Boss's Poor Mans Grow

Ya Fill, it's a side bud from her. When I got in there today, all the buds had another 1/4" on them, it's amazing how fast they recovered from the butchering I gave them :) But they needed that light on the inside so the bottom would finish with the top.

I got a ton of new photos, but I don't like most of them. Give it a few days, I will try again.

The test buds have had a fast 3 day cure, I am gonna fire up the "sativa" now and see what she has got. Tonight, I will smoke bushy. They finally got over that ripe stink they give during curing :) They lost some of the good smell because I cured them so fast. Timeline just looks like forever and a day. They look like they could go another 10-20 days without problems, but man.... they need to get done. Just when i think they are finishing...
I would let them go as long as they wanted but thats just me .I know your wanting the space for the 12/12 girls , You know what your doing go as long as you can and I am sure If you picked them right now you would beat what most are smoking on . they look great
I looked deep into Paul, he has some excellent plans, and some VERY BAD ones. Besides the fact he is not electable at this point, he is dust, and past news. Someone keeps spreading propaganda that Obama won't stop the raids and refocus the DEA and justice department, but he is the only one left that will. Oh well, I will vote for Micky fucking mouse before I vote for Hillery, and so will most of the country. If you thought beating out the republicans was a walk in the park this time around, make Hillery a candidate and watch how well the republicans do. That would REALLY suck.

People cannot fathom the consequences of another hard line religious presidency , and the ramifications on the USA and the rest of the world.
Because his ideas are so radical to the general population, being elected is not possible.

Right ideas or not, in America, you have to win the Delegates, and the the electoral vote. He has some ideas about taxation and social services that put me completely out of voting for him, even though many of his other ideas are fantastic.

You cannot drop Health and Human services because "people need to help themselves" it would leave 30 million people scrambling for places to live and eat without a government check from me and you to support them. In most cases, these people work all their lives and one bad day ruins the rest. His platform also has some racial undertones that make me uneasy.

If I sound like CNN, or anyone else, it's more than likely they are telling people the truth, I cannot help that he does not have a broader accepted stand on things, something that would make his following much larger. If he got the media attention.. The media is here, and there is nothing we can do about it. It is owned by rich white men, to tell a convincing story of reality, as they see it. You either work with it, destroy it, or ignore it. He chose to ignore it.

I like the guy, don't get me wrong. But a vote for him this time around is EXACTLY what the republicans want from you. Take a vote away from the democrats, and the major republican candidate has more of a chance, especially against Hillery.
Trichs on Bushy are maybe 25% amber, sativa look clear mostly and cloudy in some places. I don't know, it looks like it's gonna be a long wait :) I keep saying 10 more days, but only mother nature knows for sure :)

Bushy is burned on the top from a spray of maxi-crop seaweed. Underneath and starting on top are new pistols.

If Ron paul was on the ballot, when I voted, he would get my vote. Seeing is he will not be, My vote goes to Obama. Here in PA, our delegates won't count, we will have a winner for the nomination before they even get here.
WOOOOH that was quite a political debate there guys! just take it easy and smoke a the i look at voting is that is doesnt matter who you vote for becasue in the last minute SOMETHING will happen to change that vote you made. well after seeing what happend with bush thats my philosphy. becasue the government will always get their way.

that being said, DAMMMMN! boss i love you plants i tel lyou that a lot but DAMMN therye looking so good man. that "sativa" is getting out of control man!

oh and one thing ive heard about Obama..he's funded by Oprah Winfrey(sp?) am i right?wouldnt it make sense that oprah wants to get a person in the white hosue so she can have some actual power?idk its jsut a rumour i heard that Oprah is goign to be pulling the strings if Obama gets
I dont mean to harp on the political subject but every vote does count. The puppetmasters can only pull off so much manipulation. And I dont think Oprah will have much power, besides swinging the vote for Obama. Ron Paul would be a great leader but at this point in time, people dont even really know who he is. No one really knows who Bill Richardson is. We've got a choice in the US of a former first lady who is pushing a stronger drug legislation and has little experience, A black muslim with very little experience but some good ideals, and McCain... I dont think I have to say much about McCain. Its like 2000 and 2004 all over again. Except this time we have a choice between 3 bowls of shit instead of 2(sorry if i hurt anyones feelings but its the truth, by comparison). Take the money out of politics and we may finally get someone with morals into the hotseat.

Besides the politicians we should all despise for running a glorious nation into the dirt for their own benefit, those girls look awesome, Boss.

Which plant is the nice close-up bud shot of? It looks tasty! Cant wait to see how much you yield and get a smoke report.
oh and one thing ive heard about Obama..he's funded by Oprah Winfrey(sp?) am i right?wouldnt it make sense that oprah wants to get a person in the white hosue so she can have some actual power?idk its jsut a rumour i heard that Oprah is goign to be pulling the strings if Obama gets

:rofl: Good stuff! How about the one saying Obama's the antichrist lol. Anyway, I think Oprah's still the richest woman in the world. I'd hate to think she's helping Obama out for her own benefit.

Personally, I get the chills listening to Obama. There's a certain sincerity he resonates that I've never seen in any politician. Plus, decriminalizing marijuana alone would be a great accomplishment, one I think he's very capable of. And how awesome would it be for America to have it's first black president. Times are changing my friends and I have hope in Obama.
I know we all agree on the message, it's only the messenger :)

Unfortunately in a country with an Electoral college system for voting, every vote does not count. By a long shot. First off, when you decide who to run for office, it is delegate votes and caucus delegates that get them in the running. That takes out 30% of the votes right there. Second, when running for president, delegates are handed out according to district vote totals, then delegate votes.

So lets say 100,000 people vote. 40% vote for you, 60% for the other guy. The 60% that voted against you were minority populations in every major area of the state. But because they lost the overall % in each area, they lose the total electoral vote. Because the delegate totals favor you, you win and 60 % of the actual votes disappear again.

Kinda Like that.

Oh, Obama is really a nothing, he just changed to Christianity (A long while back) because you can't run for office as a non-believer.
I agree with you boss but majority does generally prevail.
Im happy with the fact that Obama never tried to cover up the fact that he was rasied muslim and also that he never changed his name. Takes some balls to run in the US with a name like Barack Hussein Obama.
^As they say in California-"True dat"


This came from the mystery seed Sativa lookin thing at the end of week 8.

Fluffy, light, this bud weighs one gram dry six grams wet. Quick cured in a paper bag and cycle heat/cool fan for 3 days.

Smells like high altiude pine and musky wildflowers. Burn was really good at this stage, not fast at all, not too slow. I cough on the third hit, first and second are tasty smooth, I swear it tastes like lemon peel and spicy flowers :) I been high on it all day, and I smoked not a fraction off this thing. I say 50/50 maybe 40/60 mind/body. But 100% soul :)
The homegrown is always the best high. So you figured it will loose about 5/6 of its weight while drying? It sounds great so far and it looks amazing.
DAMN!lol lucky boss! so it was lemon after all.

obama is pro marijuana??
As any rightminded individual should be. You want to boost the economy? Legalize it and tax the hell out of it. Id pay an extra 10 bucks an 1/8th to do it legally. This country wins, regardless.
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