Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Thanks for your patience bro. Sincerely. I was keeping fingers crossed no one would get aggravated with me with the barrage of questions.
Just so you know, I've been putting in my gums, tacking, since your advice a few months ago. No euphoria. I will keep on the tacking path. I just have to obtain every scrap of legitimate knowledge I can get.
Since I've asked all I needed to, let me finish by thanking you for sharing your knowledge/experience with all of us bro. People like you contribute so much to other's peace of mind and sense of hope.
Passing it forward!
Hi budnoob2,

Thank you so much for the intel! Many do not realize it but a post like yours is read around the world and helps people immensely. It instills confidence to them. It also shares with the readers what you have noticed the concentrate does healing many different things while curing the main important issue at hand. Strains are very important as you are finding out. It takes time for you and your friends to build up growing knowledge, harvesting at peak THC, mid-term, full term for your specific needs. I just made some Blackberry Kush 80/20 Indica dominate. I've never been keen with any sativa in the mix for nighttime meds. This strain grown full term surpases Master Kush (95% Indica) and turns the lights out. In fact so much so my system became unbalanced and went to the Indica side. I do not like the feel of couch lock during the day. In fact, the opposite. I like to feel motivated during the day and also your mental state/wellness feeling is much improved. Mental attitude in my opinion is a huge aid in healing. Once getting your strains down and tweaking them to how you like to feel during the day and baby sleep at night is the key to the kingdom. You already know that getting different strains in dictates a whole different ball game. No fun going to work on Indica, lol. That Blackberry would keep me nailed down somewhere. Had to end up taking 1/2 of what I normally do for night to get my system turned around. I just could not get motivated. Also a point on heavy indica-there is a fine line between feeling euphoric and the inherit down that Indica does so well. Makes a whole new meaning of muscle relaxation.

So now those who work can dose properly and do their thing? I remember when I first dosed in the a.m. and had a Dr.s appointment. Felt a little apprehensive driving there and thought to myself-get used to the feeling, healing myself is more important. Never had apprehension again. Here is what is important budnoob; when the wife and I first started using the oil and learning its magic and took notes for a year and a half we noticed a lot of people who didn't want to become euphoric did. We knew some people who wouldn't follow instructions and kept getting high and threw their oil away. We thought to ourselves this is not good. How many people will he tell that it is the same ole crap, get stoned (really stoned on the oil) if that is what your looking for and doesn't do crap medically? A safe healing process has to be learned. Hence the 'tacking' method (which I stumbled upon trying to help a friend with Parkinson's who had severe saliva issues kept getting high (had to work like two of you, and could not maintain a daytime dosing regimen). Getting folks to administer the oil correctly was just as important to us as taking the oil any old way. Every person we have helped we make sure the learn to dose correctly before they go home. Since that time not one person has gotten euphoric. This is why I try to give so much detail-things like always eat before you take the oil, snack, hydrate, everything I can think of to make the journey easy. Right now I have a stage four breast cancer since starting the oil hasn't missed a beat at work/life. By not thinking safety, as you know, you won't overdose but you can head slam and seriously get injured or worse. I often wonder how many people have been turned off by the concentrated oil by digesting only? I feel like it makes the acceptance of concentrated oil to move backwards instead of forward. I'm going to do a little research for some strain's that can be correct for all three of you. Of course it is only a guideline. I'm doing a decarb right now adjusting my daytime for a tad more up because the Blackberry is so overpowering. When adjusting your meds one has to have patience as it can take a week for the old to move out and the new to move in. Find what you guys really like and try to stick with it. A great feeling of wellness loves consistency, just ask your body. Again that you for your share, much appreciated by all!

