Crown Royal - First Grow

no , whats nft tubes ?

Nutrient Film Technique. Works great.

ok second feeding ,mixed nutes to 650 ppm , let sit for 5 minutes , settled at 550 . ph 5.8 , didmt adjust . im im a hurry to feed and go to work .tested run off was 650 on all plants .gotta transplant big bertha cuz she has roots comong through drain holes . illl put her in a fibe gallon before i feed her . ill post pics in a few minutes
note to self . bertha had a run off of 950 after i gave her a mix of nutes at 450 . ran a half gallon of water through to even the ppm out to about 750 ish. lets see how she likes her new home and the nute mix . She did well on her first feeding which was rrally high so this one shouldnt effect her much
Looking good brotha. Looks like we are right neck and neck so far.

Are you getting a ton of growth at the base of each set of leaves as well?
yea we are ! your plants look healthy !
Yea i have alot of growth at the base for some reason , ill try to take video or pics to show ya .
The Crown is bushy all the way up.
you can really see it in the Crop on the right.

Those are the bomb mike. It's my first time but if I get anywhere close to that I will be totally happy. Nice to know that the genetics are solid though. All our plays have great structure and bud sites. Topped mine last night for the first time.
ok guys, so its day 24 for big birtha, day 17 for the 3 smaller ladies . everything is going well and just did 2 transplants lastnight into 5 gallons.
anyways just watch the video and check out for those odorless ziplock bags and the drying and curing bags i just recieved today .The ladies seem happy , so daddy is happy .
day 24 of veg , funksac - YouTube
Cool journal man!:surf:
i just had to feed the 2 of 3 smaller plants . man were they thirsty ! i had to use 2 gallons a piece on each pot . i just fed them a couple days ago but i could tell they werent 100 percent . kinda droopy and not as perky as my main girl .fed at 650 ppms . 3 1/2 teaspoons of A and B each jug and 3 teaspoons of b52, 2 teaspoons of voodoo. runoff was about 950 on one and the other was about 880 . ph was 5.8 5.9 .
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