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That wasn't so bad, an I have sticky fingers to suck on all day. I'm pretty sure I've got 3 nice dry days ahead of me so drying should go smoothly, after they dry a bit I may have to cut the popcorn buds off and dry them in a strainer. I'll probably be looking at them all day, the first day they look sooo big but they shrink fast




Feels good to have weed in the bank. Once I get batteries for my scale I can give a tally, if I don't smoke it all by then. I've already gone thru a pack of papers so that's 50 joints, I'm estimating 3 1/2 oz from the first plant . The one I cut today prolly 4-5. Seedlings go in the box now and when I have the energy I have to rearrange everything and plan out spacing if I'm growing more than 1 plant

Welp, after five hours of spring cleaning I'm just about dead. but the up side is the house is clean and my grow supplies and all the shite that goes along with the whole process is organized. The seedlings got five hours of sun. this next 4 - 5 weeks I can grow them with a combination of sunlight thru the window and only 1 95watt quantum board and get caught up on the electric bill. Still not sure what seedling gets the big container, I'm leaning towards the one in the yogurt container


Seedlings look good except for the tallest one, I think I didn't put enough drainage holes in the lil container. Can't find my drill bits. I underestimated the amount of soil I had and I only filled the 5 gal bucket 3/4, and the big container could use a bit more too. this is what happens when you wait till the last minute

It's a rainy dank day, it's a bit on the humid side in here. Outside it's tropical, dew point in the lower 60's 90 percent humidity. didn't know if the buds were better off hanging or in jars, the humidity in here will only get worse as the day goes on. The big buds felt dryish. but not crunchy, I put em in jars don't know why. two an a half jars, the old style ball jar had no rubber seal so I put a rubber band on it. It's the only one I have left from my mom's, makes be long for some. hmm my mother called it "pick a lilly" it was pickled green tomatoes, but anyhoo that the history of the old jar



Be careful CC, looks like too much green in one jar. Few weeks back I did same thing and just about lost 6 jars. It was all same plant and the one jar that was really overpacked had tiny specs of white on the stem. It was a pisser, ended up tossing that 1 jar, the rest I broke the buds down further, removed every stem and air dried the crap out of them. The jars that I saved are still suspect anyway but it’s labeled accordingly and going for rso caps

I love the look of whole colas or hand sized nuggets but you really gotta dry the crap out to do that. Protect your harvest add a few jars to your toolbox and you will thank me later! Most dollar stores have 6 packs of jars & lids on the cheap in stock now

Congrats on the chop, that’s some mighty fine looking produce,

yep I’d hit that!
Thanks 013, I was thinking the same thing this morning when I noticed they are not drying out at all. with the dew point in the upper 60's. even with the windows closed it's more humid than I expected, I'm going to take all the buds out and spread them out to dry. Good news is the humidity is "supposed" to dry up as the day goes on. but I've heard that B4 I have a bunch of jars so I can re-jar them after they dry a bit. Once again thanks for pointing this out for me it would have been really depressing to lose my big buds
Shrinkage, they do know cold water can... no no we're talking bud shrinkage. it can be quiet a let down, that first day I chop and do a quick trim and hang em they look sooo big... but in 24 hrs they shrink half their size. am I doing something wrong or does everyone go thru this. as much as I love the big colas I could cut off more of the smaller buds, it's not like trimming the shrubs makes the tree look bigger




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