Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

I never intended to clone the mother. I had accidentally cut 2 places during a defoliation that were not meant to be and stuck them in a bottle of water and stuck them in the window seal and forgot about them and sure enough :oops: there it is....... It does seem like it took forever for it to turn around and start to veg instead of bloom though but she is starting to put on girth now......:circle-of-love:
granny I really have not ever "topped" anything in the normal sense of the word. Well I did top one and cloned it a while back out of my first med grow I think it was. Most likely the Sugar Black Rose cause that was my experiment girl but the top won't grow back it will divide sorta and grow 2 tops then if you top those 2 you will have 4 grow and so on at least I think that's how it works.... Hopefully someone with a little more experience with topping will chime in here and let us know if that is correct and if not the correct answer but I do think that is how it is supposed to work.....:circle-of-love:
granny with the clone from my WT I do plan to do a bit of LST on it and I am thinking about topping her a couple of times to keep her low and bushy and see what happens. I am also changing up all the medium and nutes on this run with her. I am using Fox farms Ocean Forest and Happy Frog mixed half and half and using the Fox Farm trio of nutes and trio of blooming nutes and blooming her under the Top Led Mars II were with the first one as you know I was using ProMix and Growology under the Green Sun ZNet 4. I think the ZNet and Growology did a great job I just want to see what the difference will be with the totally different medium, nutes and light........:circle-of-love:
Good morning spliffers....:ciao: PeeJay check it out... All my goodies came already today and remember I already have a bale of ProMix Hp, 15 lbs of Red Bud Farms compost and 15 lbs of Red Bud worm castings and know I won't need it but also have the 30lbs of Red Bud Farms top soil.... I still have to run to the Dollar Store to get my 3 containers but other than that I think I have everything so please take a look and let me know if I need to get anything else and then when you have time please let me know what I need to do next......:circle-of-love:
So very nice !! You and gf know how to flux !!! LA is a great teacher !!! Is a flux better to have outside since it gets so big ?
I think it would be fine inside... Light Addict grows his fluxes inside I think and they get huge and if I ever grow another it will be inside. They are great if you have limited head space because they are kept so short just very full. I don't think you would get the amount of buddage inside as you do outside but I think that is with anything. Nothing beats the sun....:circle-of-love:
Yowsa, that fluxing is amazing! Very nice. We be medicating.
I am amazed at what a difference 3 days has made.... Unless you are inspecting her for bugs or whatnot you can't even see they damage anymore. All the new growth, and it is exploding, is green and beautiful and it is stacking on buddage at an amazing rate. I think it is going to end up producing some great produce. I will definitely have to wash the buds on this baby cause when I look through the loupe there are dead mites everywhere and nasty looking stuff I don't think I want to smoke but nothing is moving so that is a good thing.....:circle-of-love:
I also have a bit of an update on my AK fluxer.... Wow!!! What a difference a few days can make....:yahoo:......:circle-of-love:

Houston, we have liftoff! :cheer:
I can see the buddage. Very nice. I washed my buds yesterday which came in from outside. I washed them OUTside because who knows what was on them. I did the three bucket method. I swear they dry out faster and crisper. If I leave buds to hang and dry they are usually so gooish I can't get it to grind up. That could have been the way I cured it. Either way, washing the buds is the way to go. I love it.
:circle-of-love:Dennise I hope you don't mind me asking here. :love: Can Earth Juice bat guano 0.8.1 bloomer be used in DWC ...nothing is said on bag. I have ask this question on a different forum,,nutes and how to use them (something like that) and no one has answered....
Careful it's not too thick to gum up lines/filters.
:circle-of-love:Dennise I hope you don't mind me asking here. :love: Can Earth Juice bat guano 0.8.1 bloomer be used in DWC ...nothing is said on bag. I have ask this question on a different forum,,nutes and how to use them (something like that) and no one has answered....

I would not use Earth Juice bat guano 0.8.1 bloomer in hydroponics, organic nutrients rely on the bacteria and fungus in soil to break nutrients into usable forms for the plants.
Thank you King..:adore:...
:passitleft: High Cajun....
I have an update on the Green xxxxx 48 days 12/12 under the Mars II.... she is drinking like a dehydrated camel..:blushsmile:... She was watered again today with 1 gallon of purified water with 1/2 strength Growology step 3 and 1 tsp cal/mag. Her trichs are getting thick but are all still clear.....:circle-of-love:
Ok, Denise, I see what you have. What I'm going to do later is calculate ratios for each of the three soils in the three soil system based on the pot sizes you want to use so you don't end up with way too much of one soil and not enough of the other.

I already suggested pot sizes in PM, I think, but I'm curious about your current preference for flowering. Are the fabric pots you are flowering in now 5 gallons? We should establish standard pot sizes for each stage of the grow, younguns, adolescent teens, and sexually mature flowering adults. We can work with what you have on-hand. The sizes of pots will change how much of each soil you want to mix.

Fabric pots are great for flowering. You won't want to use them for veg because you are going to have to transplant a fairly large plant into a bigger pot right before switching to a flowering schedule. In my experience, removing a decent sized plant from a fabric pot is a challenge, while standard nursery pots are a piece of cake.

Once you get the soils mixed you will need to wait a couple of weeks to let the soils stew before any plants go in them. Remember you want soil storage bins in the 25-30 gallon range for the veg and flower soils, and something around 10 gallons for the baby soil. Once the bins are on hand and we know the pot sizes I'll scale the recipe for your needs in easy to measure units.
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