Gardenfaerie Auto Journal

Hi Guys,
Here is a photo of (what I believe is) tobacco mosaic. Here is my conundrum. There are four auto/fems under lights in my closet. The plants originally struggled because it was too cold at night in the greenhouse (60F). I brought them in and under CFLs 24/7 for a week to push and fertilized once using seaweed. Only rainwater is used. Conundrum is; all four of these plants which were spindly and had floppy stems are now turgid, upright, have 6 or more sets of leaves with great branching. Can they grow through the virus? :Namaste:



Never done auto's but they don't like anything like some of my earlier twisting strains, and some may twist just because of rapid growth.

Most likely what I see is from the cold/heat stress etc....keep a close eye on em.

King John gets around, so maybe he can offer up some ideas for you.
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Garden if you will pop over to my journal (in my signature) and look for what is called the runt baby and she looked almost exactly like your baby and she has recovered leaps and bounds. I still don't know what exactly was wrong with her. She went thru a lot as a youngin' and I think that is why it took her so long to catch up but they are amazing and she has pulled thru extremely well. I agree with Heady about KingJohnC. He has helped me more than I can possibly express and I am sure he will make his way thru here. I highly recommend you grab hold of him if you can as he is a wealth of information. :goodluck:
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Yeah, I'm just going to watch them and the next plants I grow under the CFL's (as soon as they germinate) I am starting out with no nute pro mix, only using fertilizers which are designed for cannabis and I'll see if this gives me a stronger bud than what I grew outside last summer. I have to find those photos...
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Doesn't look too bad to me, but what kind of soil/mix are you using? Autos can be very sensitive to nutrients, and they are easily burned, also could be a pH issue, but it could be a number of things. Can you give us some more info so that members can better assist you, I will say it doesn't appear to be burned, looks like it might be pH.
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I mixed my own soil using 4 parts peat, 4 parts certified organic compost (completely finished not hot), 2 parts decomposed granite sand. pH is about 6.9, give or take a tenth. Water is only rainwater, pH 6.5. When I started these I put them out into the greenhouse and while they did get heat at night, we had some nights it did go down into the 50s in the greenhouse. I then brought the plants back in, 5 gallon pots, under a whole array of 42w CFL's which were left on 24 hours for a week to get some push out of the plants. I will go now and take photos of what everything looks like now.
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hiya gardenfaerie
looking forward to your works
do you have a journal in the forum area as well?
take care and good luck
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Thanks guys. Yuyo, this is my journal/blog. I did not keep very good records, but I started three seeds a few days ago and they are just germinating today. So, from today on I will take photos and post a complete account of what I do. I still have to figure out how to remember how I posted photos to the gallery! Like I said in earlier or other posts, I had encephalitis for 7 months a year ago and I have some brain or neuro damage. I'm slower than I was. Or is that just age? Hahaha.
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Hi Faerie!! You actually need to start a journal. Then once you do that you go to your tool bar and hit gallery then upload pics and it will give you the option to search for the pic you want to upload then on the journal you need to start when you post on there it has a tab at the bottom of the post area to add pics.
That link should show you how to start a journal. Hope this helps....:circle-of-love:
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gardenfaerie;bt7327 said:
Yeah, I'm just going to watch them and the next plants I grow under the CFL's (as soon as they germinate) I am starting out with no nute pro mix, only using fertilizers which are designed for cannabis and I'll see if this gives me a stronger bud than what I grew outside last summer. I have to find those photos...

I like nute-free ProMix for that very reason - a lot of planting media are so rich right out of the bag that it's easy to burn your plants, especially young plants. Nute-free media gives you a little more control over feeding.
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We just sell our Growology line, Dennise. Another nice thing about ProMix, though, is it's pretty easy to find. I think I remember you saying you're in a remote area, but I'm sure you can get some delivered.
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:thanks: Which one do I need to order? The Hp or BX? With this soil I could use your nutes from beginning to end with no other amendments????? Still quite the newbie when it comes to all the different types of mediums. I am also looking into high brix growing but think it is above my head still so want to start with somewhat of a organic grow. I know this would not make it totally organic but it is getting closer. Thanks for your time and help....:love:
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Like KJC answered in another thread, ProMix HP is a good choice - it has mycorrhizae, but you can still use Growology Step 1 with it (maybe cut back the amount a bit - you won't hurt your plants, but it might just be a little wasteful). Then use Steps 2 & 3 with no other amendments. Honestly, you're exactly the kind of grower we put the Growology line together for - someone who wants to grow great, productive plants simply and easily. If you have any questions at all as you get underway, just let us know!
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Hi Garden faerie,
let's get you going on a journal per the request for help on Dennise's thread.
First go to the "Grow Room" tab at the top of this page. Then click on "Grow Journals"
Then click on "Journals in Progress"
When you get there look just above where the journals are listed and see a tab "forum tools".
Click on "Post a new thread"
This is where you begin your journal. Name your journal etc.
Here is a link on how to make a grow journal:
Your first page should state all about your grow, the strain, lighting, soil etc etc.
Then we can work on your pictures. :)
Let me know or Dennise when you have the journal started. We will go from there.
You can always PM me too, I check PM's regularly. :)
As a matter of fact, I will send you a PM too and then we can get kinks out from there. ;-)
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