Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Hi Moto,
Okay thanks. I'm grasping at straws here.

The tacking works a bit but my new oil, made with CBD Haze, Juanita, and Sleestack is mighty strong. I took a grain size and thought it was on my gum, but tasted in my throat after a bit and then I had 6 hours of being stoned!


Hi Whitebeach,

Nice to see you around. Sorry, I do not know anyone in Pennsylvania. Even if I did, I could not help without compromising my member status on, and then I would lose my avenue creating awareness using cannabis concentrated oil to treat cancer, etc. They are going to have to break out their 'friend's' card comrade. All the info is here for what they need. The product is up to them. Its sucks it has to be this way. Everyone should have access to this medication for wellness/curing illness. I can only help the ones in my community that have known me a long time. It saddens me deeply the situation your friends are in. I would definitely take a vacation and get what I needed if it was me. That being said I would also be glad to know when I did find what I needed that I would know how to use it properly or even make the concentrate.

Did you ever master the 'tack'? Hope all is well with you.

Best regards Comrade
420 Motoco
Hi Moto,
Okay thanks. I'm grasping at straws here.

The tacking works a bit but my new oil, made with CBD Haze, Juanita, and Sleestack is mighty strong. I took a grain size and thought it was on my gum, but tasted in my throat after a bit and then I had 6 hours of being stoned!


Hi Whitebeach,

Nice to see you around. Sorry, I do not know anyone in Pennsylvania. Even if I did, I could not help without compromising my member status on, and then I would lose my avenue creating awareness using cannabis concentrated oil to treat cancer, etc. They are going to have to break out their 'friend's' card comrade. All the info is here for what they need. The product is up to them. Its sucks it has to be this way. Everyone should have access to this medication for wellness/curing illness. I can only help the ones in my community that have known me a long time. It saddens me deeply the situation your friends are in. I would definitely take a vacation and get what I needed if it was me. That being said I would also be glad to know when I did find what I needed that I would know how to use it properly or even make the concentrate.

Did you ever master the 'tack'? Hope all is well with you.

Best regards Comrade
420 Motoco
Hi Whitebeach,

If you got euphoric Brother the oil didn't tack properly. I've mentioned before to do a half grain of rice to tack (smaller amounts are handled easier). Then take the other half. Relax Whitebeach. Try this. No time limit, don't worry about 'tacking' right now. Just keep the oil in between your gum and finger, just keep holding your finger there for a couple of minutes. Then pull your finger out, see where the oil has moved and reapply. Keep doing this until you see no more oil on your finger. Now do the other half the same way. Soon you will be able to tack. At least you know you got some potent oil. I'm not giving up on you, you might be more stubborn than me, LOL.
Have a great day.

420 Motoco

Hi Moto,
Okay thanks. I'm grasping at straws here.

The tacking works a bit but my new oil, made with CBD Haze, Juanita, and Sleestack is mighty strong. I took a grain size and thought it was on my gum, but tasted in my throat after a bit and then I had 6 hours of being stoned!

Hi Whitebeach,

If you got euphoric Brother the oil didn't tack properly. I've mentioned before to do a half grain of rice to tack (smaller amounts are handled easier). Then take the other half. Relax Whitebeach. Try this. No time limit, don't worry about 'tacking' right now. Just keep the oil in between your gum and finger, just keep holding your finger there for a couple of minutes. Then pull your finger out, see where the oil has moved and reapply. Keep doing this until you see no more oil on your finger. Now do the other half the same way. Soon you will be able to tack. At least you know you got some potent oil. I'm not giving up on you, you might be more stubborn than me, LOL.
Have a great day.

420 Motoco

Hi Moto,
Okay thanks. I'm grasping at straws here.

The tacking works a bit but my new oil, made with CBD Haze, Juanita, and Sleestack is mighty strong. I took a grain size and thought it was on my gum, but tasted in my throat after a bit and then I had 6 hours of being stoned!


