480W & 720W LED Grow - Land of Clovers

re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

alright here we go. thought it would be better to post here , more traffic than mine.




2 wavelengths have been added. Spectrums the same for the lights. Switched to single chip 2 and 3 watt chips. Out of the 12 wavelengths 3 are 2w chips cuz there not available in 3w. All the parts have been upgraded.

i havent seen anything for myself just saying what was said from owner, but they are said to veg and flower better. from these new lights are about 20%-30% better hightower along with resin production and just overall better quality.

Are you one of Mike's Coworkers or something?
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

my little problem with the new lights are 100 dollars more. thats no good for me. i think im just gonna have to stick with the 180w's, unless mike gets some in future for sale price and i just so happen to have that amount of money.
u said ur getting 4x180w. lololol. that will be nice, im jealous. be great for me to tho to see hows your do and help me decide on what i wanna do next. another tent for me is next and everyting, so i can veg and flower at same time, ya!!

where u putting you 4 180 w lights. in the 4x4 tent or in the room u have??
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Are you one of Mike's Coworkers or something?
na bro he is just sharing info that was asked for. i think Mike is the only person in that company.
my little problem with the new lights are 100 dollars more. thats no good for me. i think im just gonna have to stick with the 180w's, unless mike gets some in future for sale price and i just so happen to have that amount of money.
u said ur getting 4x180w. lololol. that will be nice, im jealous. be great for me to tho to see hows your do and help me decide on what i wanna do next. another tent for me is next and everyting, so i can veg and flower at same time, ya!!

where u putting you 4 180 w lights. in the 4x4 tent or in the room u have??

i seen they went up, from what ive been told the new lights cost allot more to make the newer ones.

i am going to throw those new 240w lights in my grow room with the healthy Jacks
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

I was going to buy 2 of the 300's this month but there is no way I am adding 600 or so dollars to my final cost. He quoted me 700 a piece for the older ones which is 1400. I am not spending over 2000 on the new ones. I hope he has last years models in stock or I am going to have to do something else. Maybe cmh.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Yah I kinda seen this one comming thats way to much for my budget.IMO a 240 watt should be no more than 400(reality a dallar a watt lol).Even thats steep but I dont think it cost that much more to build the new lights.But any way they are great lights no pun intended I will wait to see what the future unfolds.:smokin:
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

I was going to buy 2 of the 300's this month but there is no way I am adding 600 or so dollars to my final cost. He quoted me 700 a piece for the older ones which is 1400. I am not spending over 2000 on the new ones. I hope he has last years models in stock or I am going to have to do something else. Maybe cmh.
i here you bro its not cheap. last i heard he had 2 of the older 300's left for around that price, not sure if he sold them already though? you might be able to by my old ones for a discount when i trade them in for the newer 180's?

Yah I kinda seen this one comming thats way to much for my budget.IMO a 240 watt should be no more than 400(reality a dallar a watt lol).Even thats steep but I dont think it cost that much more to build the new lights.But any way they are great lights no pun intended I will wait to see what the future unfolds.:smokin:
the sad thing is their still cheap, some company's are saling their 180w ufo's for $600.lol. and they only put out like 140w using 1w leds.

last i was told is they cost more to make these newer lights because some of the added leds colors cost allot and the upgraded parts cost more now, not sure if this is true or not? but what ive been told.
Sweet Irish them jacks are looking nice like them nice dark healthy leaves man.Looks like xg is doing pretty well.Love them teas they work great.I like how xg made a tea bag.............LOL why couldnt any of us thought of that.Thats a great ideal on marketing.

i now simple things that we never thing of.lol. wish i would have thought about the Red box for movies.lol. or the pet rock:)
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Yah I dig that red box it goes well with dvd next tech.One of my other hobbys lol my whole entertainment center is ran threw my built pc and big screen...Ehh its kinda cool lol..But yeah jacks are looking good man I am always learning something new when reading your thread.:welldone:

Amen to that Brother!
Not only Irish but all of the other posters are taking me back to school ;)
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Yah I dig that red box it goes well with dvd next tech.One of my other hobbys lol my whole entertainment center is ran threw my built pc and big screen...Ehh its kinda cool lol..But yeah jacks are looking good man I am always learning something new when reading your thread.:welldone:
thanks my friend
Amen to that Brother!
Not only Irish but all of the other posters are taking me back to school ;)

i am still in school and will never finish, tech will always change and new and better ways will come out on doing things.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

those jacks are gonna be amazing with all them lights on them.
u got any more lights. cant u put some on the sides? :)
that would be nice!
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

i here you bro its not cheap. last i heard he had 2 of the older 300's left for around that price, not sure if he sold them already though? you might be able to by my old ones for a discount when i trade them in for the newer 180's?

the sad thing is their still cheap, some company's are saling their 180w ufo's for $600.lol. and they only put out like 140w using 1w leds.

