Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

fightsmallcell, thanks for the reply =) It's good to know that others wondered what I did. I've been fighting this health battle for a long time now, and it's been improving, but I think I may have found the fastest way to health =) Time will tell though.

budnoob, ah I see that makes sense...I guess hahaha. Thanks for responding =)

I know there's a separate forum for it but I also recently heard about juicing cannabis. Do the people who like RSO think that juicing isn't as good for healing? Motoco? This is particularly interesting to me since I already eat a lot of raw foods and juicing cannabis would go hand in hand with that philosophy.

Anyway, thanks all for the information and encouraging responses =)
Hi again DetoXing - for the juicing I can tell you that I juice all the parts that aren't used for making oil or smoking. I believe there are different benefits that come from all forms of consumption so I take a holistic approach. Besides adding some MJ to the juice doesn't make it taste any worse :). As for the most beneficial form, I still believe that the oil has the greatest medicinal benefit overall.
Hi DetoXing,

A lot of people think the cannabis concentrated oil is for serious illnesses. Not so! A preventive maintenance/wellness dose not only cures just about everything under the sun but builds your immune system and prevents major illness such as cancer, and many other crippling diseases. The concentrate kills mutating cells, kills fungus, is anti-bacterial, ends migraines, allergies, arthritis, chronic pain, insomnia, depression, ptsd, anxiety/panic attacks, epilepsy and much much more. Advantage? Safe natural alternative! More like an all in wonder. Proper strains will give you a wellness feeling throughout the day with no pain (sativa blended with a high CBD strain). A nighttime dose of Indica for baby like sleep with no pain. Sometimes you don't even know what it has healed until you realize "wow, no migraines'. If your close by you should of heard of me in the community, lol. Just joking. No, we cannot meet in person, but can still interact via PM when you get you 50 post count. One has to consider rip-off's, robbery's or worst. You can share e-mail addy's etc., just not posted on the forums where the public can see your addy, etc. Trust me, there are scammers looking for the easy buck. I'll get you pointed in the right direction. To clarify, I do not sell the concentrate, if I did, that is all I would be doing and you wouldn't be reading this from me. I'm on 420 Magazine spreading awareness on this fantastic product to help all who want to get their life back with good health.

I was almost dead 2 years ago. Maybe if I was lucky six more months. Four heart attacks, lower AAA (aneurysm), severe food poisoning, and lastly an accelerated heard rated of 290 for over an hour and a half ( a stint fixed that but almost died as the blockage was missed a year earlier. I was beat down and knew my body well enough to know I didn't have much time left. At the same time a long time friend was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. So after looking into to stem cell treatment, deep brain stimulation I wasn't getting much farther until I googled in 'cannabis and parkinson's', 'Run From the Cure' popped up. I was able to read in between the lines on the dosing method and learned to take it (same with the wife) with no euphoria, well almost :). The best thing I did was stay off the net. for intel for over a year and a half. So many conflicting information, I simply did not know what was true or not. Everything I learned was from experience. The actual 'tacking' came about a year into taking the concentrate. My friend with Parkinson's kept getting stoned, I mean ripped. We found out why. Parkinson's causes much more saliva in the mouth, therefore the oil was simply draining down to his CB2 receptors, stomach area and causing severe euphoria. In frustration watching TV I was taking a nighttime dose and just thought, maybe if I press it so hard into the gums it would stay. About 15 second or so I tried to remove my finger and the oil 'stuck' to my gums. What this means? No euphoria and a whole different healing process takes place. Needless to say, I was at my friends house the next morning saying 'guess what?' lol. The wife and I has done exhausting research (ourselves). Taking too much, how to control dosing a grain of rice, how to work up safely to larger doses if need be, taking too little, strictly dosing, strictly digesting, using with medications, how to wean off medications safely and how to use different strains for different uses. RS only uses indica dominate hybrids and pure indica for sleep. Great if you don't have to work or if you like carrying a couch around on your back all day. So the wife and I came up with daytime and nighttime dosing regimen. We have never looked back. Once out of the basement for a year and a half I thought everybody in the world knew about how to take the oil by now, right? I've talked to thousands in my community and when I mentioned the 'gum' method they would say, oh yea, heard of that-truth is I have not run into one person who knew about the gum method and when mentioning 'tacking' they thought I was from outer space :). Taking small amounts (one grain of rice I break down into 4-6 tacks) guarantees no euphoric. I've tacked a strain that clocked in at a stout 27 percent THC with no CBD, CBN's, took it correctly with no euphoric. Its simply amazing how you can take it one way, be alert, quick minded and actually feel healthy and the other way you feel like an astronaut exploring space where few have gone before. What it heals is in a league of its own. So yes, I was a 'lab rat', lol. Best thing I ever did in my life, nothing is like on the job training.