420 Motoco

Haha, bumpy ride to say the least - 1st attempt was a while back just winging it based upon RSO instructions and we could barely function so it was night time only and only on weekends did we bump things up a notch with the exception of the one not having to work. After that I forayed into making edibles for the most part and never looked back at the oil for about 6 months or so which is when I discovered these threads you created. We never had a "trusted" source but rather a "trusted" middle man who could never seem to tell us what strain but assured us it was good - which it was, predominately indica but couldn't tell the strain. Only started learning the characteristics of specific strains fairly recently too, prior to 420 all I could tell you is I had Columbia gold back in the day or MK Ultra, etc. Have been dosing correctly with unknown indica and sativa strains since late april this year and we are already noticing significant improvement for pain, inflammation, lethargy, seizure count, tumor shrinkage and blood pressure as well as overall feeling better in general. It's like the difference between night and day using tacking method vs. just using edibles or oil without tacking to us. We haven't had a non-stop supply so we have to build up tolerance to a degree each time we run out then get more, hence growing our own now. We've also used it to treat rashes and minor burns by warming with hair dryer and mixing with a little coconut oil to apply on skin.
Hi Motoco,

I am truly impressed with your dedication to helping others. I have my husband talked into letting me make some oil and getting him started on it. He is paranoid of a fire. He started eating raw weed so I would not have to "put myself at risk". I however have done my research and feel confident that I have all the safety factors in place and want to do this tonight if it does not storm here. Let me give you a little background on his health issues. He has went through 6 months of chemo and full dosage radiation to lung and whole brain radiation. He has extensive small cell lung cancer with metz to his brain. His chemo ended in Aug 2013 and so far his follow up scans have been good. The tumor/spot in his lung still shows but has not increased and they think it is scar tissue. He was only given a few months to live but it has now been 18 months. His doc says it is only a matter of time that this cancer shows again, it is just a matter of when and where. This type of cancer isn't considered curable. So my plan is to get him started on small doses of the oil now and work on getting a stockpile of oil for later use if it is needed. I should be able to start stock piling in about 3 months. I just hope we have the 3 months as he is due for another scan in a few weeks.

Now for his immediate problems. That damn chemo and radiation really took a hard toll on his body that he still has not recovered from. He has no energy and his muscle mass is continuing to decrease. His skin is very thin like a 90 year old and tears easily. He has pain everyday including headaches which he takes oxycodone to control. He smokes weed every day which does help to control his anxiety but continues to be depressed and sits on the couch waiting to die. He also has several symptoms of neuopathy that is persistent. He simply is not bouncing back from the chemo and I believe in my heart that he would not survive a 2nd round of that poison. I desperately want my husband back.

I won't know until later want the name of the strain is that I will be cooking down but I am sure it will be sativa dominant with a high THC content. I have read this entire 16 page thread twice and I am now wishing I had taken notes. LOL I have done sooo much research on weed over the last couple of months and there is still much more to do. I do have a ton of notes. I will eventually get every last detail dialed in and fine tuned. I look at the lung cancer subforum and there is not much there besides quoted studies. (which all seems to mention non small cell cancer and not small cell) I was trying to find a forum of our specific cancer to see how others are doing on the oil for it.

OK. Finally for my question. Dosing amount. I know to start off small and frequent. I was thinking 1/2 grain twice a day. He has a tolerance to weed because he has been smoking it his whole life and everyday for the last 2 years (except while in hospital) So what do you think of my dosage amount in his case??
Hi fghtsmallcell,

Thank you very much, its truly my pleasure. I want to compliment you also on your 'kick-ass' attitude, I'm impressed! We just have to get your husband back on track and instill the will to live after chemo/late stage radiation has failed. I have seen so much chemo/radiation fails lately it makes me sick to my stomach the suffering they have to go through. Did his Dr./Dr's say it wasn't curable? My mother-in-law died from the exact same kind of cancer. Started in the lungs, went up through the throat to the brain. She didn't go to the Dr. for six months (thought she just had laryngitis in the throat) and when diagnosed it was too late and 12 years ago the concentrated oil wasn't re-invented yet. It is fast spreading to be sure. I do not want to give false hopes, but, I think what the Dr.s thinking was in latter stages this type of cancer cannot be stopped with chemo/late stage radiation because of its rapid expansion. The only type of cancer the concentrate doesn't cure is bone marrow cancer to my knowledge.

