Early girl


New Member
So here is the difference in size for plants all planted the same day with the same seeds, soil and water. Why is there such a difference in size? Any comments would be appreciated. I did have spider mites as you can see, there are some brown leaves, but they are goine.

Hybrid strains will almost always show differences between plants, they are not genetically identical so even when all other factors are the same, you will get those variations. I had 9 Cherry Bomb girls, from Bomb Seeds, 7 of which went outside. No 2 are the same and they range in height from 5 to 8 feet tall now.
Well, these are Early Girl auto's and it is my first time growing so thought it was unusual. I am told that the big one is flowering now.
Chances are the tall one flowering was just more vigorous than the other 2.

I had to go check the parentage of early girl. She is 75/25 indica/sativa. Now yours also have ruderalus in there to make it auto-flower.

Now because of its parentage, your tall girl may have been a sativa dominate phenol causing her to grow taller than the other 2.
Awwwwwwwwwww. does that mean it will give you more a sativa buzz? I am thinking that may be the case. Just wondering why buds are so small. My experience with the "street weed" is that the buds are much, much bigger. Is it maybe that as they are in the flowering state the buds get bigger?? Where would you suggest I go in the forums (the best and most reliable) to get the information I need for flowering and cutting.
Thank you for your help on this. I guess my first try at this went fairly good. I did get some spider mites which had I known, would have eliminated more quickly. But the plants seem pretty healthy as I have been growing them mostly outside but bringing them in when the weather is bad. I have 4 more that I have just planted so hopefully be able to finish those off before the weather gets too bad. Thank you again for your help!!! Keep calm and smoke on!!
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