I would be lying if I didn't say I was paranoid. Why? If you knew how the concentrate works the Pharmies would be out of business. I know, sure dude, right-on whaco. Their annual profit is over a trillion dollars. They don't care if you smoke, digest, but not dosing on the gums. If the profit was as great making the concentrate as it is on man-made meds we all would be doing cannabis oil for every prescription. I'm extra cautious knowing you don't screw with the big bucks'.

420 Motoco

My oh my, I started reading this thread and went through the whole thing. I just created an account to post here! I can't believe all the helpful people, especially Motoco =) I myself have had and still have many health problems that I noticed back in 2008-2010, but looking back started even earlier than that. My problems aren't quite as serious as some of the others here but I would still like to get some help if that is possible.

Motoco, I have some questions and a request for advice. You say you live is SoCal, as do I, and you mention some high CBD strains, but searching nearby dispensaries there don't seem to be any that carry Harlequin/cannatonic and other strains you mentioned. Can you recommend a specific dispensary where I might get some?

Also, I was curious where did you get the idea for tacking? From what I gather, Rick Simpson just says to eat it, but it seems you are opposed to this and not only prefer but it seems you think it is required to tack to the gums. Where did you get that idea? Some of your own research?

Also, after seeing how helpful you were and enthusiastic, I was excited to meet you, if it was possible! But I also saw you mentioned that this forum has some policy about not meeting? Why is that? I don't even see how that makes sense. How can an internet forum even HAVE a policy that effects how the members interact outside of the forum? And if anything, shouldn't people in an internet community be encouraged to interact under realer circumstances? I don't know, I find it strange and also disappointed that I may not be able to meet someone so helpful and nearby!

Anyway, thanks to you and anyone for any help.
Thanks again for the replies Budnoob and Motoco. Our state is medical legal but nothing is up and running yet. It has already been over 7 months and looks like it will be another year at the rate they are going. My hubby would probable die if I wait for them. Motoco, you are awesome and a very caring person. Please do not let this crap ruin your health. WE NEED YOU!! Your thoughtfulness and eagerness to help others and the cause is irreplaceable. We are soo lucky that you and your wife have put so much research into the RSO oil and are willing to share that knowledge with us.

Here is my report for the day on hubby. He had is 2 doses today. There is definitely a learning curve with tacking. But, we must have got it mostly right because he has felt nothing from it today and we are 100% positive it is strong good oil. I am doing it for him and the oil is sooo thick and sticky it wants to stick to my finger and the residue won't even come off. I am thinking tomorrow I will heat my finger up before hand. Also I am going to try to get him to rinse with ice cold water. He just used room temp water today as he hates cold stuff. But he was just eating ice cream so I am going to use that against him. lol If he can eat ice cream then he can rinse with cold water for a minute!!!
Yes, by all means juice! The oil is a wonderful natural organic with medicinal powers nothing else has. A healthy diet and exercise is going to be a huge plus and they all will work hand in hand. Most of us didn't just get unhealthy, lol, it took years, right, lol. Once taking the concentrated oil health comes to the forefront. Its like thinking' how healthy can I become>'. The quest begins comrade!

fightsmallcell, thanks for the reply =) It's good to know that others wondered what I did. I've been fighting this health battle for a long time now, and it's been improving, but I think I may have found the fastest way to health =) Time will tell though.

budnoob, ah I see that makes sense...I guess hahaha. Thanks for responding =)

I know there's a separate forum for it but I also recently heard about juicing cannabis. Do the people who like RSO think that juicing isn't as good for healing? Motoco? This is particularly interesting to me since I already eat a lot of raw foods and juicing cannabis would go hand in hand with that philosophy.

Anyway, thanks all for the information and encouraging responses =)
Wow, a studious reader! Already know the tricks of the trade! If it seems I'm heavy on the accolades, I am! It is so refreshing and makes everything I do worth it all. Also when taking a grain of rice, break that down into 4-6 small amounts. So much easier to handle and don't forget to flatten the dot (cuticle pusher) and stretch out the smaller dose size. It goes on much easier. Soon you will be a Jedi master. It doesn't even take a minute for the gums to chill, lol. Just leave the finger on the gums longer, using short firm little strokes (friction if you will).

