Dbdub's End Grow 2020


Well-Known Member
Welcome to my first official grow.
I say that because the first 2 plants I have I received them when they were several months old.
This will be my first grow from seed to harvest.

The Veg Room
My veg room is 36x48x84. 3 walls will be painted white while the 4th wall will have panda film with a zipper door. The room is in the basement where it averages high 70’s. I plan to light the veg room with 2 V600 Viparspectra. I bought these lights on facebook marketplace. We shall see how long they last. Exhaust will be a 6” AC INFINITY Cloudline 6 W/ carbon filter. This filter will exhaust 2 rooms Veg and Flower


The seeds I plan to germinate will be Fire OG Feminized FOG-FP4
Gelato Feminized GLT-FP4
Both Seeds being a Indica Dominated strain should make it easy to grow in on room.
Both yield around 500 gr
Seeds were bought from Homegrowncannabis Seed bank.

I was currently using FoxFarm Ocean Forest but can no longer can get it. I've decided to go with Salamander Mix. If this is unavailable I will use Strawberry Fields Potting Mix

The seeds will be put in a damp towel to start the germinating process on 7/1/20 I'm hoping to see roots within a week to plant.I will start the seed in a small 4”’ pots.

Id like to grow 4 plants, 2 plants of the Fire Og and 2 plants of the Gelato
Id like to have all 4 plants in 10 gal pots when i flip to flower.Or would it be better to flip in smaller pots? My flower room is also 36x48x84 and i would like to use up the whole closest with a nice SCROG . Are 4 smaller plants better than 2 larger plants ? I understand the time and how it would take longer to get bigger plants but how much extra yield does it produce ?
If 1 plant can produce 500gr, at what size is this correct?

As I am still new to all this any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • Im currently trying to figure out Soil or COCO ?
  • How hard is it to make your own?
  • Are there any good beginner mixes?
  • What nutrients to use?
  • Do I still need to use liquid Nutrients with COCO ?
If 1 plant can produce 500gr, at what size is this correct?

It's not always the case, but generally, if an indoor yield is quoted, it's based on yield per square meter (roughly 39"x39") that is illuminated by at least a 600-watt HPS. Again, this isn't universal, but seems to be the most common assumption when posting maximum theoretical yield. If that's the metric that the breeder used, then: You'd figure out the area of your grow space (with 1 being a square meter, .5 being half that much, etc.). You'd compare your lighting to a 600-watt HPS, and assign it a number (1 being equal, .5 being half as powerful, etc.). And that assumes your lighting is covering a square meter of area - if it's covering half a square meter, you'd then double the number you arrived at, if it's covering two square meters, you'd halve it, etc.. Then you'd estimate your "gardening prowess," I suppose... basically, if you're a competent gardener who won't f*ck up or allow your plants to suffer any issues, that'd be a 1, EDIT: I almost forgot one - assuming that particular strain is only going to occupy a percentage of your grow space, you'd multiply the "final" number by that percentage.

Finally, you'd multiply the theoretical maximum yield by the first number, multiply the result by the second number, and then that result by the third number. Oh, and you might then multiply that result by a number somewhat less than 1 if you thought it was possible that the breeder - or the seller - was exaggerating in order to sell more seeds, lol.

Then maybe you'd do what I'd do, which is to shrug your shoulders, try to do the best job you can, and hope for a decent harvest ;).

Good luck with your grow!
It's not always the case, but generally, if an indoor yield is quoted, it's based on yield per square meter (roughly 39"x39") that is illuminated by at least a 600-watt HPS. Again, this isn't universal, but seems to be the most common assumption when posting maximum theoretical yield. If that's the metric that the breeder used, then: You'd figure out the area of your grow space (with 1 being a square meter, .5 being half that much, etc.). You'd compare your lighting to a 600-watt HPS, and assign it a number (1 being equal, .5 being half as powerful, etc.). And that assumes your lighting is covering a square meter of area - if it's covering half a square meter, you'd then double the number you arrived at, if it's covering two square meters, you'd halve it, etc.. Then you'd estimate your "gardening prowess," I suppose... basically, if you're a competent gardener who won't f*ck up or allow your plants to suffer any issues, that'd be a 1, EDIT: I almost forgot one - assuming that particular strain is only going to occupy a percentage of your grow space, you'd multiply the "final" number by that percentage.

Finally, you'd multiply the theoretical maximum yield by the first number, multiply the result by the second number, and then that result by the third number. Oh, and you might then multiply that result by a number somewhat less than 1 if you thought it was possible that the breeder - or the seller - was exaggerating in order to sell more seeds, lol.

