Dacob's Super Silver Haze and Super OG Kush LED/CFL Garden #1


Got some trichome photos for everyone today, looking very pretty pretty.

I apologize for the small resolution, I forgot to increase the resolution before I took the pics, so they are a little small.

These are an assortment from the OG Kushes and the SSH's, the 4 photos with lots of amber trics are from the runt, who is going to be harvested tonight.

She has been showing a lot of yellowing on her leaves in the last two weeks, and so it's clear from the abundance of degraded trics that she is done.

Enjoy! :)
















Dude Wow! incredible photos! + rep

Hey cool, thanks for the +rep dude!

Ya, I use a hand held scope for in garden work, and then when I need to really look at something, I pull out my USB microscope -- best $80 I ever spent!

It really makes it so much easier to see the trics, I really highly recommend one. At first, I thought it was a waste, but after using it I just about threw away my hand held scope...

I'll take a few more tomorrow at high resolution and then see if I can't blow up a tric head or too, I'm curious to see what they look like up close.


Some really high resolution trichome photos today, at 1600 by 1200 pixels... yay!

These are all the OG Kushes -- they are done. Only 55 days!! I was expecting them to go a bit longer, but I'm happy with the amount of cloudy trics I see, and I don't want too many amber, so they are getting cut tonight. They are at about 10-20% amber, which is what I wanted for this particular strain, as it's more for the daytime.

In fact, the SSH's are going to go tonight too, they have progressed to about 40-50% amber, pretty high for a sativa-dominant hybrid, but I think it's going to work out well. They were a lot less crowded than the OG Kushes, which may also have lead to them maturing faster. Not sure.

I was very suprised at the SSH's rapid maturation, I was expecting them to go for at least 9 to 10 weeks as that is the standard I've been seeing on various forums and such, especially the Sensi Seeds forum, who apparently are the originators of the SSH line. So, while I can not confirm this, it seems that LEDs may help cannabis mature faster!

I'm going to have to run a few more cycles with other strains to see if there is any consistency to my theory, but I'm hoping I'm right. I saved about 2 weeks off of what I was going to let the SSH's flower for -- not an insignificant amount of time, I'd say!

Anyway, here are the pics from the OG Kushes, I did not bother uploading the SSH pics as they are not as nice and are mostly amber anyway, not as exciting to look at as mature ripe trics... enjoy! :ganjamon:














very cool pics.... are u shooting the pics thru the microscope eyepiece with a camera?

No, actually it is a USB microscope, so I see the image on the laptop screen.

Shooting through a microscope is possible, but requires a mounting bracket for the camera, etc -- a real pain.
usb microscope...80 bucks huh? and it shows you the image right on your computer? Thats way cool, you'll have to tell me where you got it.

Ya, just do a search on Google for USB microscopes and see what pops up.

They generally run more than $100, for a decent model but they can be found much cheaper on eBay, where else? Hehe...

DO NOT waste time with a cheap one that only shoots at 640x480 pixels!

Go for one with decent resolution, or you will get junky low resolution shots that you will NOT like. The shots above were taken at UXGA (1600x1200 pixels), and my particular model goes up to QSXGA resolution (2560x2048 pixels) if I recall correctly. Each pic, at that resolution, is almost 2 megs in size as a .jpeg file!! That is essential, as with that level of detail, you can zoom in on a part of the shot and it will not be blurry.

I bought mine on eBay, direct from the Chinese manufacturer in HK.

I'm not holding out much hope of being able to return it if it breaks, but for the price, I was not too worried about it.

Shipping took about 2 weeks, not too bad at all, and the unit I bought works like a charm, the depth of field is tiny and it does not focus well at all resolutions, but it goes from 50-200x magnification, and the LED lights are very bright, which helps to illuminate the trics nicely, as you can see in the photos.

Now, it a USB microscope necessary? No, I can use my hand-held scope just time and get the same results, but the USB scope is much easier to use, and I love the ability to save tric photos to compare to later ones, so I can be sure of when the peak ripeness time has arrived...

Good luck!!


Everyone loves nug shots, so here are few...

These are about 3-4 days dry, and they sure are pretty!

This first set of 3 is the Super OG Kushes:




They really turned out well, when I look at them drying with a small light, they just sparkle and shine like diamonds -- really gorgeous.

This next set of three are the Super Silver Hazes -- they do indeed have a "haze" of trics over the leaves and calyxs, which is just gorgeous. I could not get a proper close up, as I don't have a macro lens, but I think you can still see what I'm talking about.

I may try to get some photos of the SSH's with my microscope, as that might help to illustrate the literal haze that covers most of the bud -- it's quite a sight.




Lastly is my "mystery" plant, it is a clone but not a SSH or a OGK, it's some other strain that I guess got mixed in somehow at the co-op. Not sure...

It did not grow well and only yield 21 grams total -- pretty meager. It was hurting for nutes when I adopted it, so I'm not suprised.

But, it is decent and I have to say I'm impressed with the photo of this one, it does look better in the picture than I originally thought it was, so that's good... Still, not the density I'd like to see.


So, all in all that's about it for my Garden #1, I'm just waiting to finish drying and a short cure so I can post the yields, I'm curious to see how it all turned out!

I've started my next garden, with some nice regular (not super) OG Kushes and some lovely White Russians that I'm expecting great things from...

I think my foray into LED lighting has proved that LEDs can indeed grow excellent cannabis -- if you are truly holding out any doubts, just take a look at the photos above.

LED's work. Yes, you do need to know what you are doing -- I would say my knowledge was essential in getting the most from the LED's I used, but even still -- they are effective, period, and I think my journal here is evidence enough indeed to satisfy even the most die-hard skeptic.


Final weights:

Mystery Plant - 0.75 ounces
Stanley-etta - 0.50 ounces

OG Kushes - 3.6 ounces

Super Silver Hazes - 3.85 ounces

Total: 8.7 ounces...

Not too bad for LED lights, eh? ;)

Moderator, if you have time, please move this to the completed journals section, thanks!!

Not bad yield @ all. This LEd stuff is starting to get me interested especially since it tightens the nodes for the plants. If i can afford it might tack that on to the budget :)
Thanks for sharing your grow with us!

I'm moving this to completed journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please start one here:
Journals in Progress - 420 Magazine

Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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