Thank you so much for the compliments, it truly is my pleasure. Give your Husband our best regards. Keep up the great job, your impressing me!
Hi Guys and Gals,

Join the party :party: read this topic } Healing Stopped? Receptors Saturated? Please I need your advice

420 Magazine's first confirmed online heal! Whoot ! I'm so happy for this man. Its not long, except for me, lol. Look at the difference and time of the heal! I'm so stoked for my comrade! God bless him! I'm so happy for 420 Magazine, 420 and his staff of dedicated people. Without the 'Team' behind me mentoring, all the hours to put into all the aspects of putting up tutorials just struck the mother load! A cancer survivor. Thank your 420 for your trust and faith in me brother! Thank's to all the staff, legal teams, mods, writers for your support and help! I think I'm in heaven! :party::party::party:

420 Motoco
Hi fghtsmallcell,





This makes taking you doses so much easier. Just keep taking small amounts from the grain of rice till its gone. Pay attention when flatting out the dose on the index finer. Hopes this helps

Thanks again for the replies Budnoob and Motoco. Our state is medical legal but nothing is up and running yet. It has already been over 7 months and looks like it will be another year at the rate they are going. My hubby would probable die if I wait for them. Motoco, you are awesome and a very caring person. Please do not let this crap ruin your health. WE NEED YOU!! Your thoughtfulness and eagerness to help others and the cause is irreplaceable. We are soo lucky that you and your wife have put so much research into the RSO oil and are willing to share that knowledge with us.

Here is my report for the day on hubby. He had is 2 doses today. There is definitely a learning curve with tacking. But, we must have got it mostly right because he has felt nothing from it today and we are 100% positive it is strong good oil. I am doing it for him and the oil is sooo thick and sticky it wants to stick to my finger and the residue won't even come off. I am thinking tomorrow I will heat my finger up before hand. Also I am going to try to get him to rinse with ice cold water. He just used room temp water today as he hates cold stuff. But he was just eating ice cream so I am going to use that against him. lol If he can eat ice cream then he can rinse with cold water for a minute!!!
Hmmmm. Well, I need to go back to page 1 and read again. If I spread my oil on my finger like in your picture on your index finger, it doesn't seem to want to come off for anything. Plus, I was never able to get the oil in the syringe. I thought it would just suck up into the syringe when I pulled back on the plunger but only a small amount sucked up into the oral port. (I guess that is what you can call it) It is way to thick and sticky. I had to leave it in the small pan with spatula a cuticle tool. The more I tried to gather it up with spatula, the bigger mess I made. So I stopped, covered it, and am just spooning it out with cuticle tool. I wonder if I left it on plate warmer too long. The directions were to leave it on there till there was no more bubbling or activity on the service so you know that the drops of water evaporated from it.

Anyway, we will see what tomorrow brings. I will keep you posted. Congrats on your first 420 cure!! Have you heard from FC??
Oh, I should tell you that I even had a hard time getting the residue off my finger with soap and water. Does that sound right?? Anyway, we can still work with it
Hi again DetoXing - for the juicing I can tell you that I juice all the parts that aren't used for making oil or smoking. I believe there are different benefits that come from all forms of consumption so I take a holistic approach. Besides adding some MJ to the juice doesn't make it taste any worse :). As for the most beneficial form, I still believe that the oil has the greatest medicinal benefit overall.

I see. I'll definitely try that asap, it's just a bit difficult to get any fresh plants, probably cause most growers don't sell it and just throw it out. I should get my hands on some soon though. How do you use it in your regimen?
Motoco, jampacked response as usual =)

Interesting health journey you've had there. It seems you've been through quite a bit and that you're in better health now than you have been in decades. Your enthusiasm for the medicine and your faith in the power of the RSO comes through every time you post.

And damn, I guess I gotta get up to 50 posts. Is there any way you can send me the contact info for the delivery service you spoke of? I saw you say to someone earlier in this thread about some kind of "visitor pm" I think.

Haha, funny story about how you discovered the tacking, I'm glad you did though =) I will be picking up some pre-made RSO or making some myself very soon, could be as early as tomorrow. I will try it asap!