Then maybe you'd do what I'd do, which is to shrug your shoulders, try to do the best job you can, and hope for a decent harvest ;).

Good luck with your grow!
Thanks @TorturedSoul
Welcome back!
I've been doing a lot of research on soil and nutrients and my final items I'd like to use are the following
Pro Mix Hp for soil
Advance Nutrients for the feeding part.
The soil I chose because I can get it locally and am still learning
I did a lot of research on Nutrients and chose Advance Nutrients because if I'm going to grow weed I want to get the most out of it as possible. I guess that is the grower coming out in me! I've read good reviews on it and wanna see what happens.
I will be getting the girls ready to germinate tomorrow!

Until then stay high:bongrip:
Hello all finally got the seeds started.

I purchased these seeds from
2 fire og
2 gelato

When the roots start sprouting I will put them ea into 4" pot.

Thanks for all who choose to read my journal.


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Well hello all.
Much to my amazement my seeds sprouted roots in just 24hrs!!!!!
Gonna let them go another day or 2 then out em in soil.
Always a good day in the grow room.
No matter what goes on during the day when I open the room and see them girls my heart flutters and my worries go away. Love it !!!
Till late
Stay happy


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Well 48 hts later root sprouts crazy long! That one gelato seed is way above the rest. Look forward to seeing if it grows faster and stronger than other gelato.

I put holes in the bottom of a solo cup, to allow drainage
The soil is pro mix hp, misted with regular water.

Thank for checking in !!!!


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Gelato 1
Gelato 2
Fire OG 1
Fire OG 2
plants seem to have some yellow? Any idea what it may be ?
I'm using tap water in a spray bottle,
PH 7.2
Temp 82
Humidity 55

Light is a Viperspectra 600w veg bloopers
Lights is currently 16" above top of cups.

All ,of the seedlings broke ground Monday sometime during the day.
The girls are growing.
I forgot to grab pictures last night.
The seedlings have been in my 2x2x4 grow box, under a 100w led light I nab from a jobsite. Not ideal, but it was working.
I rearranged some plants in the veg room and moved my seedlings under my 600w viperspectra blurple light.
The Gelato with the long tap root (guessing that's what is called) has taking of and stands just shy of 2 inches.
My gelato #2 is growing in at 1"
The Fire OG plants are around 1" as well.
I mixed 1ML of advanced nutrients grow,micro,bloom, and bud candy to 20 oz of water. The recommended was 2 ml per liter so I figured 1ML would be diluted enough to give seedlings.
What I would like to do is take the gelato and make her the mother plant. I'd like to take some clones and make a SOG
How big does this plant have to get to take say 8 clones ?
Is there anything I can do now to help it?
Happy Sunday Y'all
Girls are growing like weeds!
Some of the girls had some kind of mold maybe on top of soil. I didn't get a pic. It was only on top of the surface.
Any idea?
Other than that everything seems to be good. Light is 16" above seedlings. Feed every other watering with Advanced Nutrients. Thinking of transplanting when I top
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Very nice man. I have some very nice girls in my flower tent but they have just gone in there today. I will get some pics up to show you they are White fire Gelato's (41) from growers choice NL. Look forward to seeing these progress they look alot like mine when they were same age :yummy:
Man been awhile. You know how life happens sometimes. Never enough time in the day..
However the girls keep plugging along
Current temp 81
Rh 51
Girls have gotten big. Doesn't seem to have any signs of trouble.
I have 3 gal fabric pots coming tomorrow and will be repotting the girls then.
My plan is to do a scrog with 4 plants.
I'd also like to take 2 clones from each plant for the next round.
Man it's been way to long. Had some personal issues arise for a couple days and got me out of my groove. Sucks cause the lady's paid for it.

I transplanted the fire og I to 3 gal fabric pots and the gelato in 5 gal fab pots. Kinda just worked out that way.
Gelatos seem well no signs of anything concerning.
The fire og however seem to struggling.
Both have small dots on leaves. Maybe from water?
Ones growth is stunted. Thinking maybe nute lock ?
Tomorrow I'm getting down and dirty and will be getting more in depth with the grow.
Instead of tsp i used tbsp causing my little girls some troubles.
I also had a huge variance in my ph which was causing some issues as well.
I believe I am good as of now
Fire og is meant for a advanced grower and not suggested for novices,but me being a gluten for punishment will attempt the grow
Started LST
Watered reg no nutes just cal mag ph at 6.4-6.5
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