Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Two days ago I made a small batch of oil from a new supply of 'organic' (as close as we can get to organic, no chems used).

It is a purple kush from a different grower. I was worried about a chem that may have been applied during the veg state of our initial supply of purple kush.

Last night, I tested a 1/4 to 1/3 sized grain on myself to see if my latest batch had a decent THC level, down the hatch, not tacked. I took it at 6pm and can it kicked in hard around 7:30pm

My brain was buzzing all night, very light sleep. My wife, tacked the same oil. She didn't get euphoric, but had a light, restless sleep. Maybe this new purple kush isn't a kushy as I thought... must have some sativa in it.

Maybe tonight she will try just the tack then the zopiclone... no melatonin.
I was going to mention to test to see if potent. That is what hubby's are for. Any sativa in the mix makes it hard to go to sleep. 95% or higher turns the lights out at night. Then she won't need the sleep aid. Thing is with most growers they harvest at peak THC. Great for getting max THC for cancer but for sleep not so much. A pure Indica or close to it should be grown full term for 'couch lock'. Also a pure Indica is normally low on THC, but higher in CBD and CBN. Also a pure Indica will give the feeling of being somewhat euphoric but it is the down feeling of Indica. How many times is your wife dosing now and what amount?

Once you get your cannatonic some of the nauseous will go away if not all together. As mentioned it will get better as it is flushing out toxins. When your cannatonic (make sure it is grown full term) is ready let me know so we can incorporate into your wifes dosing regimen. Again, it is why drinking a lot of water is important to help flush out toxins. One ounce of indica should produce enough concentrate to last through the cure. Just a matter of getting your wife's concentrates properly adjusted. Soon it should be smooth sailing.
I know our med can cure cancer. Of that there is no doubt. I know there are stage 4 patients that have been cured as well. But, stage 4 colon cancer already metatasized to other major organs has very little remission results even with the oil.
I personally know a patient with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, chemo regimens all gone through, in remission on oil alone.
I'm hoping to be 1 of the "chosen few" of colon cancer survivors.
Since I've been on the oil for about 18 months, my tolerance is WAY up there so I take about 1.5 grams a day in between cheek & gum, (3) 0.33 gram pills with oil & just started suppositories- three molds of 0.33g.
cajuncelt question... how do you make your suppositories?? I haven't made any yet but was figuring to infuse coconut oil with oil, fill a large straw, freeze, warm straw and push out cut off and refreeze dose. I thinking there has to be other ways. cajuncelt I am sending you all the positive vibes that I can for your success on kicking butt on your cancer.
cajuncelt question... how do you make your suppositories?? I haven't made any yet but was figuring to infuse coconut oil with oil, fill a large straw, freeze, warm straw and push out cut off and refreeze dose. I thinking there has to be other ways. cajuncelt I am sending you all the positive vibes that I can for your success on kicking butt on your cancer.
Thanx Bill. I appreciate it.
Ok, sorry for hijacking temporarily bro!
Suppositories: You are on the right track. You can buy organic molds, put them in frig to set up. When ready, simply push out of mold & up your...
I started w/ the straw too. Pain the ass. (couldn't resist)
Coconut oil, as you mentioned, is a great vehicle for the oil.
Thanks cajuncelt. When dosing between the gum and cheek are you clear headed and alert? I'm asking this because as dose amounts increase to the amount your taking 3 times a day it would seem impossible to not digest the oil before getting to your CB1 receptors. When this happens it is just like taking man made meds (only safer of course) and the healing process works like a temporary fix instead of a cure. One gentleman's dad from Poland was digesting the oil without applying to the gums correctly for 3 months (almost up to a gram a day) before he started chemo. When he started to take the oil correctly he easily got up to over a gram a day, felt much better and is healing much more rapidly. The most recent member started out taking up to 2 grams a day via gel caps and swallowing without getting the oil to the CB1 receptors first. Here is his posts, check it out } Healing Stopped? Receptors Saturated? Please I need your advice

Also taking the concentrate more often in smaller doses keeps the body much more regulated. When taking the oil correctly (after taking the oil incorrectly) you actually feel more nausea and not all that great because now the oil is flushing out toxins for a few days. Then the healing process starts at a much more accelerated rate.