Hi DetoXing,

A lot of people think the cannabis concentrated oil is for serious illnesses. Not so! A preventive maintenance/wellness dose not only cures just about everything under the sun but builds your immune system and prevents major illness such as cancer, and many other crippling diseases. The concentrate kills mutating cells, kills fungus, is anti-bacterial, ends migraines, allergies, arthritis, chronic pain, insomnia, depression, ptsd, anxiety/panic attacks, epilepsy and much much more. Advantage? Safe natural alternative! More like an all in wonder. Proper strains will give you a wellness feeling throughout the day with no pain (sativa blended with a high CBD strain). A nighttime dose of Indica for baby like sleep with no pain. Sometimes you don't even know what it has healed until you realize "wow, no migraines'. If your close by you should of heard of me in the community, lol. Just joking. No, we cannot meet in person, but can still interact via PM when you get you 50 post count. One has to consider rip-off's, robbery's or worst. You can share e-mail addy's etc., just not posted on the forums where the public can see your addy, etc. Trust me, there are scammers looking for the easy buck. I'll get you pointed in the right direction. To clarify, I do not sell the concentrate, if I did, that is all I would be doing and you wouldn't be reading this from me. I'm on 420 Magazine spreading awareness on this fantastic product to help all who want to get their life back with good health.

I was almost dead 2 years ago. Maybe if I was lucky six more months. Four heart attacks, lower AAA (aneurysm), severe food poisoning, and lastly an accelerated heard rated of 290 for over an hour and a half ( a stint fixed that but almost died as the blockage was missed a year earlier. I was beat down and knew my body well enough to know I didn't have much time left. At the same time a long time friend was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. So after looking into to stem cell treatment, deep brain stimulation I wasn't getting much farther until I googled in 'cannabis and parkinson's', 'Run From the Cure' popped up. I was able to read in between the lines on the dosing method and learned to take it (same with the wife) with no euphoria, well almost :). The best thing I did was stay off the net. for intel for over a year and a half. So many conflicting information, I simply did not know what was true or not. Everything I learned was from experience. The actual 'tacking' came about a year into taking the concentrate. My friend with Parkinson's kept getting stoned, I mean ripped. We found out why. Parkinson's causes much more saliva in the mouth, therefore the oil was simply draining down to his CB2 receptors, stomach area and causing severe euphoria. In frustration watching TV I was taking a nighttime dose and just thought, maybe if I press it so hard into the gums it would stay. About 15 second or so I tried to remove my finger and the oil 'stuck' to my gums. What this means? No euphoria and a whole different healing process takes place. Needless to say, I was at my friends house the next morning saying 'guess what?' lol. The wife and I has done exhausting research (ourselves). Taking too much, how to control dosing a grain of rice, how to work up safely to larger doses if need be, taking too little, strictly dosing, strictly digesting, using with medications, how to wean off medications safely and how to use different strains for different uses. RS only uses indica dominate hybrids and pure indica for sleep. Great if you don't have to work or if you like carrying a couch around on your back all day. So the wife and I came up with daytime and nighttime dosing regimen. We have never looked back. Once out of the basement for a year and a half I thought everybody in the world knew about how to take the oil by now, right? I've talked to thousands in my community and when I mentioned the 'gum' method they would say, oh yea, heard of that-truth is I have not run into one person who knew about the gum method and when mentioning 'tacking' they thought I was from outer space :). Taking small amounts (one grain of rice I break down into 4-6 tacks) guarantees no euphoric. I've tacked a strain that clocked in at a stout 27 percent THC with no CBD, CBN's, took it correctly with no euphoric. Its simply amazing how you can take it one way, be alert, quick minded and actually feel healthy and the other way you feel like an astronaut exploring space where few have gone before. What it heals is in a league of its own. So yes, I was a 'lab rat', lol. Best thing I ever did in my life, nothing is like on the job training.

I would be lying if I didn't say I was paranoid. Why? If you knew how the concentrate works the Pharmies would be out of business. I know, sure dude, right-on whaco. Their annual profit is over a trillion dollars. They don't care if you smoke, digest, but not dosing on the gums. If the profit was as great making the concentrate as it is on man-made meds we all would be doing cannabis oil for every prescription. I'm extra cautious knowing you don't screw with the big bucks'.

420 Motoco
I see. I was curious, how do you use juicing in your regimen? Is it a daily thing? And yes! It is a QUEST for the greatest health attainable! That is EXACTLY what I'm on!

Also, I was reading up on suppositories for the RSO, which interests me because my biggest health problem by far is a colon in very bad shape. I think Rick Simpson said to get the oil applied as close to the problem area as possible is a good thing. Do you think that makes sense given my colon problems?

