Buzz's Crazy 6 Day Week Blueberry Flowering Experiment!

I'm well into flowering and just switched it to 13/11. Let's see if I'll regret it.

I was just reading in Rosenthals handbook and he mentions that sativas like my karolyn sometimes need a 13-14 hour night to ripen. I guess because they are a mid latitude plant, and naturally would see a longer than 12 hour night. You probably won't have any problems with a bit longer day, but I have to ask why you would risk shocking them now?
Because I’m an amateur. I get to push and find limits that may or may not work for me. Just like you... ;)
Oh, and I’m unimpressed with the bud growth. So I might get some free seeds, what’s the down side?

This blueberry was very slow that way the first time, not sure why. I have noticed that there are a lot of differen't "blueberry" strains, and some look not a bit alike! Remind me, that was the Casino Royal?
It was blue cookies... The crown royale also was a little lean, but oh so tasty. Yeah I believe these blue berry genetics lean toward smaller, dense, and potent buds.
Have you tried the refrigerator cure? I’m a big fan and not doing any other way now...
It was blue cookies... The crown royale also was a little lean, but oh so tasty. Yeah I believe these blue berry genetics lean toward smaller, dense, and potent buds.
Have you tried the refrigerator cure? I’m a big fan and not doing any other way now...
I have always just slow dried and cured, then canned. What is refrigerator curing? 30 years ago I bagged it up in a paper bag and put it on top of the fridge which was quite warm. It turned blackish, smelled like pepper, and it was so awful and in retrospect mouldy, that we couldn't smoke it. Of course back then Colombian Gold was gold for the same reasons, so thats what we were going for. Sigh, young and ignorant, and of course no internet to find information on, and not a lot of info to find anywhere in 1981.
So the 28 hour clone in a week has just about caught up to the 3 week into flower clone, so the light cycle certainly primed it with the longer nites.

I have always just slow dried and cured, then canned. What is refrigerator curing? 30 years ago I bagged it up in a paper bag and put it on top of the fridge which was quite warm. It turned blackish, smelled like pepper, and it was so awful and in retrospect mouldy, that we couldn't smoke it. Of course back then Colombian Gold was gold for the same reasons, so thats what we were going for. Sigh, young and ignorant, and of course no internet to find information on, and not a lot of info to find anywhere in 1981.
Per the Linked thread:

Low and Slo: In The Bag

Basic points:
* Paper bags will help speed the process by about a week.
* You’ll get better than 25% back, so loading the bags at 28 grams wet means every four bags’ll bring you very close to an ounce dry.
* 28 grams to a lunch bag is a good volume for smooth drying.
* Save most trimming for later to retain even more terpenes. I only take off fans.
* Laying the bags on their side increases surface area facilitating the drying process.

I wash the buds and hang dry for 4 hours and then trim the buds into the bags.

After three days open the bags, reach in and gently bounce the buds apart. Close up and put them back in place.

Do this again at least one more time, about 3 days later. After that you can forget about them.

In two weeks I pull them and finish drying with rice balls to 62-65%. Then into a jar with a Boveda.

DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest
Per the Linked thread:

Low and Slo: In The Bag

Somehow I thought there would be a fridge somewhere in this method? And it would have to be a frost free fridge, the kind with the fan inside that acts as a dehydrater or it would just mould wouldn't it? I think I have too much volume to try that, and I have a room that I can closely control the humidity +- 3% and temperature. It worked very well for the drying/curing the first time, I kept it cool and below 55%, took almost three weeks, and it cured up beautiful and smelly! I also got very sick from mouldy pot once so the idea does kind of scare me.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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