An unbalanced dosing regimen (when more oil is digested than dosed properly) its back to the 'band-aid' fix. I remember at the start you where just swallowing without getting the oil into the gums properly. If you want to keep your 3 times a day (I would at least do five) try this approach. Take a small amount (eigth grain of rice) and apply to the gum using the 'tack' method sticking the oil to the gum. Do a couple more right next to the first area. Wait 15 minutes, then take your normal dose between gum and cheek. You don't need to do the pills with oil. Do the tacking method as explained and after 15 minutes add the 0.33 grams to the amount you take. By tacking first as instructed and waiting 15 minutes until the oil has entered the CB1 receptors then everything that has drained down/or digested is controlled by the CB1 receptors. Same with rectal application, dose correctly first with small amounts tacked properly on the gum (insures the oil gets to the CB1 receptors first) then the healing is controlled by your brain. This is the hardest part for people to understand. The brain controls when, how, where the concentrate needs to go. Sounds ridiculous right? Not so. This is the correct way to heal. Also do you have any high CBD strains? If not you can take an Indica dominate strain and grow it full term. As THC reduces, CBD gains. 5% CBD when made into a concentrate comes in about 20% total and will help immensely shrinking tumors by removing inflammation and of course any pain which greatly aids in a faster heal.

Here is another method of application for rectal purposes. Simply pack the concentrate in the tip of the syringe (would mix with a drop of grapeseed oil to make a tad more pliable) a small amount of warm water in the bulb, insert, make sure the angle of the syringe is down and squeeze the bulb. Practice makes perfect as well as blending the grapeseed oil for the right consistency. }Faultless® Goodhealth Rectal Syringe

A quick review. If taking cannabis concentrated oil and you do not feel clear headed and have a wellness feeling you simply are not taking the oil correctly. Just keep in mind the first few days toxins will be expelling so you will feel some nausea and a little off. After that you should start feeling better and better and the healing starts the correct way. The hardest part is getting over " I don't think the oil is doing nothing because I can't feel it". You know how potent the concentrate is so just because you don't feel the euphoria doesn't mean it is not doing anything. Most of the oil is digested but only after it is applied properly to the gum first. Simple and the most effective way for the concentrate to work. I want you to be the one who beats cancer down brother. One last mention; have you had your THC % tested? If it is under 20% it takes longer to heal also.
ps-what strain/strains are you using? Your not hijacking my thread Brother, its everyone's. If its concentrated cannabis oil, dosing correctly related its all good. That being said if I wanted to eat properly with nutritious foods, know how important hydration is, 420 changed my eating habits immensely. I still incorporate organic chicken (small portion's) in salads, brown rice, etc., not close to his regimen but I'm improving and feel much healthier over the last two months. He is my jedi master for eating properly. Lets face it, most sick people (I know) ate their way to poor health, did not exercise properly, etc. They do not want to change even when a major illness happens.

I know our med can cure cancer. Of that there is no doubt. I know there are stage 4 patients that have been cured as well. But, stage 4 colon cancer already metatasized to other major organs has very little remission results even with the oil.
I personally know a patient with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, chemo regimens all gone through, in remission on oil alone.
I'm hoping to be 1 of the "chosen few" of colon cancer survivors.
Since I've been on the oil for about 18 months, my tolerance is WAY up there so I take about 1.5 grams a day in between cheek & gum, (3) 0.33 gram pills with oil & just started suppositories- three molds of 0.33g.
My wife just couldn't get past the extreme nausea.. so she has switched to suppositories and things seem to be going much better. Has anyone else you know of done it this way?
Hi cancersux,

I reviewed all your post, I am thinking when you mention when working up to a half of gram 2 hours after her dose nausea sets in. All the signals I'm getting is it seems like euphoria. For me two hours after I dose (first learning) if not done correctly is when the euphoria would come knocking. So you think you are taking the oil correctly because you don't feel euphoric for a while. The euphoria can be mild or severe depending on how well you tacked (if you tacked correctly-none, if partial mild, etc.).

Here is a link that just started a discussion on suppositories. Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

I have a couple more comments to add but have to run some errands.

