Dry crispy leaves damaged new growth


Active Member
Im currently in week 2 of flower under a es180
In a 2x2 tent i feed with “Down to Earth” dry amendments and a little recharge in between waterings my temps stay around a even 7-75 degrees Fahrenheit with a average HR or 45-50% im in a 7 gal pot light is at 80% and about 12 in away have a small 4in intake fan with a 6 in exhaust fan and carbon filter my new growth is becoming damaged I see no signs of pest and my older fan leaves are becoming dry and crispy i just watered 2 days ago soil is still pretty moist from a far this plant looks great! but when u get up close it looks like its being beat up for some reason if anyone have any idea whats causing this your opinion and help is greatly Appreciated thank you!




I didnt think it was still i would like to find out what the problem is so i can know how to fix it or avoid it in future grows
I know nothing about the nutes you’re using & I don’t have the answer for you. That said, these did the same thing. I never did figure out what it was. They’re in day 56 of flower...
I didnt think it was still i would like to find out what the problem is so i can know how to fix it or avoid it in future grows
Its hard to see any obvious issues with your plants. They look fine to me in the pic.

You might benefit from less crowded conditions and more air flow.

Sometimes its something simple like RH and temps not being optimal.

I had 1 plant that was loosing fan leaves this grow. My RH was low getting down to 40% or a little less and warmish - around 80F. I opened a sliding door to let cooler air in. That raised the RH and lowered the temps.

Sometimes its something simple, things change we gotta go along with the change.

My problem was winter time everything closed up in the house and heat on making dryer conditions. I have the ability to raise the RH with my heat exchanger so I did that as well. In the spring/summer I will need to adjust that down so I dont get condensation in my vents... always something.
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