The place in OC was called Cannacure (cannacure). They said that they don't use naptha when they process the oil. The person to whom I spoke with didn't know the ratio, or what strains were used. She said someone would get back to me, and it's been three days. Don't know how reliable they are...but maybe someone from 420 Magazine can do some research for all of us cancer patients who need meds.

My main issue is the nausea, diarrhea from the chemo. Just finished my third session. I'm off for a week, then back to three weeks of chemo (1 day a week), and one week off.

Yes, there are quite a few dispensaries here in the SF Valley, haven't found places with oil yet. Anyone else on this thread who can advise me, would be greatly appreciated.



Hi Jeffmgr,
Here is a thread that should be able to help you out:
Our Story Condensed:

My wife first had breast cancer in 2005. The system treated her with a mastectomy then chemo and radiation, followed by 5 years of Tamoxifen. She was fine unti the summer of 2012, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in her remaining breast. They also found it had spread to her liver and spine.

After a 2013 of chemo and radiation, she decided to try liposomal vitamin C in December 2013 (5-10 grams per day equivalent to 20 - 40 grams IV). Her breast tumours pretty much dissapeared and the spinal tumour shrank, but the liver tumour kept slowly growing.

Cannabis was an option given to us back in 2013, but my wife wasn't interested, due the social stigma surrounding it. But by April this year, after a scary night in ER, she decided to try it.

After just a few days, she was off the morphine and sleeping pills, just taking 20mg of Melatonin at bedtime with her dose.

This was great... but in retrospect not so... she was ingesting the oil in gel tabs because she didn't like the taste. By the end of April she had bumped her dose up to .5 a gram a day. That is when the nausea set it. We had to make another trip to ER for fluids and anti nausea meds after she spent 24 hours vomiting.

So after the day after the ER trip, she started dosing again. But still ingesting the gelcaps. The month of May saw her get up to .6 of a gram per day. Then in that fourth week the nausea became unmanageable again.

I figured we were doing everything right... until I found this forum thread.

We have shelved all the gelcaps and are trying to dose by tacking now.

Our Question:

My wife has a lot of saliva. I tack under her front bottom teeth. It tacks well, but because of her saliva issue, it doesn't seem to stay there that long. How long does it need to stick?
Hi cancersux,

A tip on the nauseousness; Glad you are on track for the correct way to take the concentrate. When the person dosing the oil correctly you will still get nauseous, it is not the concentrate. Your wife needs to hydrate and eat at the first sign of feeling nauseous. Your body is telling you to eat and drink. If you consistently drink and eat in between dose's this will not happen. If in 15 minutes or so and she is still nauseous, she just needs a tad more dose. This is especially important when using sativa dominate strain. You will feel your belly growling/nauseous and because of the up you will think; 'in a little while'. Then, before you know it a few hours have past. What happens next is anxiety sets in and then panic attacks. Just simply hydrate and eat.

Sativa/up after a few weeks will also curb appetite (dosing properly-tack). Your wife will notice this as she will be hungry but will fill up fast. Normally a sandwich is no problem. She will be full after half of the sandwich is gone. Save it and finish it a hour later. This will be your job hubby :). Remind her all the time. Yes you will become a nag. Soon she will understand the importance and this will become easy when learned. I never go anywhere without water and a snack.

After a while from tacking everyday the tack spots will be constantly there and dosing will become much more easier. Don't worry if the tack spot goes away. The idea is to keep the oil on the gums long enough to get to the CB1 receptors, once this is achieved (by tacking) the rest drains down to the CB2 receptors. What will the wife expect? A clear head with no euphoric and a much better feeling of wellness. Here is a great tip; Tack using a small amount of concentrate, it applies much easier. Do three to four different spots on the bottom gum and keep them close together to the previous tack's. Once this is done wait a few minutes, then apply the rest of the dose.
Much easier to handle than a grain of rice for example. She has been used to digesting the oil without tacking. Now she will feel like the concentrate isn't doing anything because she doesn't feel euphoric. She will feel so much healthier tacking the oil and feel what her body is doing. Coming up though she will need an ounce of Indica (close to 100% you can get). Hindu Kush, Afgan Kush, Master Kush are examples. This isn't to kill cancer as her daytime regimen is for that. The Indica is strictly for sleep and to increase appetite if needed.