Continuation: I understand your wife dislikes the taste but I would like you to try this method using suppositories. Tack on 4 small dose's of concentrate to the gums (dot like size-all four dots equalling a 1/4 grain of rice). Wait 15 minutes before applying the suppositories. Why? When taking gel caps, or any application of concentrate without getting to the CB1 receptors first the healing process is not effective. The result is like a temporary fix (like man made meds) and not a cure. By getting a small amount to the CB1 receptors first it controls the healing process much quicker and cures instead of simply stabilizing. Like installing a new CPU in a computer. Works faster, sends information where it needs to go and process's data much more efficiently. Might sound a far fetched, the mind is a powerful thing to behold.

Besides the bitter taste the amount actually tacked to the gums is miniscule and will not cause nausea (providing drinking and eating correctly). The taste will go away quickly as the amount is so small. A simple drink of chilled water 10 minutes after applying to the gums should void the taste. This will totally control the oil taken via suppositories. Do this before taking each suppository and the heal/cure will work just like applying large doses via the gum. In your wife's case, avoid nausea and way more less saliva.
Dosing and application information is only as specific as it has been in past - nothing about proper application other than to say by mouth for internal, suppository for bowel issues and both/either of those with the addition of vaporizing for lung conditions. Also reinforces working your way up to a comfortable dose level starting with 1/2 grain rice 3 times a day and increasing every 3 days until you get up to 1 gram per day and also states that the faster you get it into your system the better it works. There was one individual that cured their cancer in 28 days because they had the tolerance to ingest ~60 grams in that time period. Reinforces a maintenance dose of 1 gram per month or one grain of rice per day at bedtime. Also states that ether is best, naptha is second best, and grain alcohol is no safer and doesn't work quite as well for extraction - RS chose naptha because of its availability and low price.
Dosing and application information is only as specific as it has been in past - nothing about proper application other than to say by mouth for internal, suppository for bowel issues and both/either of those with the addition of vaporizing for lung conditions. Also reinforces working your way up to a comfortable dose level starting with 1/2 grain rice 3 times a day and increasing every 3 days until you get up to 1 gram per day and also states that the faster you get it into your system the better it works. There was one individual that cured their cancer in 28 days because they had the tolerance to ingest ~60 grams in that time period. Reinforces a maintenance dose of 1 gram per month or one grain of rice per day at bedtime. Also states that ether is best, naptha is second best, and grain alcohol is no safer and doesn't work quite as well for extraction - RS chose naptha because of its availability and low price.
Morning budnoob2,

Thank you for this information! I was expecting some more detail in dosing. It is still vague, and I thought there would be more dosing times than three a day. I also thought there would be a daytime, nighttime regimen for preventive maintenance/wellness (both). That was the 82 year old man downing 2 grams a day going about his business as normal (don't try this at home boys and girls). I thought the book would of been some newer or more elaborated detail. I've learned one thing for sure, grain alcohol is much much safer, way less caustic fumes. Admittedly doesn't pull out as much, but, with an extra quick wash brings the pull right up to par. In the short time I've been using Spirytus grain alcohol I love the ease of use, the ease of evaporation during decarboxylation process. Not to mention I know the safety factor especially for first time users. Price? I just bought 24 750ml bottles for 628.00-ouch! Hopefully that will be enough to process a lb. of Ghost OG (24.8%THC), 2 oz of Harlequin (pain/inflammation) and 2 oz of Blackberry (sleep and appetite increase). Late stage chemo/radiation failed, hence, this med package.

Thank you so much budnoob2. I really appreciate your help Brother! I don't even have the 10.00 bucks to buy the book :). Don't get me wrong, I think very highly of Mr. Simpson and wish him all the best. He saved my butt to be sure. I hope he gets wealthy for his contribution to saving people's lives. Now I'm thinking of gong through my post and perhaps with the help of a professional editor (yes you know who :)) coming out with perhaps "What Motoco Knows Won't Kill You" :) I know a lot of people that could use some oil for the cure instead of just having enough to keep their illness at bay. I would certainly help to keep the wheels turning at 420 Magazine to be sure. Always take care of the ones who take care of you. Not many folks know, but what the 420 crew does for awareness is nothing short of spectacular in my humble opinion. Amazing is an understatement.

Thanks again Brother!
Last night went very well. She did the small tack, waited 15 minutes then did 200mg via suppository. Last night was the jump from 150mg - 200mg.

If all goes well, dose will bump up Wednesday night to 250mg.

