
Stitoed-- About Tami, It's against the rules to talk about Tami here. Just saying her name was a risk.. You'll have to look for her.. I can say no more..
Wierd how that is huh... I'm not surprise. This plays has some interesting foibles.

I want one. Theres a bundle of tubes and such that makes up a super critical extractor, but it's a little spendy. Maybe someday.

Thanks for almost sharing haha. I'm sure you would have if you could.

So are you growing right now?
eBay might be of interest in that case.. I started a couple Purple Haze they're on last page of my waterfarm pimp thread, they didn't do well, inattention on my part..
A friend gave me some Danky Kong seeds from 303 seeds, a limited release.. Had them around for a year, started them and they were all males.. I did save some pollen.. I have three small Purple Haze females that i used the pollen on.. They have a bunch of seeds developing.. The Danky Kong is supposed to have a thc content of over 30..
eBay might be of interest in that case.. I started a couple Purple Haze they're on last page of my waterfarm pimp thread, they didn't do well, inattention on my part..
A friend gave me some Danky Kong seeds from 303 seeds, a limited release.. Had them around for a year, started them and they were all males.. I did save some pollen.. I have three small Purple Haze females that i used the pollen on.. They have a bunch of seeds developing.. The Danky Kong is supposed to have a thc content of over 30..
It's funny. I truly need to grow a high THC. Probably King Tut, but I chose Wembley which is like 15%. Not very good planning, but I smoke pot
The soil plant is doing really well. It's the first plant with multiple fingers on the leaves. The plants in hydro are all doing well. They all have good vigor and seem pretty happy.

Roots are hitting the water with this one

I got some stuff from BG Hydto today. A new humidity meter, some Hydroguard and a float valve. My float valve is slowly dieing. It doesnt want to shut off the flow completely. Obviously cant let that happen too often
So, my water pressure coming into the RO filter is at 92ish. Which is higher than it should be at 85psi. My filter is a Hydrologic 300. I bought the pressure regulator from Hydrologic, which cost almost $40... kinda pissed about that. I dont believe this thing should where out. I took out the sediment and carbon filters and cleaned them. Ended up breaking the wrench... that was super bitchen. I need to get the covers for the prefilters as they are gathering green stuff

I believe the pressure thing is a problem as the water coming out of the float valve has been getting stronger. Also my product water is above 150 TDS. Terribly disappointing, but I know where it's at and can compensate as I feed them.


All have roots in the water. The one that put the roots out the side is gonna pain in the ass. If I dont take care when pulling the net pot, or replace it I could wipe them off... I guess I wont pick up that plant. BOOM DONE

The dog leg in soil is doing very well. I think I told you that I placed another in soil, maybe not... I smoke pot. It was the slowest of the plants in hydro. Since I only want 4 I pulled it and threw it in dirt

I think that's about it. I hope yours are doing better than mine
Babies looking very we’ll
Thanks Jack. How are yours? I think I'm gonna venture out of my cave and look around. Maybe this evening... I'll visit the land of Jack
Nothing man finna cut some clones n slam in the ebb slowly getting there n dam they don’t have nothing since there doin all orders out of the uk no more us location for now witch sucks
Aw thanks man
Looks like she yielded well also so far that I’ve done that I would die to try was gifted some beans romulan/sky walker og man amazing stuff n I grew her in a small see thru tote just to see if she make it to harvest with out no goopies did well I was really surprised brother
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