Yes, by all means juice! The oil is a wonderful natural organic with medicinal powers nothing else has. A healthy diet and exercise is going to be a huge plus and they all will work hand in hand. Most of us didn't just get unhealthy, lol, it took years, right, lol. Once taking the concentrated oil health comes to the forefront. Its like thinking' how healthy can I become>'. The quest begins comrade!
Detoxing, Good luck with your oil making. You are like me with the 50 post need. I have been scouring the site and posting where appropriate. lol Let me know how your oil comes out. I am thinking I let mine on the coffee pot burner too long. Even when it was still hot it was already too thick to work. Just a tip from a newbie but I am hoping to hear what Motoco has to say about this or anyone else for that matter. Right now I am concentrating on making this medicine for my hubby. He jokes about being a guinea pig but if truth be told I can tell he is loving this idea and is actually more excited about than he is letting on. Later, when I get going better with more product I plan to get myself on it also. I have my own issues but not so serious and can wait. Then I what to share with a couple of friends. Shoot, I may have to follow in Motoco's footsteps and start sharing with anyone that will listen. I am not joking about that. Once our dispensaries get up and running maybe they will need a consultant for some patients.

Motoco, maybe you could write a book with your knowledge in it. I would buy one!!!!! I know you said you made a deal to not profit from the sick but what about a profit from others who want to help spread the word. Just a thought that popped into my head. Or maybe your wife could work on a book? I don't know how busy she is.

One last line to thank 420 magazine for this site. :thanks: :goodjob: :love:
Good morning,
So I see you have been introduced to 'sticky' :) My morning funny, I needed one, lol. Is it cold in your area? Good concentrated oil is thick and sticky, some more, some less depending on the amount of trichomes. When attempting to draw the oil into the oral syringe did you pull back the plunger and push back down first (free's the gasket up so the plunger moves easier at the start)? How come men do not listen? Get some grapeseed oil so we make the oil more pliable. Grapeseed oil is normally in a health store around five dollars. Put the oil container back on your heating device, as it heats up add one drop as the oil warms up, stir with your cuticle pusher (the oil will ball up on the cuticle pusher). Add another drop and keep stirring. How much flower did you use at the start? One ounce for an example using high grade flower can pull 3.5-4.5 grams. One drop of grapeseed oil per gram of oil. You only need to warm the oil up to about 120 d. If warmer, just remove the cup for a minute. Once you have the grapeseed amount in, stir thoroughly with the cuticle pusher. Let the oil cool back down and check if the consistency is much improved. You don't want it too thin. Its important to use an oral syringe to keep track of how many grams of concentrate has been made/used and makes the application amount much easier applying to your finger.It takes practice to learn how to manipulate the concentrate (I could write a book on that alone). It can be overwhelming and the mess can make one curse :) Leave it in your cookdown container as you mentioned. It will be used soon enough. Also could you tell me the size and type of oral syringe ( 5ML as an example)? If you look at the hole size at the tip of the syringe does it tapper (smaller at the tip, larger towards the syringe body? If the hole does taper you can take a razor blade (carefully) cut the tip off to have a bigger hole and will be easier to draw up the oil. Did you tilt the oil container so the oil would move to one side of the container? Once you have a more pliable oil you can warm it back up to about 120 (mix again with the cuticle pusher) and try a new oral syringe. Once the cup is tilted, free the plunger gasket, push it back down, try drawing the oil up again in a slow movement until the plunger has hit its stop point. As soon as it hits the stop point immediately tilt the tip up so oil will not drain back out. You won't be able to get all the oil out of the container (you will with practice). I wipe any excess oil off the syringe with my finger and then use the cuticle pusher to remove it and save for a dose, etc.
The Oil is not water soluble. It will not come off with water and soap. I use 91% ISO from Rite-Aid to clean my equipment. I also take a paper towel slightly damp with ISO and clean the outside the oral syringe then followed up with a tad of water to wipe off the ISO. Use the film on your finger-warm up with a hair dryer on low and apply to an blemish,zit, cut, etc.

Hmmmm. Well, I need to go back to page 1 and read again. If I spread my oil on my finger like in your picture on your index finger, it doesn't seem to want to come off for anything. Plus, I was never able to get the oil in the syringe. I thought it would just suck up into the syringe when I pulled back on the plunger but only a small amount sucked up into the oral port. (I guess that is what you can call it) It is way to thick and sticky. I had to leave it in the small pan with spatula a cuticle tool. The more I tried to gather it up with spatula, the bigger mess I made. So I stopped, covered it, and am just spooning it out with cuticle tool. I wonder if I left it on plate warmer too long. The directions were to leave it on there till there was no more bubbling or activity on the service so you know that the drops of water evaporated from it.

