1st Grow - CFL - White Widow - Purple K - Unknown

Pot Priest

New Member
I'm tired of spending money on bud, so now I'm growing it. I have no experience, and all my knowledge of the subject came from this website.


All the equipment was given to me for free because my cousin tried growing but got caught by his rents. Yea nothing big time here lol. And I'm not sure why my pics processed sideways?? I'm using an iPad maybe that has something to do with it.








I got the Purple K seed from a gram I was given by the grower.

The White Widow seed was given to me by a friend, who said he got it from a batch of some widow, I have no way to tell if its really white widow until it grows.

The 3rd seed came from a half ounce of mid I bought, if it turns out good I have about 150 more for the same seed haha.

Medium - Miracle Grow and some Perlite
Nutrients - Alaska Fish (veg) Super Bloom (flowering)
Lighting - 4 60W CFLs dangling from my closet rack so I can adjust the height as the plants grow. (18 hours light 6 hours dark)

The biggest one is almost a month old.

Until next time. :Namaste:
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

they could be all boys, go to 12/12 to id sex, then u r growing, lights should b almost touching tops of plants

I can't flower them all yet and I want to do it all at once, if they're all males then ill have to redo everything.

Edit: thanks, just moved the light closer and put some styrofoam under the younger plants pots to raise them towards the light a few more inches.
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

Update: Added another 60 watt CFL bulb. Now there's 5 of them, and used some of my engineering skills to get some more air flow in there. Spraying with water about 5 times a day, is that too little? Too much? Anything I should change about the setup? Input in very appreciated.

Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

5/23: Built this makeshift grow box from scratch, I think I'll stick with it til the end.


That's all for now!
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

5-24: Tried to do some topping and stress training (my first time ever trying) i was kind of scared! I also took 2 fan leaves off that were blocking light to some of the new nodes. So I trimmed, topped, and lst'd all in one. I'm playing reggae to calm them down lol.

Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

Any and all input is appreciated! Even negative lol I need some guidance.
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

subscribed. you want to stay away from Miracle Grow soil, the time released fertilizer in it is usually too strong for small seeds and seedlings. a better mixture would be peat moss, perlite and vermiculite.
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

subscribed. you want to stay away from Miracle Grow soil, the time released fertilizer in it is usually too strong for small seeds and seedlings. a better mixture would be peat moss, perlite and vermiculite.

should I switch on the smallest plant? (Purple K)
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

I'm really excited about this white widow to be honest, it's low to the ground and its first few leaf sets are sooo much more fat than the more the older plant. Looks indica and that's what I want
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

i would switch out the Miracle Grow soil myself. i still have a half used bag from years ago when i made the same mistake thinking i was giving my plants an edge to start growing. wait until your plants have 4-5 leaf sets growing and are 4-5 inches tall before starting them on 1/4 strength nutrients and gradually increase the nutrient strength by 1/4 each week until you are at a full dose. your tallest plant i believe you can start on some nutrients. if you see signs of leaf tips browning or other disturbances in the leaves flush them with pH adjusted water. pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless(peat moss or coco) pH 6.5 for soil. you should be pH adjusting your water you feed them now to avoid any lockout/deficiency. you can do this with either pH test drops or a pH meter. i would recommend a pH meter myself. a pH meter has to be re calibrated every 2 weeks to maintain accuracy. most pH meters are adjusted with a pH 7 and a pH 4 solution but if you get one check with the seller. do not let a pH meter dry out, store with either storage solution or pH 7 solution in its cap to keep the probe from drying out.

here is a pH chart showing which nutrients can be absorbed through the pH range


you may like this one
https://www.google.com shopping hanna pH meter

here are a few searches for pH meters

https://www.google.com search digital pH meter

https://www.google.com search digital ph tester
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

This is really helpful King, much appreciated! I get paid next week so ill make some more necessary investments.

5-25: Plant seems to be responding well to stress training and topping, I can already see where the top is splitting into 2, whereas it was only going as one stem thing before the topping.
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

Can't really tell for sure but are those little oval balls at the top notch? It looks male if they are. I'm a noobie too by the way. My girls (feminized) have got white hairs all over. Your setup and your plants look great tho! Happy growing!
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

Can't really tell for sure but are those little oval balls at the top notch? It looks male if they are. I'm a noobie too by the way. My girls (feminized) have got white hairs all over. Your setup and your plants look great tho! Happy growing!

Yeah those are but I don't think they are pollen sacks, just new leaves forming. How old are your girls? And thanks haha it all cost under 100 bucks.
Re: 1st grow, CFL, WhiteWidow/PurpleK/Unknown

Yeah those are but I don't think they are pollen sacks, just new leaves forming. How old are your girls? And thanks haha it all cost under 100 bucks.
Glad those are'nt balls. Yea but creativity is priceless. My Girls are 8 weeks old and I just flipped into flower last nite. 8 weeks is a long veg but they were really sickly things for the first 6 weeks. Now they are little monsters at 14".
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