And it seems like every time I do it my yield shrinks.
OK so I figured out that I had enough CO2 left in my tank just go ahead and do a crude experiment. I did this in the most Neanderthal possible way just to see what would happen before putting much love into it, so go ahead and laugh.

So.... a plastic container with about an ounce of Y Griega bud in it, with a hole drilled into the lid- then forced/threaded onto the tank fitting, with the bottom cut out and a bit of T-shirt cotton cloth put over the bottom as a filter. A pan underneath to hopefully collect the - whatever comes out. Then crank up the gas! :thumb:

The buds in the container instantly took on the look of about 1000 pissed off hornets in a freezing cold fog bank. Spinning around violently.

Not much came out the bottom and I turned it off after a couple minutes.

I think the main problem was that the T-shirt cotton did not make an appropriate filter for what I was doing. A related problem is I don’t really know what I’m doing. I wasn’t sure if the expected result would be oil, something more like hash, or what. I see now the result is more of a dry sift. Which is something I know nothing about whatsoever.
I’m sure some of you guys do?

There was a lot of what looked like kief in the sides of the jar and stuck to the cotton inside. Some in the pan but not much.

I took everything from the jar and pan and shook it through a 190 micron bubble bag and this is what I got. I’m not sure what it is. Or what to do with it. But it smells good and it’s fairly sticky
I think there is definitely potential here if I tweak the technique.

I have to run now, so I will put some thought into this later. I’m going to email Grizzwald and see how he’s doing. Fires are scary shit.
Any of you guys work with dry sift? I know it has to be the traditional way of making hash.
What can you do with it? Heat it in the oven and compress it into hash? I know @PotChimp makes it once in a while.
I made dry ice hash in a bubble bag way back. I used some chunks of dry ice with the trim from a Cherry Bomb. The frozen CO2 breaks the tric heads off the plant matter and with relentless shaking, the bag kept producing some nice blonde hash is if coming from a 1 foot diameter pepper shaker. I sprinkled blonde for about 5 minutes and gradually began to turn green as the freeze dried plant matter itself began to turn into powder. I also saw a video of a tumbler that used gaseous CO2 which I presume would contact more of the surface area quicker, so I bet that way would start producing blonde immediately. Otherwise, I saw another video when gaseous CO2 was (sprayed?) into a pillow case which produced chunks of dry ice. Either way, you need a fine mesh screen to divide the blonde from the green.
Yeah broski. you made some dry ice hash. YUMMMM!
I'm afraid for Amy's forest garden. I know where she lives and the fire definitely went through there.

Might still be standing, might not. :straightface:
...Yeah, I believe it was still standing 2 or 3 days ago, she's safe, but her home/garden was SO close...duunno'...she has been updating through Shed, but nothing new for a couple day's...best wishes for her, Grizz and all the other Aussies on the Mag...

...cheerz... :Namaste: ...h00k...:hookah:...
OK I tried to turn the material I got from the CO2 experiment into something more resembling hash, by warming it up in the oven, but that didn’t work.
At this point I’m thinking I will make some sticky extract like QWISO or honey oil from butane, and mix that in with the powdery stuff to make it more functional.

Anyway, on to attempt number two. This used a 2 L pop bottle with the bottom cut out and a 160 µm bubble bag attached at bottom with hose clamp, for a screen.

It was looking good for a few seconds until I cranked the CO2 pressure up just a little too high (lots of pressure to spare!) and the bag blasted right off of the pot bottle, resulting in an explosion of powdered bud everywhere. :laughtwo:

I sifted what remained and got this.

Then I had another ‘good idea’. :lot-o-toke:

Why not refine it further by using the principles of the bubble hash method, trichomes being heavier than water? So I decided to mix it with water and let it settle. What’s the worst that can happen?

Ugh. This has turned out to be a real pain in the ass because the kief stuff does not want to mix with the water - it just floats on top. There is lots of stirring involved to try to get it wet. Should’ve stuck it in a blender or something. However I think it will work once I get it all wet....
Hmnnn...I'm liking the amount of kief and the ease you're getting it with the Co2...thinking about what chimp said, I'm wondering if you loaded up a small container like one of those little lip balm jars packed tight with a spoon or whatever, and tried putting that in boiling water for a bit...I'm sure there's small metal containers available, but thinking something more readily available that would hold up...just thinking out loud...cheerz... :high-five: ...h00k...:hookah:...
Yeah I do have a lip balm container with a screwtop and I will try that out in boiling water this eve.
I heated the stuff up in the oven yesterday as much as I dared. It wasn’t glomming together and it was starting to vaporize a bit and I was starting to get too stoned to continue :eek:

Possible that it’s not sticking because there is too much plant material mixed in/quality too low (?). But I’m not sure. It looks quite nice and white and it is sticky as hell. It’s all over me.... I’m really loving the high yield,although to be fair it is a bunch of fluff so probably looks more impressive than it is.

Overall I’m sure I’m onto something here. I’m getting a whole bunch of trichome dust out of a 15 second blast of CO2- as opposed to hours of pissing around with mixing ice and water.

I just need to refine the method a whole lot more.

Right now I have to change out of my sticky clothes and go vacuum out the shop :rofl:
I've never tried the ice wash has. It seemed like far too much effort for minimal return. at least with the dry ice, I was very certain that I got the majority of trics before I started seeing green matter and I bet using CO2 gas as opposed to dry ice is even easier and more efficient.
Hey Weasel! Saw your post about being a huge Ween fan over at Sky's so had to come over and sub up!

"Squelch the little weasel
Crush him before he spawns
Break it to me gently
But with merriment and song

Squelch the little weasel
Juice him as he bleeds
Feed him to the many
For thoust their souls shall weep"

now i gotta come up with a new name for your c02 hash method

took me forever to come up with 'weaseleys simple ice hash method'

maybe something like 'weaselcrackers crackerjack c02 hash bash'

ya,, i like that,, and now one can bookmark stuff,, so,, gonna book it friend

nice job,, now,, proper pics,, nice diction,, proper punctuation,, and i am all set

haha, cheers friend,, enjoyin seein yer work
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