Ak-47 - LED - DWC

How about some overall shots for today
Funny you mention the start of this journal. The first two leaves have just completely yellowed and should be falling off soon. The last remains of the little sprout I had.

That's normal to happen eventually right?

Yes it is normal for the cotyledon leaves to wilt and die. Lower leaves that do not receive enough light or are leaves that the nutrients have been used by the plant will yellow and should be removed as regular plant maintenance.
Akela hasn't made any more upward growth in two days so I believe stretch is finally done. Thank goodness because I'm running it of headroom with the way the lights are currently hung.

She is now 14.5 inches away from the led. No new bleaching and doesn't seem to be killing pistils on top.

She's at a total of 26 inches in height and it's getting harder and harder to keep her away from the edges of the tent so at some points she's exceeded 3 feet in width.

Never thought I'd see her grow to this size.

For day counters this is day 33 since first pistils and day 56 of Akelas life with me.

Hope you're all enjoying my progress
Sounds like it's going well. Looking forward to seeing you harvest her someday. After a month long cure it'll taste and smell so good, and smoke smooth as hell too
Honestly I've been pretty beat up lately and haven't really done much other than check pH and Measure how far from the light she is. I have let the water level drop like 6 inches and didn't top up yet and she's never looked better it's crazy.
Hey friends

No I haven't switched lights yet. They're currently at the border awaiting clearance I think. Or duty payments. Either way I'll find out tomorrow as we're on holiday today.

Thanks for the compliments and support. I'm a heavy duty supporter of cannabis culture and try to enlighten or inform people in my surroundings as best I can to the positive medicinal properties of this terrible drug, but as we all know people sometimes form early opinions on those who are pot users and remain ignorant and sometimes have a lesser view of us for it, so I'm careful who I discuss things around.

Now having this open forum of people who don't judge or consider one to be a lazy pothead if they even mention a positive aspect of marijuana is amazing. If anything I've posted has caused this community to grow or provides someone with knowledge I'd be extremely happy with that knowing that I've helped the cause in even a miniscule way.

Best of luck to everyone out there in your grows and travels.

Now to the nitty gritty. I think this plant is going to go near 70 days of flower. I'm hoping so anyway. Does that sound about right? That would put me at about mid bloom in my feeding schedule right?

She looks very sativa ish i think, must be the Mexican thai and Columbian sativa part of the heritage taking over the lowryder genetics which is great.

A few more questions for my viewers

How low can you safely let the water level drop in dwc. The brew has been so amazingly stable I haven't added anything in days and it's still perfect. Water level is now about 7 inches below the net pot and she still looks really healthy. Do I continue to let her drink until she shows signs of under watering? I wouldn't even be asking if she didn't seem to love having less water in the res.
Maybe it means I need more air stones?
Nutrient mix ppm and ph is dead stable. I even thought my pens were broken and they were in calibration.

Water is about 8 inches below the net pot now. Lots of new different types of roots shooting out from the pot. Makes me anxious to see so many roots in the bubbly air though lol

Hope you're having a good dubesday.

All going wonderfully.

Might mix up some nutes tomorrow depending how things look when I'm home from work. She appeared to be drinking a little bit more nutes just from yesterday to today so if it continues I'll adjust ppms.

How long do you guys flush for. If I've got another 35 days left should I flush for the last 14? Flush being just water no nutes. Or flush for 1 week with florakleen?
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