What have you read on the use of Citocoline with the oil, to reduce the euphoria?
Never had to check it out. Taken correctly on your gums there is no euphoria. Is the euphoria from using a suppository without tacking small amounts on the gum first? Cannot get past the taste even in small amounts? Anyway I would do this instead even though I caution it is not the same healing properties of getting the oil to the CB1 receptors first. You will need a concentrated high CBD strain (no blends) made into concentrated oil. Take a grain of rice size of this first via suppository (CBD strain concentrate) first, wait about 10 minutes and take your high THC oil via the same method. The high CBD strain will minimize the euphoria. Unfortunately it seems women complain about the taste more then men. My wife is used to it and many other women who have tried it. Some women just cannot get past the taste. Sometimes when I see people come out of chemo and see them and their condition, I would think the taste as bad as it can be, would be a very small inconvenience in my opinion. Sorry for an extended answer, just would like to see her heal properly.

What have you read on the use of Citocoline with the oil, to reduce the euphoria?
She had no issues with euphoria last night... everything went well.

I have made some cannatonic suppositories for the morning, about 50mg per. Will see how that goes today.

Doing the math, I figure a 1/4 grain of rice (the tack) is just under 10mg

So daily doses right now are:

Morning -
10mg purple kush tack
50mg cannatonic suppository

Night -
10mg purple kush tack
200mg purple kush suppository did a edit while I was replying, haha. O.k. cool, that works well then. You are on the correct path now. Just small tacks before anything else. I would suggest this regimen.

10mg cannatonic tack
50mg suppository

After lunch 20mg -half grain of rice tacked (nothing else)

Same as yours.

Why the switch in the morning? The cannatonic tack does two things, one being shrinking any tumors and stop/delay cancer advancement by shrinking removing inflammation in the cancer cells and managing pain. The other is to guarantee if dosing incorrectly (mistakes happen) with the high THC oil the euphoria will be mild. A noon dose of cannatonic will last through the night also. This would be a perfect regimen. Unfortunately high CBD strains are the nastiest taste :). I would imagine though the small tacking amounts help immensely compared to larger doses. Also after dosing ice water can be effective for a quick wash of the saliva picking up the nasty taste. The cold water insures no oil will be wasted as it is not water soluble and when cold hits it the oil stays put. 15 minutes later, cookie, cracker removes the taste. Think your getting on track Brother. I don't know how much oil you have, but you should try the tack method doing it correctly for a few weeks, stop doing it correctly, and down a 1/4 grain of rice for a couple of weeks and see the difference in how you feel. You will then know taking the oil correctly has so many more benefits. Also once you understand how the taste dissipates, how everything works, hydrating, eating this instills confidence in your wife also. Not to mention getting your health to another level. Once you know how the oil really works you can help hundreds out in your community. Learn to dose only (instead of suppository's). Its an educational adventure you will love to partake in. Just looking at the concentrate it seems so simple, yet once learned you can talk hours about it and all the wonders it achieves medically. This is how MMJ will become legal. Building up communities with knowledge and awareness and helping saving lives. A win win for sure.

I think your on the right track now my Euro comrade.
I was gonna send a pm, but thought others might have similar questions.
I contacted the Phoenix Tears folks in regards to the gum application as it seems this is fundamental to a cure.
Their response was this was "nonsense". They have helped terminal cancer patients with several means including ingesting capsules, feeding tubes, suppositories, etc. without applying to gums.
Rick recommends applying to gums as this is quickest absorption method, but many factors apply. They said ingestion to blood by any/every means necessary.
Their suggestion for colon cancer was suppositories and said getting the oil closest to organ was the key.
As this kinda strays from your experience bro, can you let me know your thoughts? It makes a huge difference to me & how I proceed.
Thank for your knowledge bro. Sorry for keeping a controversy alive, but I'm running out of time. I've only 2 chemo regs left I'm out of conventional medicine's greedy hands.
Oh yeah, Breaux Bridge Louisiana, but lots of Cajuns in Texas. Beaumont & outside of Houston, Port Arthur are all Cajun cities in Texas.
I was gonna send a pm, but thought others might have similar questions.
I contacted the Phoenix Tears folks in regards to the gum application as it seems this is fundamental to a cure.
Their response was this was "nonsense". They have helped terminal cancer patients with several means including ingesting capsules, feeding tubes, suppositories, etc. without applying to gums.
Rick recommends applying to gums as this is quickest absorption method, but many factors apply. They said ingestion to blood by any/every means necessary.
Their suggestion for colon cancer was suppositories and said getting the oil closest to organ was the key.
As this kinda strays from your experience bro, can you let me know your thoughts? It makes a huge difference to me & how I proceed.
Thank for your knowledge bro. Sorry for keeping a controversy alive, but I'm running out of time. I've only 2 chemo regs left I'm out of conventional medicine's greedy hands.
Oh yeah, Breaux Bridge Louisiana, but lots of Cajuns in Texas. Beaumont & outside of Houston, Port Arthur are all Cajun cities in Texas.
Hi Brother,