Go through some of the post and you will pick up a lot of info on do's and don't's. You should try to get a high CBD strain also to shrink the tumor's and inflammation and is great for pain. On the norm one ounce produces 2 grams of concentrate. This will actually last through the rest of her treatment.

When and if you get Indica, and a high CBD strain. Post back and I can assist you on those applications.

Yes, the taste can be bitter, especially on the high CBD strain. As time goes by and she gets used to it the taste isn't noticeable. In my opinion the taste is so much better than chemo and its side effects. Bad taste = kill cancer.

Hope this helps and your wife will be so much happier living a normal life while healing. Remember about the hydrating and eating and it will be smooth sailing with no hiccups. Any questions you or your wife has please ask.

Best regards,

420 Motoco

ps-if waiting for a reply always hit F-5 to refresh your browser to see the response.
Nice! Good strains. If you cannot find a high percentage Indica let me know and we can do a work around.

Right now we are using Purple Kush. I am getting some Cannatonic in a few weeks when it is harvested.
With so much saliva, would it be okay to tack to the top gum which seems a lot drier? Problem is, even though it tacks well on her bottom gum, it seems to wash off after 15 minutes.
If the tack only last 15 minutes that is fine. My wife's dissipate like that also. My tack's for whatever reason last much longer. The reason why the bottom gums is a prefered location is if you sit next to your wife when she is sitting or standing, look at the side of her face, notice that the bottom jaw is in the down position. When you tack on the lower gum even when the oil warms up inside the mouth it drains to the middle of the gum. This is ideal as the concentrate absorbs into the gums to reach your CB1 receptors first which insures the proper way to dose. That being said, the top gums work also but can drain down to the CB2 faster which will lead to euphoria unless applied longer than normal. Also a worthy mention. Once she becomes use to the taste she will not salivate as much (at least for the wife and me). To get the concentrate to tack easier have your wife try putting an ice cube in her mouth, swish it around her bottom gums, then dry with a towel/etc. This will get the gums colder and the oil adheres easier. Concentrated oil always runs from hot to cold. That is why sometimes it is hard to tack because the gums are warmer than the oil. Also if she just started tacking her oil it takes 3-5 days to get fully seated in her system. That is an average and varies between each individual. Keep doing what your doing, its fine. Has she noticed the difference in feeling between digesting the oil and applying to the gums?

420 Motoco
We have been at it for a couple of days now. The tacking has become much easier and it seems to be sticking well.

Only issue is that in the afternoon, about three hours after her second tack, she gets really dizzy. This can last up to two hours. Right now the first tack is around two grains and she doesn't feel it. Second tack is a little one, maybe half grain. Everything is good for a few hours, then the dizziness sets in....
Hi cancersux,

Sounds like nausea again. At the first sign of dizzy, nauseous you have to eat and drink. The concentrate raises your metabolism, even when your sitting or lying down. It burns nutrients and dehydrates without one realizing it. Also the concentrate is pulling toxins our of the body and can aid in feeling nausea also. Only thing other than that is your wife might not be taking enough time on tacking the second dose and swallowing some oil. A mild euphoria (half tack & half digest) can last up to 2-3 hours. Make sure your wife drinks a lot of water and snacks before dosing and about 30-60 minutes after. Doesn't have to be much, just consistent. Try this and see if it goes away. Plz let me know the results.

We have been at it for a couple of days now. The tacking has become much easier and it seems to be sticking well.

Only issue is that in the afternoon, about three hours after her second tack, she gets really dizzy. This can last up to two hours. Right now the first tack is around two grains and she doesn't feel it. Second tack is a little one, maybe half grain. Everything is good for a few hours, then the dizziness sets in....
ps-any meds prescribed by her Dr.? Blood pressure, pain, sleeping meds? TY

We have been at it for a couple of days now. The tacking has become much easier and it seems to be sticking well.

