1st LED Grow - 600W LED


Well-Known Member
I have 4 white widow fem sprouted 9 days ago, I think I had this light to close at about 20 inches , heard 30 to 36 is recommended ? seedling are straight no stretching if anything seem stunted a little? second set of true leaves appeared to day, but very small. I moved the light up today, running 18 on 6 off. in 16 oz cups coco, seed starter soil, perlite, watering every other day .....I have a bag of happy frog but not sure how long to wait to transplant , im thinking 3 weeks in? any advice is appreciated.
I have 4 white widow fem sprouted 9 days ago, I think I had this light to close at about 20 inches , heard 30 to 36 is recommended ? seedling are straight no stretching if anything seem stunted a little? second set of true leaves appeared to day, but very small. I moved the light up today, running 18 on 6 off. in 16 oz cups coco, seed starter soil, perlite, watering every other day .....I have a bag of happy frog but not sure how long to wait to transplant , im thinking 3 weeks in? any advice is appreciated.

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Starting a journal is a good way to get help.

Transplant when the leaves are even with the side of the cup, they will start being root bound at that point.

Be careful watering every day until you transplant. The roots may be too wet (with the soil+pearlite). You can pick up the cup, and if it's light water it. If it has any weight to it, it may still be wet. Pearlite will retain some water. The soil will retain a lot of water.

In the beginning, you may want your light as high as you can go within reason. Not more than 4 feet. Blue spectrum only if you have a switch.

You may need to put a bottle over the plants if they are looking puny. The roots may need help from the leaves in water absorption.

Welcome to the forum. :welcome:

Join, participate and belong. Most here are easy going and will offer help where they can.

Can't help too much without pictures. Also, if you make your own album, be sure to set it to members only, and not album owner only.
I have 4 white widow fem sprouted 9 days ago, I think I had this light to close at about 20 inches , heard 30 to 36 is recommended ? seedling are straight no stretching if anything seem stunted a little? second set of true leaves appeared to day, but very small. I moved the light up today, running 18 on 6 off. in 16 oz cups coco, seed starter soil, perlite, watering every other day .....I have a bag of happy frog but not sure how long to wait to transplant , im thinking 3 weeks in? any advice is appreciated.
The for the info on led height, I got some pics added to a gallery here, gonna try to get a journal going later tonight
If you make a post and click the gallery embed (camera icon) above and click on the pictures you want to include, then scroll down and click continue, it will put their link in the post. If you camera icon is greyed out (or you can't see it), click the gear icon.

The tutorials are not done completely for the new forum yet. They are working on it.
I am on a budget. Got the china LED. Maxsisun mds300. I have it 12" from the top of my sprouts. They love it. Going to buy a second one
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