First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

hey don sorry ive been busy doing stuff lol well Mystery and Unknown are starting to grow again now they got transplanted to bigger pots they has root rot from pots being to small :eek: so hopefully now that they have bigger 1gal ones and fresh soil they should do better, Unknowns bad leafs are falling off and the new ones are taking there place :)
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

hmmmmm interesting thread; i'm crediting the grow medium, environment, nute & water quality along with schedules for em make for a more important end result than light's vegging times but then I'm a K.I.S.S. kinda grower. :peace:
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

? K I S S, not heard of that, thanks for reading my journal,
below is some info i found on a grower who tested different lighting schedules

Here are my results:

Plants vegged for 24/0 for two weeks- avg 1.886 oz per plant (65 days to harvest)

Plants vegged for 24/0 for 1 week, then 18/6 for 1 week- avg 1.512 oz per plant (72 days to harvest)

Plants vegged for 18/6 for two weeks- avg 1.559 oz per plant (69 days to harvest)

The strain is White Rhino and plants are vegged under a 4' x 8 bulb HO T5 for the first week. Then vegged under a 1000 MH (conversion bulb for HPS ballast) for a week. Then all plants are placed onto a 4' x 8' table with a 1000W MH in the center and a 600W HPS on each side. After two weeks in 12/12 the MH is replaced with a 1000W HPS for the remainder of flowering.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

what lights do i use for autos or dont it matter, do i need to use flower bulbs 2700k or do i use daylight bulbs 6500 kelvin, advice please,

I'd use your cooler/bluer bulbs until you see flowering start on the auto, then switch to the warmer reds or a mix of the 2 (better yet) that leans more heavily to the reds. (2700k is the reds I think? I don't grow with cfl's, lol).

You can probably grow your autos under 24/0, but be aware that you might have to reduce that if you don't see flowering start to happen. Sometimes, they need a little dark. 20/4 is what worked best for me.

I still feel like you are putting way too much thought into veg lighting schedules, as Vampire suggested, (and I have before too) there are so many more important factors. Eventually you'll see for yourself the relatively small role it plays.

Do it any way you want, but if it were me, I'd grow it under 20/4, and make that my veg lighting schedule too for simplicity.

Good luck and good health!
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

i think your right mate,what ever the difference is in the lighting schedules i dont think its going to be that much difference anyway, all i can see the difference is a coupld of days here and their on finish time, ive seen nothing that really proves one is better than the other, so for now ill carry on as i am and i can try other schedules further down the line, but if this auto turns out a good yield then i may stick with using them as it seems quicker so i want to see the results, i just want enough smoke to last me till i crop my next plant, so im thinking of getting a few more auto seeds but different strains and starting them a month a part this should then give me a regular yield and it is that much quicker then less yield wont be a problem as it wont be so long till i crop next plant, it would only really affect big time sellers so i think they may be the better option for me, i maybe wrong but i can now see the results and howlong it takes to flower, if i had a male auto and fem auto can i pollenate the fem to produce me some seeds, i dont think its worth taking 2 many cuttings from an auto as it wont have alot of time to veg and grow, i will try a cutting and see what happens but i think a good seed collection would benefit me more,.

thanks for advice on lighting, i think ill use a mixture as the red 2700k cfls are suppose to make the plant stretch more and the 6500k bulbs make it more bushy. from my plants at the moment im noticing very little vertical growth, the nodes are so close together, so i might stick a few more 2700 k bulbs in their to try and compensate and make them bushy as well as slightly taller, but i think the autos will be under a mixture of the 2, leaning more to the red as you suggested as it soulds the logical answer to me,

if i could grow only autos then i wouldnt need a veg and flower room they could be rotated each month from seed to flower, i think i would get a regular yield from that, im not growing it to sell so it would all be personal so im hoping over time i dial my grow method in and finally get a yield that will last me to the next crop,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

here is my latest vid taken today, just after the plants where watered and sprayed with water to give the leaves a treat, the vid is poor quality and no sound this time as it came out bad last time, the zoom feature crap on fone as well, ordered leads for camera and should be here any day now, i also got my auto seed through the post so thats soaking waiting to pop, the seed dont look as dark as other seeds so im hoping its not to young to grow, not that i can complain to seller as they wont discuss germination due to them stating their for souvenier purpose only, but all seed sellers state that so not sure how i would stand if i had problems, id drop them a msg and outline my concerns and see what happens i guess.

