Cheap Plastic Box Grow

Thank you calidreaming, budworshipper and wrecked it's been tough but time heals all things. This plant has been my therapy ever since not sure where i would be without it. Hey wrecked the girls are looking great. I thought you already flipped one but i guess I could be wrong lol. Im pretty anxious to flip to flower my self lol. Medicated ramblings would be a awesome journal name lol. Take it easy bud.
Hey bro on the funds and the cost of things. I don't no how u look at things or what your growing for but me I like things organic. Although I no with a good flush the chemical nutes won't do any harm to me I still like organic nutes it's just my preference. Ppl say they don't grow as big buds but I do pretty good. I use the BIOBIZZ 3 part nutrient feed......
grow..Top max. .bloom.

U really can't overdo it or cause harm with this line it's easy on the plants. I buy it off fleebay you get the 3 bottles of 500 ml each and the set lasts me 2 full grows growing 6 plants a grow. And it's about $30-40 for the set. Just a thought if u like organic it's cheap and good
Cali my man thank you so much for that info, I looked up biobizz and really like it! Probs will get it for the next grow. Really appreciate that bro!!

Budworshipper, hahahah thanks my man!! Hope to see the ball outta the park soon (that's what you guys say hey? :rofl:)

OD, the struggle is real my friend hahahah

Lexort! Brother! Hope your well my friend, things are going well here, I'll chuck an update after my coffee!

Scousemouse, thank you so much for the kind words, the flip happened yesterday :party:

Sorry all, spent the weekend house sitting my brothers place with no internet, massive :420: withdrawal hahaha :rofl: Will finish my coffee and do an update, lots changed in the cheap plastic box garden, be right back...
Ya I was about to send out a search party for ya wrecked thought you went MIA for good lol glad your back
So guys, apologies again for my absence. So much has happened, allow me to fill you in..

So I taught the misses how to clone! We chopped down the second plant and took 14 clones of her. I didn't get a photo of the roots cuz I was in such a rush, but it looked amazing. Proper good structure, not root bound, so I was very pleased. The 4 clones I took earlier are still going, no roots yet, had to chuck them into the flower box cuz of the room situation, the other 10 are doing really well in that little clone box I made. I had them covered for 6 dayz. Took the dome off this morning and installed a fan in the top half. It's now pulling air in from the vents down the bottom, cooling the light and exhausting hot air out the top. Win!



So we flipped SARAH :party::party::party:
The misses bought me the last of the supplies during the weekend, so we are now full steam ahead. Have been flushing her for the last two waters and will start half strength nutes for her next feed. Super excited, she has turned out to be quite the monster!! Really happy with the training and how she has filled out, due for some nice flowers within the fortnight. Happy days, happy daze



And now they have their own table of goodies, love the set up, though my room is now more garden than bedroom :rofl:


Hope you're all well, have so many journals to catch up on. Talk soon, pass in on.. :passitleft:
So your clones rooted then? Im waiting on one of mine to stick it's roots out more and for one to make roots lol. Everything looks good over here brother good work!
So your clones rooted then? Im waiting on one of mine to stick it's roots out more and for one to make roots lol. Everything looks good over here brother good work!

Nar no roots yet, the 4 I took earlier got a bit to hot in the box while I was away, so they are just chilling and I'll see how they go, have high high hopes for the other 10 within the next week.

Thanks for missing me while I was gone! I'll be sure to fill ya all in if I plan on disappearing again!!
O well im still rooting for your clones! And you better let us know before you go AWOL again lol
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