Anyway, we will see what tomorrow brings. I will keep you posted. Congrats on your first 420 cure!! Have you heard from FC??
If I had enough plant material to juice every day I would. I do juice every day, but only occasionally have extra MMJ material available for juicing. I only grow a couple plants at a time so it's not very often.
Yes, that makes sense, as long as you dose the gums properly first, wait about 15 minutes to make sure the concentrate is seated in the CB1 receptors (brain). Not at first though. First things first. When your ready to start your oil and I'm not swamped I would like to start you off dosing properly (the biggest step in the whole process). Reviewing your posts I feel your anxious :) You Sir will be blown away medically speaking. I want to make sure you have a smooth healthful introduction to cannabis concentrated oil.

I have much to do today and running late. Have a great day!

I see. I was curious, how do you use juicing in your regimen? Is it a daily thing? And yes! It is a QUEST for the greatest health attainable! That is EXACTLY what I'm on!

Also, I was reading up on suppositories for the RSO, which interests me because my biggest health problem by far is a colon in very bad shape. I think Rick Simpson said to get the oil applied as close to the problem area as possible is a good thing. Do you think that makes sense given my colon problems?
fghtsmallcell;2157891 Missed this one fghtsmallcell; FC I think about many times a day. A 30 year old man who was diagnosed with stage 1V cancer said:
Anyway, we will see what tomorrow brings. I will keep you posted. Congrats on your first 420 cure!! Have you heard from FC??
Hello Motoco,

Yes, my husband is feeling better. I don't know if it is a psychological effect or if it is the oil working so soon. He is all about getting his medicine now. Also we just came up with our version of tacking today. I heat the oil up at the same time I am heating my finger. My husband dries the inside of his lower gums and i swipe the oil across the dry gum. We waited for 20 minutes or so and did the rest of it. The oil stayed in place really good for over an hour I could still see it. He says he can't even taste it. I licked my finger and I can sure taste it. Anyway, this method left almost no residue on my finger at all. But I did what you said about heating it up and putting it on a spot on his skin. He has gotten both doses today and did well. He did feel a little something going on with his stomach after the 2nd dose but toast and water took care of it. He still has a very healthy appetite. I think we got it right today but he also has been smoking more weed today. A lot more than normal but he is in good spirits. He did a little work on a lawn mower that needed attention a month ago and he cooked baby back ribs tonight. YEAH, But I told him tomorrow he needs lay off the weed for at least 2 hours so I can get a better reading on the affect of the oil.

No, it is definitely not cold here. Is very hot and humid. YUCK!! yes, I did try to manipulate the syringe plunger and I knew it was not going to work even before I tried it because even while hot the oil was not fluid at all. It is a 2 tsp syringe and I will cut the taper end down with a razor blade. That is a great idea. I kept thinking about using scissors but was concerned scissors would crush it. The razor blade should work good. I live a good 45 minutes from any store that may have the grape seed oil so I will wait till I head that way next week for his dr appt. He has to go in every 2 weeks at least for coumidin level checks. We won't see his oncologist for another month. He forgot to order a CT scan and I am not going to remind him like I normally do. Anyway since we have a system down that seems to work then I am in no hurry to get the oil. I was at a GNC store the other day looking for it and they didn't have any. He asked my what I wanted it for and tried to sell my grape seed chewables as they are more easily digested. LOL
I understand the importance of the syringe and dosing and will get that under control soon. I promise.

I hope you are right about FC and that his absence means everything is going good for him. I got emotionally attached while reading his comments. When you asked him to go to a different thread I was afraid I would not be able to follow his story anymore but then he posted here again. I learned a lot from his story and his many questions and problems, and want so bad to hear that he is OK. He is very brave for turning down chemo. I don't know many people that would do that.

Thanks again for taking the time and posting those pictures. It did help me to understand the method better. OK so for another 5 days he will be taking 1/2 grain of rice twice a day. after breakfast and lunch. Then do I up the dose?? I have a line on a plant that is Indica. So it will probable be 3 months before I have any. Maybe even longer. I am still working on how to get my hands on a CBD strain. I may just have to take a really long drive to Colorado. But that still won't help me with a plant. This I am still working/thinking about how to best do that. I will come up with something. I always do. Our dispensaries won't be open for a long while yet.
Oh and I loved the "sticky" funny!! It took me a minute but when I finally got it I laughed. Thanks.
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