anyway heres the vid, ive tried the best i can to get it all in using the fone camera, its not the best

the auto soaking is g13's poisen dwarf auto, i hope its a viable seed,

the 1st plant in the video is big bud and thats the biggest
the 2nd is the special kush, this has loads of growth coming out the tip of the stem it very hard to seperate, i think the cfls keep the stretch down to a minimum which im hoping is a good thing,
3rd plant is the northern lights cross big bud fem, i broke a leaf off when moving it to water them, hope it dont stress it to much, this plant has always been slow growing,
4th is the newly sprouted berry bomb,
5th is on its way and soaking as we speak and this is an auto, hoping it sprouts in a day or 2.

the plants have water drops on them as i like to give the leaves a good soak every now and then,

27032012.mp4 - YouTube

hope you enjoy, any advice or comments are very welcome
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

they seem to be getting bigger and plenty of new branches growing from the stem, they dont seem to be getting much taller though, the nodes seem very close, the stem is getting thicker and thicker but i dont see much stretch at all, is this a good thing or not, ive put in another 2700k bulb to supliment the lighting a bit as the red light is meant to increase stretch but as of yet i see very little stretch, i mean the new branches that are growing from the stem are up to the next node in height so the distance is very close node wise, is this a good thing or not, is it worth me raising the lights to get more strech or am i better off leaving them as they are,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

ive also been adding full strength nutes and have not noticed any nute burn at all, is it worth pushing the nutes past the recomended dosage, as what im using is an all round nute for all types of plants 10.6 - 4.4 - 1.7, i have seen nutes that are as high as 30.0 in the N part, so does that mean i can give 3 times the amount of the nute im using or would that be way to much,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Real interested in the Auto's final product, I've been thinking that's what I want to grow but heard that the bud isn't that good from autos I stick around to find out
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

i think i msgd corey, i looked through the pages you said and found the avatar for bpn so i sent the msg to that as i think that must be the msg you was on about in your journal.

i really cant get my head round all this, things like this just dont happen to me, they really dont, thanks guys
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

ive just emailed him my address he should have it in his inbox now, i had spoke to him in the past about nutes so still had him under my emails,

thanks ever so much for this, your a top bloke, and if i can help anyone out in anyway i can then trust me i will do to repay this debt, your just to kind, you and jakester are 2 top blokes, wish i lived closer and could of invited you round for a smoke or 2, thanks mate
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

ive dropped him my address, thanks for this mate, my plants are going to benefit loads from this, i know ill be able to get the best yield i can with coreys products and yours and others advice, i never thought id ever see any of his products or at least till he had an outlet over here, this is truely amazing and cant wait to give my plants what they deserve, miracles do happen and this just proves it, its my turn now to help someone out, and when the time comes ill remember your kindness and help the best i can, thanks a lot guys, this means a lot to me,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

teSmp, First class brother. +rep for the kindness. I'm continually amazed at the many nice people on this site. You rock my friend!

Looking good donpaul! :)
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

@ teSmp, your a true diamond mate, you really are, i cant thank you enough and jakester, things like this dont happen to people like me, but it just proves it does happen, and if i can spread some of this happiness i will do, trust me i will.

i couldnt of wished for anything better, my plants are going to love corey's products, and i thought id never get to see any this side of the world, how wrong was i,

i owe you a lot, thanks guys.

as we was discussing lst i decided to go n have a look at my plants, the special kush and big bud where to hard to lst, but the nl x bb was still flexible enough for me to start doing the lst, so i gave it a try and things are looking good, so evry time the top now grows and turns up to the light do i just keep it tied down and train it to where i want it to go, so im training to to the edge of the pot via the longest stretch then i can train it round the pot and all the time im doing this all the side branches will become the sort of top branches, do i just let these grow as is and keep training the main stem untill i run out of room then stop and let it grow up as well, is this the way its done,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

im going to have to start making my carbon filter soon, ive got a vent in the top of the cupboard that i can vent the air out of but i need to make sure no smells go out as it could go into other peoples flats, ive got a couple of small bags of activated carbon and have a rough idea on how to make a carbon filter, but what im thinking about doing is having the filter made so it sucks the air through the act carbon and then pushes the air through some pot pouri type stuff, you know the dried flower stuff thats perfumed that people have sitting around in pots around their houses, im thinking if i make it so the fan sucks the air through the carbon and then pushes it out through the smelly stuff, im hoping then that this should prevent any smell leaving the room, i hope, im hoping it dont stink the other flats out, or another option would be to vent the air back into my place and not use the vent, i think this may be the better option as i could then smell any smells and make adjustments as needed,
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