Brand new! I have a question!

Honestly, you reap what you sow. If you skimp out on basic needs, you'll get skimpy basic Weed. Do some research here and, you'll find anything you need to know, to grow and harvest, top quality stuff. Goodluck, and Welcome!
My Kryptonite auto is doing well on their Performance Organics.
Water only, until yesterday. :morenutes:
I gave 1/4 dose of calmag and 1/4 dose of plant food in a gallon of water.

Like the others said, the regular MG potting soil is hot.
This stuff came with fungus gnats, so next round I'm going back to Fox Farms.

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Hi fellow growers, I need some help. Is planting in a potting mix that contains miracle grow a big no no ? Its all i have but am willing to go out and buy better stuff if I need to.
Welcome KatGrower :hug: to :420: ...about your question and all the answers :rofl::rofl: :hmmmm::hmmmm: I would actually recommend it :thedoubletake::thedoubletake::thedoubletake: I know what people say but I started in MG potting mix...I also learned it burned seedlings...but is good for adult's easier to learn to read your plants without all the PHing and worrying about nutrients...That's also where I learned to not water my plant until the soil was bone dry to the bottom because MG releases nutes with every watering...they will need nutrients eventually but not for about a month or longer :thumb:
For seedlings I recommend Jiffy organic seedling starter any lowes or home depot...peace and good luck :goodluck:

NOTE: I am now in organics but still recommend some sort of mix like MG to start with.
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