Dutchman’s 1st Grow Ever: 2018

Predicting yield is always tough when you're working with a strain you haven't grown out before because of bud density. I try not to get hung up on the numbers. The two things you know are 1) there is going to be plenty of product and 2) it will end up better than you will get on the street or a dispensary. :cool:

It was a huge eye opener for me growing my own. The taste of plants I have grown have been beter than anything I have ever had other than some piney tasting stuff that ended up finding its way up here back in the day.

You're hooked Dutch. Will see how long it is before you end up with another tent. :D

The second tent was already early! I hadn’t planned on getting a second tent or light :rofl: until next year but it’s my little addiction lol! I’m going to have to start taking over our yard in the spring now lol

A new tent... Not so long lol
Hi dutch :hug:
You are going to have to look for a bigger place... One extra grow room lol

Hi birdie! I hope your doing well today!
I know I need a bigger house lol. Our next house we are getting one with a big garage so it will become the Dutch Cave! I’ll light that whole garage up lol!
Early Miss - Day 116
- Flower - Day33 -
What’s up everyone!!! Hope your all enjoying your week so far and I wish all our friendly American friends a Happy Thanksgiving!

Now it’s been an exciting time here at the Dutchman house! New cuttings from a new friend @playerunknown a new LED and now the final push fade has started with the big girl!

Yesterday was EM1s first feeing of OverDrive. She will get this for the next few weeks as she pushes towards harvest. The smells are just intoxicating with floral sweet notes, pungent fuel and a light citrus! She has really been frosting up and I’m excited to see how girth and frosty she will become over the next few weeks. I really noticed a big difference in my WWa when I started OverDrive so I’m expecting To see the same with this girl! The flowers are just gorgeous and resin covered so far so let’s get to a photo dump!!

EM2 my mutant girl is a few weeks behind her big sister at this point. She is pushing out a lot of nice normal looking flowers and I look forward to seeing how she turns out!

Cuttings / Clones / Rockstar!

The little rockstar is growing strong and healthy still. I’ve done a bit of tip spreading but that’s about it so far. Tomorrow it will get another light feeding. The clones I took from EM1 are still going! One looks great nice and green still and the other 2 have started showing some purple on the leaves not sure if this is normal or not but looks cool!
The cuttings I got from players Critical+2.0 are staying lush green and perky so far! I have started cracking the domes to allow more airflow and tomorrow I will begin cycling them 30 in and 30 out from the domes to see how they fair!

Now to add to this update I went ahead and added in a video as well. No vocals just a chill tune for your guys viewing pleasure!

Video Update!

Enjoy all and stay medicated!
Nice update Dutch! Since it's so easy to see the footprint of the new LED in those pics I think it will be interesting to see if you can tell any difference between the buds grown on EM1 inside that footprint vs outside it.

Beautiful buds on the 1 and great decision to take the top off of 2 :thumb:.

Thanks Shed ! I was actually thinking the same with the LED footprint. I’m wondering come harvest day once I pull her out of the tent if there will be a visible difference from side to side just with the short time the LED will be in there!

I’m also very pleased EM2 decided to start growing normally! I was worried after caring for her all that time I would have to cull her but she surprised me and is looking great! Definitely a few weeks behind her big sister though.
Was doing my weekly burp of the jars and figured I would show you all a picture of a bud from WW1! I think she turned out pretty dam good!

Enjoy all!
What’s up everyone and I hope your all well! Watering the big girl today inspecting her leaves and I started to notice something across all the leaves. Purple!! It’s slowly starting to show up in multiple leaves. Hard to get a photo of it right now but I’ll make sure to update when I can! Pretty excited to see some colour on these girls !
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