Bag Seed Grow - Science!

Irie VI

420 Member
Long story short:

-Bought a dime of good smoke, and sprouted 3 seeds.
-Plants grew to 3 inches, looked like weed - two months.
-The started to wither and the 1/2in leaves started to yellow until I hit them with some Fertilizer water I had left over from my diesel watering. Only difference to the watering they saw before - Epson salts.
-plants exploded the very next day and the pics you see are 1 week later.
-The last guy I saw posted this got laughed at and still no answers. What the heck is this?

Plants look like like bud. Smell like bud. Leaves are all wrong! Any thoughts?

Re: Bag Seed Grow - WTH!!! Science!

At some point they started flowering. Now they are revegging, which is why they look strange.
Or to put it another way- they're confused about what season it is. This happens when light cycles get changed around too much. Clones cut from a flowering plant will go through this stage, as will a plant put back in veg after harvest to reveg. Or plants put out too early in the spring.
Re: Bag Seed Grow - WTH!!! Science!

Wow. That's insane. Always an outdoor grow so no change in light cycles.

Will the leaves ever go back to looking normal and has anyone tried cloning from this stage?
Re: Bag Seed Grow - WTH!!! Science!

Yes they will go back to veg mode assuming your days are long enough. And yes there is a change in light cycles outdoors. We usually call them seasons. Unless you live at the equator?
Re: Bag Seed Grow - WTH!!! Science!

Ha ha. Nice try. Live right on the hot zone. No seasons here - grow year round with no issues.
Re: Bag Seed Grow - WTH!!! Science!

That said in a reveg of females after harvesting I've never seen the leaves switch from palmate.
Re: Bag Seed Grow - WTH!!! Science!

Really- you're at the equator?

Not sure what would cause a reveg then, but the signs are clear, and yes it will eventually sort itself out. At least mine always have.
Re: Bag Seed Grow - WTH!!! Science!

That said in a reveg of females after harvesting I've never seen the leaves switch from palmate.

It's standard procedure for a revegging plant to show single bladed leaves and funky growth. Every reveg I've seen has done this. I have a clone in veg right now cut from a flowering plant showing that sort of stuff going on I can take a picture tonight if you want.
Re: Bag Seed Grow - WTH!!! Science!

Ok here is a Critical Cheese clone I have in veg right now. It was cut about a month ago from a plant that had been in the flowering room for a couple weeks already. At the time it was cut it didn't show signs of flowering, and even up to the time it was rooted and in the pot it looked like a normal plant, as you can see by its lower leaves. But obviously the flowering cycle had been triggered because as it vegged a while it started doing a reveg thing.
The single leaves and weird growth are standard reveg appearance. As you can see she's pretty much past it now and soon will be back to growing five and then seven blade leaves.

How far along is this plant. Mine is only about 6 inches tall and sprouted on 4-20 could it just be a bad seed that isn't growing I feel like I watered to much not over water just to often so the roots don't have to go looking for water
When I said it was cut 'about a month ago' - that shows that I smoke too much dope. Actually when I think a little harder, the plant I cut it from was put into flowering 90 days ago and harvested last week. So this clone was probably cut around the beginning of April by the latest and would have been rooted by early April sometime. :lot-o-toke: I have lots of stuff going on so I just let them do their thing in the jungle. She's at the stage now where she's about to take off and start getting much bigger.

From your description- watering too often is overwatering- by definition. They hate being at a constant state of 'wet'. Particularly when they're small they just kind of stagnate if their feet are too wet- the roots don't grow well. When the soil is almost dry is when they start sending out roots and building a good root system.

But I don't think it's that causing the reveg- or a bad seed. Although a different strain might like your climate better. What is your actual daylight cycle now? Are you saying you're right on the equator? Lots of 'hot zones' in the world.
Re: Bag Seed Grow - WTH!!! Science!

Really- you're at the equator?

Not sure what would cause a reveg then, but the signs are clear, and yes it will eventually sort itself out. At least mine always have.

Yep. Right here. No seasons :thumb:

Glad to hear it will sort out- at least the stress didn't hermie them.
These girls have spider mites. Can clearly see the webbing and the dark specs under the leaves. Look into fixing the issue before you end up with an even bigger infestation.

Awesome man! You solved another mystery for me one shot! You have no idea how grateful I am.
I keep having a problem with stunted growth in even 25 gal pots. Plants no matter the strain less than a foot high. Could the mites cause this? I have good notes and watering - outdoor grow.
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