Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots - Stealth - 135W UV LED

Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV

Ya budbud, careful with the tea, chicken shit is SUPER hot. When I make teas from cow manure I go and find old ones that have been rained on, baked in the sun, hopefully some of the n has been leached out. I have also had great luck with human urine. I am drug free, so I use my urine, at a ratio of 10 parts water/1 part urine. If you have a plant that you just can't seem to get the n levels where you need em ( the plant is hungry and healthy when given same doses as the whole grow ). I say healthy, because sick ass weakened plants are in no condition for any harsh treatment. Pop em with the piss, they settle on it for like one day...and bam!, It's like green! Urine is the most sterile, pure product you will ever give a plant. Molasses has no effect on Ph in my experience, but I don't play the Ph game..LOL. The way you described your tea was great! THAT'S what I put on my plants, if its not lovely like that, my plants arent getting it, piss dosen't even smell bad when you put in 1 tbsp/ gallon water molasses. Just loaded and talkin growin bro, your method sounds good!
Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV

Yeah Loadie
Urine has mad N. Would rather use that than dried blood. My chicken poo is dehydrated Npk 4-2-2
Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV


Plants grew inch and 3/4 since I left for work this morning.
Big boy back left is getting lanky. Definately the freak in this family. Not really consistant with strain. Looks afghani though. Just lankier.
It's been growing faster than the rest of the plants. Long internodes compared to other 5. Bent the top over. I don't call it supercropping, because that is hyperbole. I just want to slow it down and squat down.
Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV

bored so I'm going to list out pot books I've read. Not including the one that my mom had laying around the house back in the eighties. Don't remember the author. Just remember he put fish emulsion down bigtime.
Growing Marjuana Tommy MCCarthy
Pretty elementary stuff, and a few myths. Only costs 0.25 at Droid store. Dude writes entertaining, but your not going to learn much new. Good for noobs, and users of soluable fertilizers.

Shows you how to build next level garden beds. Never gonna do that but if you decide to, shows you how it's done.
Pretty common sense soup organics. Plugs a lot of products like Guano Kalong, which is big bucks for what it is. Also plugs Budswel which can be homemade much cheaper and fresher,but if your not into doing all that I guess it would be a swell product.

will get to some other books tomorrow
Goodnight everybody
Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV

I used to have a book back in the 90's, but I can't recall the title or author. At the time, it was the "bible" for growing. I can still picture the cover I think, but I can't make out the words in the mental picture. I'm interested in hearing about the book your mom had. Maybe it was the same book.
Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV

If I go with a 3 week veg. I guess I can start 12/12 in the next two days. Plants are growing an inch or more a day the last two days. Can probably expect foot tall plants by weeks end. This would be more than half the strains max height. I have never grown so many healthy plants at once. This is really exciting for me. I have never completed a grow so, I'm hoping a get a couple females. My first attempt I got cocky and started 3 plants, all male. They were a good practice run for me. I got read up by the time I started these six. First grow I used only the LED, I added spectrum for this grow. This is gonna be the shit.
Thanks for listening guys...
Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV

Just put some tea on.
I bought a gal. 1/2 styrofoam bucket last summer. It's designed to keep your bait or whatever cool. Beer holders on top of the lid. I fancied it a worm farm container for 7$. Gander MT
Has a good spot on the side for tubing to run.
Cheapest pump at Walmart and some air-stone and tubing.
This last tea of mine is a pre-flowering formula I made up out of my influenced head.

Two heaping teaspoons AZOMITE
Two heaping teaspoons Indo-bat-shit NPK 0.?-6-0.?
Capfull Hydrolzed Fish
1/8 teaspoon Greatwhite

Then I dip a spoon in molasses and take what sticks.
I put the spoon into a microwaved cup of H2O.

I was thinking about bat shit. Pretty much every description you hear describes it as dried out bat crap. Usually scraped off the floor of dry caves or off of rocks where it never rains.
This seems like a very slowly renewable resource. I read a story a while back about a tower in England that was full of pigeon duty. It piled up because a door in the tower broke since the early eighties. They hauled out like 16 tons of bird shit out of that place. The story never explained where it was taken.
Anyway I was talking about bat shit right? I saw a nature show on tv. There is a whole ecosystem on the cave floor. The bats are on the top of the chain. Millipedes and arthropods and other creepy crawling things are all over the floor. Bugs consume the bat shit and shit it out again, which gets eaten by other things which shit that out and so on. So when you think about it, bat shit really isn't mosquitos and moths at that point. It is full of micro organisms and skeletons and broken down bug matter and the mineral from the rocks they were scraped off of. Dead bats are eaten and shat out by arthrpods and bacteria constantly transforming changing the matter into smaller and smaller minerals and humus. Bat shit is everything.
Anyway... that stuff is all sleeping and I want to wake it up. Suspended in dry sleep.
Common here's water, oxygen,sweets, wake up its breakfast time.

talk to ya later
Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV

Loadie you thinking i might fry the myco or the plant?
Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV

My phos levels are low range after i tested about a week ago. That was after the manure tea
Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV

Lets see.... two heaping teas is 2 tablespoons in my mind. Sunleaves suggests two 3 tabls max. Per gallon. So.... pretty dilute.. Your right though I should add more water
Re: Bud Grant Does BDS Afghan - Organic Soil - SuperRoots Airpots-Stealth-135 Watt UV

Lets see.... two heaping teas is 2 tablespoons in my mind. Sunleaves suggests two 3 tabls max. Per gallon. So.... pretty dilute.. Your right though I should add more water

The molasses is to feed your mychor...whatever. You're makin a tea? Put all that stuff in a leg from a pair of pantyhose or a sock. Just because it's called tea dosen't mean youre gonna boil it...LOL. Put the tea bag in your bucket of 75 degree water, stir it, bubble it, whatever. When you have a tea, take out the sock, and you've got tea. When you're done, just imho, dilute that stuff by 50 % with water and try it. Just dilute half of your tea, so pour half of your full strength mix in a container, then add as much to the remainder as you took out. I believe that this will give you some potent shit!
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