700W LED - Auto Topping Grow - 2 Plants

Are you running an exhaust fan in that tent? I have a small tent like that with a 300 watt LED in it and without an exhaust the temps in there go up real fast. Once I added a four inch exhaust and filter the temps were manageable. I also have a 90x90x180 tent with two 300 watt LED panels and it's blinding to look at so I don't know how thebeast has any eyesight left after working in his tent. :laughtwo:
I like working with several smaller panels versus one big panel because you have more options on how you use them.
Hi hemi :thumb:yeah I've got 2 4" fans really cheap one's and new 4" acoustic box with thermo sensor & speed control for the new setup, yeah i forgot to turn the fan back on after watering one night with the cfl on too it was 38c at the plants and my mars11 led had handled it no worry's...Your several smaller leds idea is one i was looking at but i am going with 2 900's since am just running auto's and doctoring my 120cmx60cmx160c with 8 4point corner fitting's 1m & 1.3m with the box fan up above.I only have .6-1m Sized auto's seeds 30-60gr a pop using 8ltr fabric pots, i just use plastic tubs too even the canopy...G
Ashwar 1600w in my tent is fine mate as u can see by my plants.they love it and dont get to got i got a fan to keep things cool;)

Thank you TB27 ...I've been flexing between the 700 900's al run with the 9's it just mean's 8 case fans instead off 4 blasting away, thank's again it's a big help...I've read ton's of journals looking for someone with the same tent and packed led wise:allgood:...And the same temp range seal's it...G
Just doing a drive,,,, looks like I hit it right ontime to see the finished product.. Sweet looking buddage. Keepem Green
Good day all been a mad few days.location were my indoor grow is a safe place.however a child was missing and the police were going door to door searching houses.my mate got worried and ripped down the full set up and stashed it destroyed all my plants but 1 polar bear.the child has since been found safe and sound and the police didnt find anything.so all is good.im not angry just glad my mate is all good thats the main thing.so iv rigged the set up all back up and running .more info to follow.happy growing every1;)
Tent had a full wash down and lights had a clean all dust free .so all ready for a jungle.here is my 1 surviror mephisto genetics 3 bears og/ polar bear
good day all;)
Good day all been a mad few days.location were my indoor grow is a safe place.however a child was missing and the police were going door to door searching houses.my mate got worried and ripped down the full set up and stashed it destroyed all my plants but 1 polar bear.the child has since been found safe and sound and the police didnt find anything.so all is good.im not angry just glad my mate is all good thats the main thing.so iv rigged the set up all back up and running .more info to follow.happy growing every1;)

Beast, you are lucky to have such a friend. After my...."period of entirely justifiable paranoia"....when I tore everything down and sacrificed some beauties, I made an arrangement with a friend to do the same. We actually exchanged keys and have a plan in place in case the other needs help "sanitizing". No problems since, but I am still considering a flash barrel to quickly incinerate.
Jimmy thanks alot mate yea is a shame losing ur grown girls.but here we have to stay the right side of the law.laws here are shit!!! As u say mate new beginnings plenty more beans to be grown for sure;) happy growing;)
I am pretty lucky in that i dont have prying eyes close to my place...country setting... And usually u just get a fine if ur caught with a few plants here. Also we're supposed to be leagal here on 4/20 next year.....so says the premier... We shall see. Hopefully the rest of the world will follow suit... Just a plant...
Cheers mate
I am pretty lucky in that i dont have prying eyes close to my place...country setting... And usually u just get a fine if ur caught with a few plants here. Also we're supposed to be leagal here on 4/20 next year.....so says the premier... We shall see. Hopefully the rest of the world will follow suit... Just a plant...
Cheers mate
I just figure I am getting skills up for when it becomes legal. I would love to see that in my time.

So much to learn....so many journals to follow
Thanks bird.better to be safe than sorry;)

Exactly mate! I've done my fair share of plant tossing when there is even a sniff of the police coming around the house, can always grow more plants, not worth the risk of getting caught. Glad to hear your mate did the right thing and your still free to keep on growing.

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