Only issue is that in the afternoon, about three hours after her second tack, she gets really dizzy. This can last up to two hours. Right now the first tack is around two grains and she doesn't feel it. Second tack is a little one, maybe half grain. Everything is good for a few hours, then the dizziness sets in....
Here are some side effects of Zopiclone; Effect on the gastrointestinal system: a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, dry mouth and feeling sick or being sick. Effects on the nervous system: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, irritability, aggressiveness, confusion, depression, amnesia, hallucinations or nightmares. Other: sometimes sleeplessness has occurred on stopping the tablets, usually following prolonged use.

Atavan; Avoid using other medicines that make you sleepy. Explains the dizziness and Atavan should not be used with any other sleep meds.

How many times a day is Zopiclone used? These are meds on the do not list while using concentrated oil. Your wife is using an Indica dominate strain 'purple kush' as her concentrate. She should already feel relaxed and tired. Sleeping meds will compound this creating dizziness and nausea. Side effects are also depression, anxiety/panic attacks. The concentrate you have is for anxiety/panic attacks and insomnia. You do not need more. If anything add another dose to the daily regiment right now. If you have a pill cutter you might consider to start cutting them in half and ween off (both).

Soon you will have your cannatonic and that will help also. Cannatonic has more UP/sativa and will help with depression but will also have to be watched so last dose is after lunch or sleep will be harder to achieve.

Here is the deal with anxiety/depression. It can become so severe nothing in the world works until you learn how to control it. It is not through meds. It is through teaching yourself how to relax your mind, stop the wheels turning so you can sleep. Counting backwards from 100 (regulated by breaths). I throw some sheep into the mix hopping fences watching them with my eyes (closed). Another one is to lay down, concentrate on relaxing your feed, move up to the ankles, to the knee's, etc. You have to practice these and keep trying. Soon you can learn this as a way to prep for sleep. As indicated, no meds in the world will work during a panic attack caused by anxiety.
Also, check your PM in box as a strain selection/blend I want to discuss.
Don't forget to alway hydrate and snack for supplements. You might want to look into an ounce of Hindu Kush, Afghan Kush, Master Kush just for sleep. That would last through the cancer treatment and aid in appetite (if needed).
She takes zopiclone every night, usually before the night dose. Seldom does she task atavan, but does when the dose increases her anxiety or the zopiclone doesn't knock her out.

My wife had tried cannabis once or twice before her illness. She doesn't like the stoned feeling. I think when a stone starts to set in, her anxiety cranks up. Then any physical symptoms compound the anxiety.

Do you know how cannabis reacts to large doses of vitamin C? She was tasking 5 grams a day of liposomal C (equivalent to about 20 grams IV), which we ceased 4 days ago hoping it was the root of the nausea... but the nausea is still there.

And, 20mg of melatonin with the zopiclone....
When taking melatonin;
Diminished drug effectiveness
Reduced supplement effectiveness
Impaired drug and/or supplement absorption.

Using melatonin to increase sleep with other prescribed medications diminishes drug effectiveness. Could explain why zopiclone isn't working as well.

Your absolutely correct about the 'stoned' feeling compounding her anxiety. Taken correctly there should be no euphoric. That being said if your wife 'thinks' she is getting euphoric a 'nauseous' feeling will feel like a euphoric feeling coming on. Its not, just drink some water and a small snack. Also remember now that she is taking the oil correctly it is going to expel toxins from the body including toxins from the meds. This will improve as the toxins are expelled. Always take the oil before meds as it will help with side effects. Also taking vit. C on an empty stomach as well as other meds will cause nausea also. Always eat and drink before dosing oil also. It doesn't have to be much but your coating your stomach lining. Even if she doesn't feel hungry. As your wife gets used to the oil she will be able to tell the difference between thinking she is getting euphoric and not and the anxiety will diminish. I would discontinue the melatonin as a side effect is making other meds non effective. Until you get some indica you will need the sleeping med. Make sure to take the oil 15-20 minutes before taking the sleeping med and see if that helps with nausea. Do this for a couple of days and then update. Also if not hydrating/eating properly nausea will set in as a final mention.
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