If you follow my post's brother I don't disagree with RS methods. His record speaks for itself. What I am saying, no matter what the application location is if you 'tack' a small amount on your gums first. Then you can digest, suppositories, any method you mentioned. A small amount on the gums first controls the heal. I've digested oil for 2 months straight and got high every time. You don't have to change what your doing as far as application goes, just 4 little small tacks, wait 10 minutes and take your dose anyway you want after that. I'm talking 4 little dots. I'm sorry to say, but, dealing with someone so weak from late stage cancer getting euphoric by ingesting potent concentrated oil is against my methods. Go about your business brother, just please tack first. Think about it for a second. Take the same amount you been dosing/suppositories and your just adding 4 small dots on your gums prior (won't even total a grain of rice) wait 10 minutes, then the same way you were dosing/applying. How can that hurt any application method? Get on with your heal Brother. When you get a chance read the rest of this.

Don't want to start a war Brother but check out peeps coming into our site. First thing I find out is how they are dosing. Three times a day. Wonder where they been? They all have the same issue, severe euphoria. I'm not in a pissing contest with who does what. I know from experience what I've learned. As mentioned a simple tack with a small amount, then apply anyway you want. You have read some others also from the U.K. So if RS method's work so well how are these folks finding out the right way to take the oil with no euphoria works so well? No worries, I'm glad you posted Brother. I have faced controversy since I started this thread. I stand my ground on my method of 'tacking' first. Actually thinking about it, I'm damn good at what I know, not perfect by any means, but between 'tacking' and blending strains for different illness (besides Indica dominate and pure Indica) and peoples different make-up I'm proud of myself and what I've learned as well as my wife. There are rare cases you cannot use the 'tack' because of the taste factor but it seems many people cannot get past the euphoria. Four dots on the gums prior and carry on your application. Peace

Another recent eurphoria case] Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method
Hi Brother,

If you follow my post's brother I don't disagree with RS methods. His record speaks for itself. What I am saying, no matter what the application location is if you 'tack' a small amount on your gums first. Then you can digest, suppositories, any method you mentioned. A small amount on the gums first controls the heal. I've digested oil for 2 months straight and got high every time. You don't have to change what your doing as far as application goes, just 4 little small tacks, wait 10 minutes and take your dose anyway you want after that. I'm talking 4 little dots. I'm sorry to say, but, dealing with someone so weak from late stage cancer getting euphoric by ingesting potent concentrated oil is against my methods. Go about your business brother, just please tack first. Think about it for a second. Take the same amount you been dosing/suppositories and your just adding 4 small dots on your gums prior (won't even total a grain of rice) wait 10 minutes, then the same way you were dosing/applying. How can that hurt any application method? Get on with your heal Brother. When you get a chance read the rest of this.

Don't want to start a war Brother but check out peeps coming into our site. First thing I find out is how they are dosing. Three times a day. Wonder where they been? They all have the same issue, severe euphoria. I'm not in a pissing contest with who does what. I know from experience what I've learned. As mentioned a simple tack with a small amount, then apply anyway you want. You have read some others also from the U.K. So if RS method's work so well how are these folks finding out the right way to take the oil with no euphoria works so well? No worries, I'm glad you posted Brother. I have faced controversy since I started this thread. I stand my ground on my method of 'tacking' first. Actually thinking about it, I'm damn good at what I know, not perfect by any means, but between 'tacking' and blending strains for different illness (besides Indica dominate and pure Indica) and peoples different make-up I'm proud of myself and what I've learned as well as my wife. There are rare cases you cannot use the 'tack' because of the taste factor but it seems many people cannot get past the euphoria. Four dots on the gums prior and carry on your application. Peace

Another recent eurphoria case] Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method
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