I think you picked a perfect strain to start with. Sativa dominate. He doesn't need couch-lock right now. He needs a UP wellness feeling to get his attitude right and off the couch. As you mentioned, he is just getting depressed. No matter how your mind thinks when depressed you cannot do anything about it. Mental attitude is everything for the will to live. How can you do that after chemo/radiation and pain meds? You can't! You have your work cut out for you. Take charge of the situation, make the concentrate. With the strain you mentioned you will see a big change in attitude. It is important to get started now as you mentioned. Have you read 'Making Cannabis Concentrated Oil' thread? If not, } How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

The dose your wanting to start off with is spot on. 1/2 grain of rice in the a.m. (split that when 1st starting-take half of a half, easier to manage and dose, then the other half right afterwards). Then the other half dosed the same way right after lunch. ALWAYS take the oil after eating. ALWAYS take the oil before any prescribed meds and wait a half hour before doing so as the oil has plenty of time to seat in the CB1 receptors (brain). This helps to take away the side effects of the meds while weaning off. We can go through that a little latter. 1st things first and that is getting your husband started on the concentrated oil. Drink water, water, water to help flush the toxins out.
What to expect? Nausea from expelling chemo/radiation/med's. To help with this just a small little booster of oil 1/8 a grain of rice taken after a light snack and water (plain crackers help absorb the toxins and the water helps expel them).

Your selection for daytime oil is perfect. Also you want a high CBD strain mixed or stand alone for daytime also. This will put the cancer in check from spreading as it shrinks the tumor while the high THC strain puts the hammer down and kills the cancer cells. You also want to look into an heavy Indica strain to make concentrate also for sleep at night (grown full term if possible). The high CBD strain also relieves pain (best in the world) and allows to wean off man-made meds.

First things first. Get the high THC made and started. One ounce of high grade flower should get 4 grams and will last a couple of months and give you time as you mentioned to get what else is needed. No getting around the other strains with your husbands condition. They are all key. The only thing the Indica is for is sleep which is a biggie for the healing process, just not all day.

BTW-Welcome to 420 Magazine!

420 Motoco

Hi Motoco,

I am truly impressed with your dedication to helping others. I have my husband talked into letting me make some oil and getting him started on it. He is paranoid of a fire. He started eating raw weed so I would not have to "put myself at risk". I however have done my research and feel confident that I have all the safety factors in place and want to do this tonight if it does not storm here. Let me give you a little background on his health issues. He has went through 6 months of chemo and full dosage radiation to lung and whole brain radiation. He has extensive small cell lung cancer with metz to his brain. His chemo ended in Aug 2013 and so far his follow up scans have been good. The tumor/spot in his lung still shows but has not increased and they think it is scar tissue. He was only given a few months to live but it has now been 18 months. His doc says it is only a matter of time that this cancer shows again, it is just a matter of when and where. This type of cancer isn't considered curable. So my plan is to get him started on small doses of the oil now and work on getting a stockpile of oil for later use if it is needed. I should be able to start stock piling in about 3 months. I just hope we have the 3 months as he is due for another scan in a few weeks.

Now for his immediate problems. That damn chemo and radiation really took a hard toll on his body that he still has not recovered from. He has no energy and his muscle mass is continuing to decrease. His skin is very thin like a 90 year old and tears easily. He has pain everyday including headaches which he takes oxycodone to control. He smokes weed every day which does help to control his anxiety but continues to be depressed and sits on the couch waiting to die. He also has several symptoms of neuopathy that is persistent. He simply is not bouncing back from the chemo and I believe in my heart that he would not survive a 2nd round of that poison. I desperately want my husband back.

I won't know until later want the name of the strain is that I will be cooking down but I am sure it will be sativa dominant with a high THC content. I have read this entire 16 page thread twice and I am now wishing I had taken notes. LOL I have done sooo much research on weed over the last couple of months and there is still much more to do. I do have a ton of notes. I will eventually get every last detail dialed in and fine tuned. I look at the lung cancer subforum and there is not much there besides quoted studies. (which all seems to mention non small cell cancer and not small cell) I was trying to find a forum of our specific cancer to see how others are doing on the oil for it.

