Ajagunle's Green Poison Winter TLA Journal - NFT CFL GLR DLS UVb

I have spent enough time in the land of regret and general fuckwittery, following an avoidable incident with ph up and inconvenient visitors till Tuesday I was unable to drain and refresh etc and killed the 2 plants, after day 50!

On the up side, smoke is OK,

Thanks to all who have been reading and commenting
I have spent enough time in the land of regret and general fuckwittery, following an avoidable incident with ph up and inconvenient visitors till Tuesday I was unable to drain and refresh etc and killed the 2 plants, after day 50!

On the up side, smoke is OK,

Thanks to all who have been reading and commenting
Sorry you lost your ladies so far into the blooming period:sorry::circle-of-love:
That is such a bummer!
You were so close too!
I wish there was some way we could have helped you to avoid this.
Just goes to show us how fast things can go south, even with something seeming so small as a PH issue..
2 days?? Faaaaaaaaak..

Anyway, enjoy the smoke!
anxious to see the next one up in that scrog!
Bloody hell mate! I don't really know what to say. That's shit and sorry, both seem a bit lame really.

They looked frosty and had good buds so I hope you're at least enjoying them as much as you can and they're getting you nicely stoned. Sorry mate, what a shit.
WTF??? 2 days? that really sucks bro, the ph must of been through the roof! ive never heard of anything killing mmj in 2 days...so whats your plans? do you have seeds ready for another round?
I had to change and fill the res on Sunday after 1 planned Guest left, started to make up the nutes and then 2 more Visitors turned up so I rushed through the res change and fucked up, couldn’t check till it was too late.

I took 5 flowering clones at wk3, no signs of roots but I think low temps in the nursery are keeping them in Stasis, 2 are on the warmed NFT tray and showing bright green signs of new growth

Sorry you lost your ladies so far into the blooming period:sorry::circle-of-love:

I didn’t lose all the harvest, about 2 wks early so not fully swelled.

That is such a bummer!
You were so close too!
I wish there was some way we could have helped you to avoid this.
Just goes to show us how fast things can go south, even with something seeming so small as a PH issue..
2 days?? Faaaaaaaaak..

Anyway, enjoy the smoke!
anxious to see the next one up in that scrog!
Thanks Vick, the next lot are already in the garden, when I settle on the lights I will start a journal

You just ruined my day Aj! I'm so sad for u.
Sorry northener, won’t do it again.

Bloody hell mate! I don't really know what to say. That's shit and sorry, both seem a bit lame really.

They looked frosty and had good buds so I hope you're at least enjoying them as much as you can and they're getting you nicely stoned. Sorry mate, what a shit.
Thanks GK, childishly it put me off looking at others success for a few days
Drat those Sackville-Baginses, always hanging on our doorbell interrupting our work, the unwanted guests!
I feel a bit like the Marathon runner, training for the Olympics, on full public view and courting the attention of fellow athletes, in the final mile of the race, live on international TV and...

I shat myself and retired in shame.
Now that I have proverbially sponged down and washed my dirty laundry in Public, I've licked my wounds and I'm ready to go again.

What they looked after 2 days in an Alkali bath.

I am delaying the start of a new journal until I have chosen my light upgrades and they have been delivered so that I can start with an accurate journal title, hoping to include the acronym LED this time round.

The 5 cuttings I took almost 8 wks ago, donors in wk3 of flower, have not changed in that time, until now! I am assuming that my Nursery box will require heating if I expect more action during the coldest part of next year! Now the roots have got consistent warmth growth has begun.



RH in the NFT garden has been around 25-30% with 2 plants and no leaves , so low transpiration, I have added a bowl of water, bit surprised that NFT only created minimal RH! I'm always assuming that NFT=High RH, and blaming it accordingly!

Northern Lights Automatic is coming along nicely in the Bin, I have carried out defoliation but sparingly and only directly shading leaves, 1x45w red and 30w blue covering 1 plant in 11"x11" Bin, should be fairly comfortable with that, I have added a Humidity Jar, with a wick, today, and I must save for an extra Hygrometer now I'm gardening on 2 floors lol

Nice to hear what's been going on AJ.
Shitting of the pants aside, lol.
The actual buds look pretty good considering the acid bath they soaked in for 2 days.
The clones and auto look a bit over watered, but good!
Can I make a suggestion? Forgive me if you're already aware of this..
Try letting them dry right out until next feeding.. You'll see that they'll go the craziest right before the pots are feather light..
Nice to hear what's been going on AJ.
Shitting of the pants aside, lol.
The actual buds look pretty good considering the acid bath they soaked in for 2 days.
The clones and auto look a bit over watered, but good!
Can I make a suggestion? Forgive me if you're already aware of this..
Try letting them dry right out until next feeding.. You'll see that they'll go the craziest right before the pots are feather light..

I appreciate your perseverance and reminding me :high-five:, I have considerably reduced watering the auto, but not the clones, until now! Can you tell the auto is overwatered from the photo?
Good to hear from ya Aj. Sounds like your getting back on your feet.
Yeah, got over the 'SULK':thumb:
:popcorn:Reps drive-by taking in the pictures and text into my aging memory bank:rofl:
Great update! I will have one up tomorrow after lights on...Looks like you have things in hand:cheesygrinsmiley:
It's great you've got the next one on the go mate, looking forward to it
Got 2 extra rooms now (box and bin) after reading all these journals:thumb:
Sorry about your loss aj, don't know what to say.
Thanks mac, nothing polite to say really!:thanks:
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