last i was told is they cost more to make these newer lights because some of the added leds colors cost allot and the upgraded parts cost more now, not sure if this is true or not? but what ive been told.

i now simple things that we never thing of.lol. wish i would have thought about the Red box for movies.lol. or the pet rock:)

The lights are more expensive because of the upgrades, period. You pay for what you get. My light cost me 1600 for a 600 watt light, but it includes uv, white, etc and puts out a hell of a lot of light. the best purchase i ever made, bar none. would have cost me 2k + to light and cool my room otherwise.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

oh ya!! lol. it will be very nice indeed
last i talked to Mike he might not send me those 240's until next grow and just use the old 300's
if you are thinking that the other ones are getting to much K, that maybe coming from the seaweed since that's basically all it is

i am starting to think i have roots problems or something in the medium, because their not really drinking water and the soil is just staying wet for too long,

i gave them some Humic acid to see if that can help things a little, its do or die for them at this point. ill give them a little time but their just getting worse and worse everyday.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Hey bro,

I haven't been following your grow too closely, I just pop in and out from time to time. I'm very busy with all kinds of stuff, so my time on the forum is much less than it was a few months ago.

I noticed you said you were "done" with TRF's. While I can understand your frustration, I sure hope you don't throw the baby out with the bong water.....organic grows can have trouble too. Every type of grow can go bad....and every type can also go good!

As you know, I've gone all organic on my latest grow.....but not because the plants are bigger....I'm doing it only for taste. And it may not end up being better than my OC+ plants. I'm hoping it will, but my last harvest the OC+, specifically the Jack's and OG's, are some of the smoothest, best tasting weed anyone around here has ever had.

I've got hard-core stoners literally begging for QP's of the Jack. OC+ and FFOF, with a few supplements here and there.

Don't give up on this stuff. I'm not saying you should always use them, or that organic isn't better if done right.....I'm saying this:

You have a lot of influence here on the forum. You're one of the "star" growers. You don't want to turn people off to a valid, easy, excellent way of growing because of one bad experience!

Look at what SS and I did with our TRF's. They work, and they work very, very well. Sometimes, for whatever reason, plants just don't turn out.

For example, last grow I had some trainwrecks....very similar growth patterns to Casey Jones....and the damn things just didn't grow for shit! I have no idea why, they had the same lights, same water, same nutes, same soil, same pots....but they looked like total shit and nothing I could do would help them.

One day I just pulled them up and tossed 'em. Meanwhile, right next to the sick trainwrecks I had exquisite Blackberry and Jack Herer growing!

I don't blame the OC+ for the problem. I don't even know what the problem was! It just happens.

It didn't make me swear of any of the stuff I used in the grow:

airpots, OC+, Snowstorm, Lumatek, FFOF, compost tea, micronutes.....I used all that stuff on other plants and they were awesome!

Sometimes, for whatever reason, the plants just suck ass!

Perhaps the clones had some disease? Who knows?

But don't blame it on the nutes, or the lights....etc. It just happens.

You're a great grower! Just throw those whores in the trash and don't look back! Don't blame it on anything other than what happens when you grow. It happens to everyone, including me!
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

i dont blame the TRF's for the problems, ya i am sure it has something to do with the DM red not being complete with Zinc, and i do feel OC+ is a better option or at least added to the DM red because its complete with micro and trace elm.
i think the problems is the medium and it not being able to drain and compacting too much.

the reason i am done with TRF's at this point in time is because you have no control over ur medium, and if things went sour because of a over dose of (K) you can stop it. kinda scary to me. but the main thing is i want to go fully organic and i want to be able to flush my plants of all chems and not have to worry about dropping my temps really low to do so. i am not set on any growing method but just trying to see what i like best, ATM i am done with TRF's like DM or OC+ and going more teas and organics, but if they dont work or meet my needs then maybe ill be back to OC+/DM. but i have to say organics right now is treating me very very well never had results as far as quality as i now have and i dont have to adjust PH because the micro life dose, you can build up microbes in chem food because of the salts.

i here what ur saying and i do still tell others to give DM/OC+ and TRF's a try, they are good, and to be honest we still have DM organics we can build up and its ORMI organic.

now when isay i am done with TRF's i just DM/OC+ or just chem TRF's. i still use TRF's but just in organic form. nothing against OC+/DM and they do work good and are proved to work good, but just no for my style right now. like the organics and i want to be 100% organic with no chems.

As far as the girls, they have a dead line and if they dont straighten up they good as gone. ive learned to just be cooled and accept reality. my biggest regret was not pulling my last grow in the 100F+ that took forever to flower, and the end it was a waist because i could have gotten 2 harvest done in that time.

but my main doubt was the DM Red not the others. i still have faith because i am pretty sure its the roots because of the medium holding too much water. 50/50 soil and coco is not a good mix unless u throw allot of perlite in it. still hands down the best medium ive used is SunShine#4, thats what my organic jacks are in.
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