OK. Finally for my question. Dosing amount. I know to start off small and frequent. I was thinking 1/2 grain twice a day. He has a tolerance to weed because he has been smoking it his whole life and everyday for the last 2 years (except while in hospital) So what do you think of my dosage amount in his case??
Thanks for your fast response. Yes, all doctors have said extensive small cell is not curable. Even if the scans show no evidence of cancer they scan him every 3 months looking for where it will show up next because they are sure it will. Since his chemo was stopped in Aug we both have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is no way to live. I got involved in an online support group with people with his same dx. It is heartbreaking how many of them have died in the short time I have been in there. There is one member that is at the 6 year mark and she is doing very well. But that is not the norm. The stats he was given is a 0-1% chance of making it to the 5 year mark. At first he was told he would die in a few months even with aggressive chemo tx. He was considered to be in late stage because the tumor was so large in the one lung it wrapped around the bronchus and choked off that lung, it collapsed. Also he had 3 tumors in the brain. 1 was the size of a lemon and was considered too large for radiation to attack it. Soooo they went in surgically and removed that one. The chemo and radiation together has apparently killed all existing cancer to date. But has left him a shell of his former self. I really believe if anyone can make it through this he can. I just need to get his head in the right place. He is so very depressed because of how his body feels and he is not getting better.

Thank you for your message. A lot of good eye opening info there. I am sorry that your mother in law suffered with this. My husband is a very stubborn man and would not go to the doctor either. The only way I got him there was by ambulance when he had 2 back to back seizures that almost killed him on the spot. I have to credit the lift support team with saving him that day.

I believe I have done all my homework on making the oil. I will be using grain alcohol and a rice cooker. I just need a couple of little things and I will be all set. I will follow your dosage schedule with 1/4 grain followed by another 1/4 and then 1/2 after lunch. He is use to me pushing water on him so that will be no different. lol My big hurdle will be getting the CBD strain and the indica. Right now what I do have is a mystery seed, and a purple "something" no one remembers purple what darn it. And lemon haze. Of course none of these will be ready for awhile. When I started this project I had no idea that is was a potential cure. OK so I have broken my golden rule of silence here.
Hi fghtsmallcell,

Millions of folks have no idea of the healing power of concentrated cannabis oil extract. Millions of folks have no idea of how to take it correctly and only think its for major illnesses. It will take scientist forever to find out how, what & why it repairs/cures everything. In fact there is so much edited blogs on the net I pay no attention about the scientific approach. My focus is strictly what it heals/cures, what strains/blends are best for a specific health ailment's. Also how to dose correctly. Amazing how you can go through life living it the way you want to live it, then, suddenly an illness comes along and everything changes. Almost everything that is, people still do not want to change (most to clarify). Actually a few minor changes in diet, hydration and simple walking can be a life changer. The cannabis oil concentrate has changed my wife's life and mine. The thinking process turns to positive (especially sativa during the day) and make those small changes so much easier. I was on death row when I started the oil, best thing I ever did in my life as well as my wifes. So much so it is the reason I'm here at 420 Magazine, to share awareness about the best natural medicinal cure all bar none. With proper diet, exercise along with the concentrate life is nothing short of spectacular.

Purple Kush? Purple Erkle? Grand Daddy Purps? lol. I've grown some Lemon Haze and is an unusual strain made into a concentrate. Had one of the most unusual taste as an oil. Lots of trichomes could be the answer. I was once told by an old time grower 'all cannabis properly grown is top shelf/ private reserve'. Right now anything you can make a good concentrate with-do it. This will buy you time to get other strains for your needs.

Please convey to your husband-I was stubborn also, I also went on more than a few ambulances rides and even then it was because of my wife. Stubborn doesn't work, end of story. Being alive and enjoying family and friends is what it is all about. Stubborn also mean's 'set in your ways', that is a fail also. Keep up your great job and take care of business. Your husband is lucky to have you helping him.

