What's up people - New here and to growing

My think different day 30
Hi indocrhonic and :welcome:!
Congrats on your growing!
The pictures you submitted appear to be thumbnail pictures. Too small to get a good look at what you have going on there without clicking on them.
You should choose the full size pics instead of the thumbnails. ;-)
What kind of lighting are you using and how close to the plant is it? Leaves curling can be a sign of heat stress, but it can be other things too.
Also, what is your nutrient program and how often are you feeding? Type of soil would be great to know too. ;-)
oops, forgot one thing. Here's an excellent plant problem pictorial that you can read through and see if you can identify your problem in the meantime:

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial
whats up man yea i need to sort out the lay out of the pics and stuff just not used to forums yet :) im gonna start writing up info about my grow now and see what ues think about it. thanks for the info had a read through that and it helped :D im gonna get to writing up now. hope to talk and trade info with u ppl over the next grows. peace indo :))
This is my set up for my autos, something similar keeps happening to my plants:( anyway let me know if im missing any info thanks :D

Lights: 150w Cfl. One blue, one red . plan on getting led when i get the hang of things:)

Soil: Growise house plant compost mixed with John Innes#3 compost soil

Air Circulation: my grow box is in a shed insulated but since its basically outside i thought i might not need a fan or..?

Water: Ph between 5 and 6

Pot size: im gonna say about 3gallons

Growroom: 4f high by 3f long and 2f wide

this is my basic plan from the start the lights are on 24/0 because when ther of it gets to cold at the moment. i water every 2, 3 day depends if the soils looking and feeling dry. i have been feeding her with dr.hornby grow and gave her dr.h. bloom today because she could be lacking something that the bloom can fix, i read this but im not sure if shes in the same deficiency situation:/ here afew pics to look at and see if any u experienced grows have any good info on upgrading on what im doing. :) Thanks Indo :thumb:
this is when she got bad:( ..
and ..
I'm a newbie, I'm sure one of the seasoned growers can help ya, but these are my thoughts: Looks like you have yellowing on the leaves which could be nute burn..?? Your PH seems a little low from what I'm reading, maybe that could be an issue to. How old are these plants? What's your temperature & humidity?
yea nute burn could be a possible. in between 5 and 6 ph should be ok because its in the neutral zone :) now its about 35 days old and the temp is between 23c and 27c and humidity is around 40 to 45.

Do a search on nute burn here - you will find some solutions. I really think that is what's going on. You are correct on Ph, temp and humidity sound good to me. Hang in there - keep us posted I'm curious as well. :bongrip:
ok I read a bit more
use should be using water that's about 7ph ro water is good
you say you've been feeding but not saying how much
when did you start feeding it ?
and I would run a fan just for air circulation and to help strengthen the stems
ok I read a bit more
use should be using water that's about 7ph ro water is good
you say you've been feeding but not saying how much
when did you start feeding it ?
and I would run a fan just for air circulation and to help strengthen the stems

Thanks for the verification on the Ph, guess my initial post was correct - should have stayed with my first instinct! :green_heart:

I'm wondering if you might be feeding too soon..??..
im feeding every 3rd day whitch i realise is to much so yesterday i flushed my think different yday just to get rid of exta unwanted nutes :) any sugestions on a watering scheme becauce #1 i dont know how much to give her when watering and feeding. And #2 and when to water between days :) shes just 35 day old today hopefully she goes well
Watering is still tricky for me ... generally you should water when the first inch or 2 are dry but I don't water very often, maybe twice a week, or often I judge by the weight of the pot. Mine are in week one of flowering, they are between 1 and 2 months old (I planted at different times) and I thought they would need more water than I've been giving. I also feel the leaves and they tell me if they need water ... hope this helps a bit.
water when the pot is dry you don't want to keep the bottom of the pot wet
learn the dry weight of the pot with soil and water only when dry
if the bottom is always wet youll get root rot issues
roots need air too
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