Ajagunle's Green Poison Winter TLA Journal - NFT CFL GLR DLS UVb

Hey AJ!
Looking really good buddy.
Things are really starting to frost up for ya.

I just wanted to make a suggestion that might make your RH more controllable for less $.
Remember we talked about these things a while back when we were both researching them.
I bought 4 of them on sale just after Christmas, and have had them all hanging in my tent since then.
They brought my RH from 62% down to 45%. Perfect for flowering..
If you consider these DriZair units. All you have to do is empty the moisture it catches in the bottom, and replace the silica in the top cage! So easy, so cheap, and not wasteful at all. They're easy to hang or sit anywhere too.
Only a few of these things in your little space would make a BIG difference over those packets IMHO.
Those silica packets are such a waste of money, and materials, and you have to throw them out after only catching a little bit of moisture. Not a very environmentally friendly way to control RH if you ask me..:;):


*Also if you read the fine print on those silica bags it says to avoid metal surfaces. Apparently them having contact with metal slows their effect.

Just something for you to think about..
Thanks Vick,:thanks: I had completely forgotten, I will get the calcium chloride kit for my next grow, funds determine that I will persevere with the bags for the next couple of weeks! I have 5 bags in the garden and 5 on a room heater, drying, and swap them over every 24hrs. How often are you having to buy chloride crystals? Silica is so slow!
Right on man,

I buy a new 1 gallon jug of Silica about once every 2 weeks?
At only 10 bucks a jug, running 4 units.
Not bad for 20 bucks a month.

*remember what I said though about putting them on metal surfaces..
Can slow the process not really doing you much good.
So putting them on the radiator might be counter productive.
Right on man,

I buy a new 1 gallon jug of Silica about once every 2 weeks?
At only 10 bucks a jug, running 4 units.
Not bad for 20 bucks a month.

*remember what I said though about putting them on metal surfaces..
Can slow the process not really doing you much good.
So putting them on the radiator might be counter productive.

Wow I’m slow! :oops: Glass dish in the oven from tonight!
An Aside

Northern Light Auto bin grow is showing signs of flowering, (first day of wk8) I removed the 2 lowest leaves as they were discoloured and unhealthy looking. It was re-potted into its final home 48rs ago and has received no water since. Roots had reached the bottom and sides of the pot but had not started to cover the inside of the pot.



After sacrificing a distant cousin :hookah: with a cup of tea and cogitating about the photos of the Auto, my thought went something like;

The underleaf budlets are getting very poor light, the 2 topmost leaves with stalks are a relatively small % of solar panels absorbing energy from the 75w CFLs, but are creating shade of 2 bud sites almost completely and 2 partially. I am expecting the top bud site to provide the most bud, the next 2 down will be the next biggest and then the next 2 and so on. Removing a relatively small % of total solar panel surface area will promote growth to the second best buds and the third.

Considering restrictions to pot size and plant height I am not expecting much harvest and decided this was a worthwhile risk, so;

Potential disaster, all my grows have at least one. I removed the ph meter cap and involuntary jabbed the glass sensor on the metal screen, shattering it! O ordered a new one immediately, delivered on Saturday!

I have kept exhaustive records of all that I do daily and can make an informed estimate of what I need to add at this stage of the Reservoir cycle, I added 6ml of ph up and fingers crossed.

Buds are looking lovely, the Stepped canopy is quite obvious in the photo.


Thinking of ways to describe the changing aroma and a musical analogy seems pretty good. All the way through veg it was like a single instrument playing a very soft quiet solo, as flowering started so a few more instruments of the band joined in, starting very harmoniously with the soloist! I thought the whole orchestra had started to join in, drowning out the quiet and gentle solo. I was wrong, the Bass percussion section has started and I get the occasional note of the full Brass section, fairly confident the Ensemble will be complete in the near future.

Ha ha, your analogies and words of the day make me laugh. When the kid at the back with the triangle jumps in I reckon you've hit the money shot!

They're looking really good AJ. I see what you mean about the stepped canopy - the buds at the front still look bloody good though. Is that a single reflector (with the two big CFL's) or two very close together? Looks like a single; it's a shame they didn't make it so each bulb screws in at the opposite side to the other, would minimise the dead spot a bit. These cfl and reflector designers clearly don't use their own products - it wouldn't take them much (other than a bit of thought!) to significantly improve their designs and make them much more efficient and minimise the dead zone.

Sorry to hear about the pH meter. They're really healthy so I don't think a couple of days will hurt if the pH goes a little off, and you're very tuned in to how your system behaves so I'm sure you'll be fine.
Ha ha, your analogies and words of the day make me laugh. When the kid at the back with the triangle jumps in I reckon you've hit the money shot!

They're looking really good AJ. I see what you mean about the stepped canopy - the buds at the front still look bloody good though. Is that a single reflector (with the two big CFL's) or two very close together? Looks like a single; it's a shame they didn't make it so each bulb screws in at the opposite side to the other, would minimise the dead spot a bit. These cfl and reflector designers clearly don't use their own products - it wouldn't take them much (other than a bit of thought!) to significantly improve their designs and make them much more efficient and minimise the dead zone.

Sorry to hear about the pH meter. They're really healthy so I don't think a couple of days will hurt if the pH goes a little off, and you're very tuned in to how your system behaves so I'm sure you'll be fine.

That is good to hear GK, :thanks:

I think they look pretty good too :thumb:It is one reflector and you are right about their deigners. There is a 4 bulb hood available with the bulbs alternating, but 2 bulbs create quite enough heat. I think that’s another plus for LEDs, a couple of manufacturers I have read about participate with the end use of their product, makes good business sense, we are, after all, a part of the economy still growing, in both senses.
Meter arrived today and ph was at 6.3 this evening, all pretty cool.

New Definitions; Countryside – The killing of Piers Morgan.

Countryside — The killing of Piers Morgan

I'm actually crying with laughter, that is genius.

Glad there's not been any issues with the pH and not having a meter for a few days. LEDs definitely the way forward - the best qualities of both hid's and CFL's combined I reckon
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