You won't find cannabis concentrated oil on the cure list, not yet, not on the other side of the fence at least. Truth be known, it truly is the big pharmies worst enemy.

Your husband has smoked for years, gotta have that one friend that can help you source strains.

Again, I applaud your planning and taking action. Your 420% correct you need to get your husbands head in the right place, sativa oil is a great start to change his thought process from being beat down from chemo/late stage radiation. By the way, is he on morphine? Thanks.

Thanks for your fast response. Yes, all doctors have said extensive small cell is not curable. Even if the scans show no evidence of cancer they scan him every 3 months looking for where it will show up next because they are sure it will. Since his chemo was stopped in Aug we both have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. It is no way to live. I got involved in an online support group with people with his same dx. It is heartbreaking how many of them have died in the short time I have been in there. There is one member that is at the 6 year mark and she is doing very well. But that is not the norm. The stats he was given is a 0-1% chance of making it to the 5 year mark. At first he was told he would die in a few months even with aggressive chemo tx. He was considered to be in late stage because the tumor was so large in the one lung it wrapped around the bronchus and choked off that lung, it collapsed. Also he had 3 tumors in the brain. 1 was the size of a lemon and was considered too large for radiation to attack it. Soooo they went in surgically and removed that one. The chemo and radiation together has apparently killed all existing cancer to date. But has left him a shell of his former self. I really believe if anyone can make it through this he can. I just need to get his head in the right place. He is so very depressed because of how his body feels and he is not getting better.

Thank you for your message. A lot of good eye opening info there. I am sorry that your mother in law suffered with this. My husband is a very stubborn man and would not go to the doctor either. The only way I got him there was by ambulance when he had 2 back to back seizures that almost killed him on the spot. I have to credit the lift support team with saving him that day.

I believe I have done all my homework on making the oil. I will be using grain alcohol and a rice cooker. I just need a couple of little things and I will be all set. I will follow your dosage schedule with 1/4 grain followed by another 1/4 and then 1/2 after lunch. He is use to me pushing water on him so that will be no different. lol My big hurdle will be getting the CBD strain and the indica. Right now what I do have is a mystery seed, and a purple "something" no one remembers purple what darn it. And lemon haze. Of course none of these will be ready for awhile. When I started this project I had no idea that is was a potential cure. OK so I have broken my golden rule of silence here.
Budnoob2 thank you for the kind words and thoughts. I do believe I am in good hands and my husband is lucky I found this thread.

Motoco, Thank you for sharing your personal experience. You are awesome. I have some very strong opinions regarding the pharmacies and most of them are not in their favor. The more I hear about this oil the more I think I need some for myself. lol well maybe another time. I have not been able to handle even the smallest buzz in over 30 years. I like my brain clear or I panic. Anyway, no on the morphine. He use to have to take Oxycontin but now he just takes oxycodone, which is percocet without the tylenol. Plus he takes xanax, coumidin and decadron. The coumidin is because his lung tumor caused a bunch of blood clots in his lungs (pulminary emboli) and the decadron is for inflamation in lungs and brain. I would really like to get him off the decadron, It is keeping him from gaining his muscle/strength back.

As for the purple. The only thing I can tell you about it is they say it is good smoke but it is such a fragile plant. Thin stalks that look like they will break. Not like the lemon haze which is HARDY and pretty. My mystery seed (I have named her Lilly) I think might be a diesel of some sort. He found that seed in a bag back when he was buying a lot of diesel. But we did not think to take note of it. Looking at her leaves I would say she is a hybred maybe indica dominate. She is short for having grown for 6 months.

OK. My choices for the oil were blue dream, cheese and Jack. I choose Jack even though we do not know Jack squat about Jack. lol He smoked some and approved it. I will have to figure out how I am going to get indica and CBD. I will be working on that as I understand their importance especially if the doctors are right and this cancer does come back. I am always afraid that the spot they still see on the scans in his lung is not really scare tissue. How can they truly know?? But so far it has not grown in size.

