What's everybody smoking on tonight?


Had to post a better pic. I need a better camera.

Oh crazy! I never expected rosin to differ much aside from the obvious lack of burning organic material :O
Very interesting (doing the Michelle Obama 'not bad' face)
Sorry I had wax/crumble/bho stuff on my mind, that all tastes bad to me...Had Rosin/Resin once tasted good was not a big hit though, had a 140lb dog bumping me with torch in hand blah blah blah, supposed to go to my buddies and press some of my last harvest to see whats up.... Every Wax/Crumble/Shatter etc has a bitter citrus taste to me and I do not like citrus. Keif/Hash/Flower mmmm
Hey all...

I picked up some raw pre-rolls a while back and I love the pre-rolled cone thing, just not the Raw flavor. Zigzags still taste the best. But I still suck at hand rolling so...I googled and found Element's rice paper pre-rolls. Anyone tried these?

Also...um...flavored cones? >.> Anyone tried those? Asking for a friend <.<
I need to buckle down and try to cobble together a rosin press. I've probably already got all the stuff to make one. Is rosin/resin/crumble/shatter/all that magical stuff you crazy kids have...will that lay down less gunk in my lungs than smoking flower in my bong? How's flavor and all that? Be gentle...I'm learning :green_heart:
Well I got two strains pressed and yeah.... It all has a bad citrus taste to me, that always seems to be the primary flavor that comes thru all concentrates (that i have tried). The only concentrate that didnt taste like citrus was when I made some honey oil with Alcohol from an old recipe that I lost 15 yrs ago, was very dangerous method but tasted just like hash very strong. Just gonna stick to flower, I wasted a bunch of flower for a bad taste in my mouth...PASS
Cinderella XX this is really great shit. Plucked a lower bud and threw it in candle/jar with a bunch dog turd hash pucks (I think 5 is a bunch) for a couple of days.


Plucked it, squeezed it and nuked it for 30 sec. It was allowed to age for a couple hours before I filled the Pax 3 and that was 30 minutes ago and I am half tripping. I haven’t posted in quite awhile. If you like a well controlled Sativa you might like this.
Rolled my first not totally shit joint this morning! Gelato_OG and Critical Sour Diesel CBD blended. I even 'popped' the end :p

How old are you? How you make it that long without rolling up? Your dude rolls for you normally? Have you ever used those little joints rolling things? The little plastic and paper contraption. Those are good for people who don’t like to roll. Hey I say as long as it smokes, we good!
How old are you? How you make it that long without rolling up? Your dude rolls for you normally? Have you ever used those little joints rolling things? The little plastic and paper contraption. Those are good for people who don’t like to roll. Hey I say as long as it smokes, we good!
42 and I was never interested in it. I liked booze and anything upper. I never wanted to slow down and I believed cannabis was the opposite of that. And no, he doesn't roll for me :D He has a really good rolling machine but I like the way the handrolls burn. Prerolls are ok for sitting and smoking but yeah...I roll a joint first thing, grab my coffee, and start working.
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