Early onset dementia and PTSD

Killer look'n garden Ms. N.
I can't wait to see your harvest.
I'm fess'n up. I still and always will have to use Oxycodone. Been on the same dose for thirty years. Unless f I quit, I can't move. So now you guys know.
Dr prescribed, of course.
I felt guilty hearing this without telling.
Footnote, I'm never high from it.
I used to be on 90 mg. of methodone along with the oxy, but the government took that away. That's why I'm growing.
sorry Ms. N.
No apologies to me. Being a patient is totally different than self medicating. I am glad that you have access to a medication that helps you function. You are one busy dude. People like you are who that is designed for. Sending love and healing your way, John.
On a different note, I am experimenting making my own fish emulsion. Gonna feed those outdoor ladies a little weak dose in 2 weeks and it will be at full decomposition in a month. The evil scientist. C'mon Igor to the lab. Bwahaha
During the process, it can smell. I think I have it secure from critters and vented ever so slightly that our neighbors over at the corner, far away from my nose, won't complain. When it's ready, it won't stink only have a faint vinegar smell. It will be 1 tablespoon per gallon of water for feeding. This batch will last a long time. Should have a 2 year shelf life.
No apologies to me. Being a patient is totally different than self medicating. I am glad that you have access to a medication that helps you function. You are one busy dude. People like you are who that is designed for. Sending love and healing your way, John.
it.s the only way I have any quality of life. My meds don't mess with my head and I'm allergic to everything else.
Weed helps, but I don't want to be stoned everyday. Bottom line, I have no other options at this time.
I used to take Vioxx, but somebody sued them so thsts gone too. So it's back to square one, use the meds or don't walk.
When we bought this house, a farm near here gave free cow manure. Grabbed the shovels and buckets and tilled it in. Now we mix outdoor compost and up til now, my husband used miracle grow. I'm not a big fan myself. Now that I am home instead of a workaholic, I am on a mission to be as self supportive (and I need to watch the pennies) as possible. I am learning how to check to signs of nutritional needs. If I can I will even splurge for a test of the soil if it seems I am screwing it up. Otherwise I will be sending all of you pictures for diagnosis lol
We decided on 1 more bag of store bought soil. Give some to worms and to use for our next grow. I went with Happy Frog. Got a good deal on a big bag. Should help until I can bag my own.
I'm fess'n up. I still and always will have to use Oxycodone. Been on the same dose for thirty years. Unless f I quit, I can't move. So now you guys know.
Dr prescribed, of course.
I felt guilty hearing this without telling.
Footnote, I'm never high from it.
I used to be on 90 mg. of methodone along with the oxy, but the government took that away. That's why I'm growing.
sorry Ms. N.

You have nothing to "confess" when you've done nothing wrong, John. Same dose for 30 years is something and is nothing you'd ever get high from.

it.s the only way I have any quality of life. My meds don't mess with my head and I'm allergic to everything else.
Weed helps, but I don't want to be stoned everyday. Bottom line, I have no other options at this time.
I used to take Vioxx, but somebody sued them so thsts gone too. So it's back to square one, use the meds or don't walk.

You simply do what you have to do. For knowledge and edification, celebrex is still on the market but there are hoops to jump through to get it usually. I'm glad you've found what helps you function, which is quite different from the dysfunction brought on and exacerbated by addiction.
Can anyone explain why I get less anxiety, panic feelings and a sense of calm and well being with sativa oil and a more self-conscious, paranoid and yet my muscles feel super relaxed with indica oil. (If I take just a tiny amount of indica oil, the negative effects don't come. Just relaxed and can be social too). I thought it would be the opposite. Thanks.
I still and always will have to use Oxycodone.
One of the problems from all the negative publicity surrounding opioids, is
that people forget that they are legitimate drugs,with legitimate medical uses- yes,they happen to be addictive, there's lots of potential for abuse,and it's easy to get used to taking them for the wrong reasons....I've had a few bouts with them in my life, because I'm one of those people that can't take them "as directed",so I can't take them at all...ever.
I'm just glad that you can still get them for your legitimate use, John.
I was actually worried when they recently overhauled the laws,that the abusers (like me) had fucked it up for people that really need them.
I have total respect for people that can take them without abusing them,because that's something I'm just not equipped to do.
So now you guys know.
I respected you before, John, and I respect you even more now.
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