The oil will have to wait till tomorrow because I still need a couple of items for safety and efficiency.
Hahahaha-I needed a good laugh today! 'we do not know Jack squat about Jack'! Awesome!

I sincerely wish more people had your 'can do' attitude. I relate to your husbands cancer type like a 'jumping virus' in your PC. Everytime you boot up it moves to a different location. How can you possibly treat that with chemo/late stage radiation? It can jump to area's that chemo/radiation cannot be used for fear of damage to vital organs, etc. That is a mute point now as we move forward.

Once starting the concentrate after a week or so your husband can start weening off all the meds you have listed. Blood thinners, inflammatory meds, the whole lot. Absolutely no cold turkey. The process is easy and safe simply because cannabis concentrated oil extract is natural and safe. In a nutshell think of it as an all in wonder med. Your husband will not miss any of them, trust me.

Great idea for you also. You would just need a 1/2 grain of rice in the daytime and 1/4 grain of rice for sleep. After your husband is cured then you both can do the PM/preventive maintenance program. I would like to mention though it would be a great idea for you to learn to dose make sure everything goes smooth.

Good luck on the oil tomorrow!

Best regards,
420 Motoco

Budnoob2 thank you for the kind words and thoughts. I do believe I am in good hands and my husband is lucky I found this thread.

Motoco, Thank you for sharing your personal experience. You are awesome. I have some very strong opinions regarding the pharmacies and most of them are not in their favor. The more I hear about this oil the more I think I need some for myself. lol well maybe another time. I have not been able to handle even the smallest buzz in over 30 years. I like my brain clear or I panic. Anyway, no on the morphine. He use to have to take Oxycontin but now he just takes oxycodone, which is percocet without the tylenol. Plus he takes xanax, coumidin and decadron. The coumidin is because his lung tumor caused a bunch of blood clots in his lungs (pulminary emboli) and the decadron is for inflamation in lungs and brain. I would really like to get him off the decadron, It is keeping him from gaining his muscle/strength back.

As for the purple. The only thing I can tell you about it is they say it is good smoke but it is such a fragile plant. Thin stalks that look like they will break. Not like the lemon haze which is HARDY and pretty. My mystery seed (I have named her Lilly) I think might be a diesel of some sort. He found that seed in a bag back when he was buying a lot of diesel. But we did not think to take note of it. Looking at her leaves I would say she is a hybred maybe indica dominate. She is short for having grown for 6 months.

OK. My choices for the oil were blue dream, cheese and Jack. I choose Jack even though we do not know Jack squat about Jack. lol He smoked some and approved it. I will have to figure out how I am going to get indica and CBD. I will be working on that as I understand their importance especially if the doctors are right and this cancer does come back. I am always afraid that the spot they still see on the scans in his lung is not really scare tissue. How can they truly know?? But so far it has not grown in size.

The oil will have to wait till tomorrow because I still need a couple of items for safety and efficiency.
OK the oil making went good. My husband stood over me like an old hen. LOL After he said "that wasn't as scary as I thought it would be". I couldn't find grape seed oil to have on hand for just in case and I will have to look harder for it because my oil is very thick. Now I just have to keep him out of it till morning. He is ready to try it
My oh my, I started reading this thread and went through the whole thing. I just created an account to post here! I can't believe all the helpful people, especially Motoco =) I myself have had and still have many health problems that I noticed back in 2008-2010, but looking back started even earlier than that. My problems aren't quite as serious as some of the others here but I would still like to get some help if that is possible.

Motoco, I have some questions and a request for advice. You say you live is SoCal, as do I, and you mention some high CBD strains, but searching nearby dispensaries there don't seem to be any that carry Harlequin/cannatonic and other strains you mentioned. Can you recommend a specific dispensary where I might get some?

Also, I was curious where did you get the idea for tacking? From what I gather, Rick Simpson just says to eat it, but it seems you are opposed to this and not only prefer but it seems you think it is required to tack to the gums. Where did you get that idea? Some of your own research?

Also, after seeing how helpful you were and enthusiastic, I was excited to meet you, if it was possible! But I also saw you mentioned that this forum has some policy about not meeting? Why is that? I don't even see how that makes sense. How can an internet forum even HAVE a policy that effects how the members interact outside of the forum? And if anything, shouldn't people in an internet community be encouraged to interact under realer circumstances? I don't know, I find it strange and also disappointed that I may not be able to meet someone so helpful and nearby!

Anyway, thanks to you and anyone for any help.
Here's my Concentrated oil that I made from the tincture I had. This is about 3/4 cup, maybe a bit more than that, of tincture that had been reduced to oil concentrate. It's thick like axle grease. I've been on my dosages since last Friday, increasing gradually on my daytime dose. I'm up to about two grains of short rice. I forgot to bring my oil with me yesterday to work and about 4:00 I could tell that I needed that "booster", because the pain in my mouth from a nasty dental visit on Tuesday was bothering me. And I got that nausea and lethargic feeling back. So no more missing doses. LOL
My nighttime doses are working very well. I sleep through the night, no waking up with pain and nausea and no dreaming of pain and nausea. ;-)
If this is what it's like after just shy of a week using this oil, I can only imagine what I will feel like after it's settled into a routine in my body.


I forgot to say, there is no High on the daytime doses. That's what worried me the most, because I have to stay clear headed during working hours. No worries on that now. :thumb:
There must be a forum and a thread on buying seeds but I cannot find one. Can someone please post a link to it for me?? Sorry for being a pain and thanks in advance

I had the same response when I first read this thread. You have some good questions there and a couple of them I wondered about also. Good luck with finding what you need.
Hi fghtsmallcell, I don't know about a thread for buying seeds but there are many sponsor links on the site for seedbanks Sponsors : 420 MAGAZINE ® and there are also many seed databases to find more information about a seed you may be interested in such as seedfinder dot eu. There are also strain reviews Medical Marijuana Strain Reviews and Motoco even includes several recommendations within his threads for high CBD and THC strains.
Hi Detoxing, I believe motoco discovered the tacking method when assisting a friend but I'll leave it to him to elaborate if he wants to. I can only say that the tacking method works well for us and we are glad that we found out about it. Used to just ingest and would leave us incapacitated with the larger doses we were working with, not so anymore. As for not meeting other members, I believe this is a matter of personal privacy and security that 420 promotes and makes sense given the legal status of our favorite plant in most countries. Even in legal states of US it's not so cut and dry due to disparity between local and federal law. People are being prosecuted in legal states still so it makes sense to be cautious.
Thanks for the info Budnoob2
Does anyone know if I drive to Colorado can I buy seeds??
Hi guys and gals,

Sorry for jumping in late (really busy), but, honestly budnoob2 is doing a fabulous job and giving him many props for doing so. He is correct, about the no-hook up policy. Its in place to protect members from rip-off's, set-up's and buying snake oil. Imagine how I feel. I hate to see people in pain, suffering from an horrible illness. I stay awake at night thinking of this, how are my friends doing. Its getting my health off track, lol. I see people searching for strains they need and it seems mission impossible sometimes. Not so. Just a little planning. Check our 420 Sponsor seed banks, contact them. If they don't have it perhaps they will look into it. Deliver services, call and ask about clones, strains, etc. Same with dispensaries. Just because they don't have it in they can tap into their grow sources. Be legal in any way you possibly can. Go to grower's meetings (where I live they hook up about once a month). Co-ops, Hydro Shops (at least in Cali). Here is a link to a thread who just ordered some Harlequin seeds How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil We have some awesome growers in the grow section.
Hi fghtsmallcell,

Leave the oil thick. I only use grapeseed oil to thin for salve and dosing in cold weather. Great job on the oil! Correct, start in the morning. Check out the thread I posted about the link I sent you to for seeds. Again, great job!

OK the oil making went good. My husband stood over me like an old hen. LOL After he said "that wasn't as scary as I thought it would be". I couldn't find grape seed oil to have on hand for just in case and I will have to look harder for it because my oil is very thick. Now I just have to keep him out of it till morning. He is ready to try it
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