First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

thanks for jumping in about the outdoor grow, its not my grow was just trying to get some advise for another grower who is doing outdoors, if he has not seen this msg ill pass the info on to him, i didnt think it would increase yield i thought it may stress the plant by putting to much weight on it due to having loads of main buds and wasnt sure if it would manage all the weight along the lst branch,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Okay to be honest if he is growing outdoors and if he has a area where can get a some what of a tree don't lst because as the sun moves it gives light to 75% of the hole plant all ready as u can see with my plant now I don't need to lst and I got side stems growing all ready, but then again I'm growing natural , one of the best things about outdoors is that in the morning u get the nice dew all over ur plants :) mother nature is helping u keep them healthy <3
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

How's it going Don? Let's get some new pics up. As far as how long to veg, I vegged about three weeks in total.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

ill take a few pics now i was waiting till i got me leads for my camera so if you can put up wiv dodgy pics ill put some on, the plants went into soil around the 3rd of the month for the kush and big bud, northern lights x bb fem went in about a week later, berry bomb is roughly 3 days old and the g13 poisen dwarf auto has just gon in pot from seed and is just pushing out the soil now, give me a few minutes and ill post some updated pics as of today
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

theirs a couple of pics and a video, no sounds cuz it comes out crap and my accent makes me sound really thick, but its the accent i got due to where i live, some people like it some dont, i dont give a f@+k either way

the video has a blank bit in it but their is more after i was just moving the plant for better view, im sorry for crappy shots and video but till i get my camera leads its all ive got,

the pictures are all the the special kush plant,

the video, the biggest is big bud and the smaller of the 2 is nl x bb femenised, and the little shoot is the berry bomb and hoping for nice purple buds off that as i can keep the temp down where i live, and the soil is a poisen dwarf auto not broken out soil yet but should be by tomorrow, just uploading now give me a few minutes, growth seems slow but it really picked up over the last day or 2, what i have noticed though is very little height but all the lower new branches are nearly level with the top of the plant so by the looks of it its going to be a a bushy plant, the nl x bb fem looks like its going to be a bit taller, the leaves are smaller in size so think its the sativa coming out in it, the others are indica and have big leaves,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

03042012.mp4 - YouTube

theirs the video first, so the biggest plant is big bud it looks like im going to have 2 main cola at the top and possibly 3, the fim i did didnt work it stopped the growth and then the 2 nodes grew level with the top, ten 1 shoot sprouted out from the fim so possibly got 3 main colas at the moment but the lower branches are catching up with the top of the plant so im hoping this will mean less popcorn like buds when it comes to flowering it off, well im hoping anyway, growth seemed very slow so lowered the lights slightly more and the last 2 days i have seen loads of growth from the lower branches but not much from the top of the plant, thinking maybe genetics and the seeds could of been taken from a small bushy plant or possibly a plant that had generations of topping or fim, i got them from a sponsor on here and that was herbies head shop, i purchased 1 seed to check how the postage would work and 2 days later it arrived along with 2 free big bud seeds and 1 free nl x bb femenised seed, so i spent about £4 on 1 seed and ended up with 4 seeds and the fem should at least be a fem,

the berry bomb sprout is from another source and bought it to see if i could grow a purple strain as shown when i google the name, the pot with just soil is auto, when it breaks out the soil ill add a couple more 2700k cfls to give it more in the red light of things and im possibly going to have to remove it from the room for 4 hours to give it some dark period as i think it needs some dark to make it flower, if it dont need any dark period then that would suit me better as i wont have to worry about making sure im in to move it into a dark place
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls




these are all the special kush as of today.

once again sorry for the poor images
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Looking good. The pics aren't very bad at all. Not quite NOTM quality, but you'll find some camera leads before then.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Okay to be honest if he is growing outdoors and if he has a area where can get a some what of a tree don't lst because as the sun moves it gives light to 75% of the hole plant all ready as u can see with my plant now I don't need to lst and I got side stems growing all ready, but then again I'm growing natural , one of the best things about outdoors is that in the morning u get the nice dew all over ur plants :) mother nature is helping u keep them healthy <3

In my personal opinion, outdoors is WAY easier, if you have a good place. The grow I'm in is my first try indoor, but I've been doing the outdoor thing awhile now. So far, my indoor yield looks like it will be quite disappointing in comparison, but it is coming along. But hell, going indoors is almost like learning from new all over again.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

i agree, im sure you would triple your yield outdoors if not more, problem is i dont get the weather and cant guarantee it would be warm enough, i could start some indoors then move them outside when the weather is warmer, but the problem is finding somewhere to plant them without people finding them, living in a city does have its problems, their are locations that could be used but would need scouting out a few times first, thats where the dog comes in handy, but i always think if you grew a monster and someone followed their nose and found the plants, then it would be all for nuffin and chances are the person who done it will be selling it to all his mates, so thats my concern with outdoor grows, to make sure it wouldnt be found id need to travel well out the way and would be to far to walk just to water in dry days, so for now its indoor.

as for my pics they will get better when i get my camera leads and the video will get better as well, but for now they will have to do,

but i do agree with outdoor grows, you cant beat the sun for making huge plants and the other elements for making the plant strong, the yields are huge outdoors if the plant is looked after, so if i had a choice id go with the outdoor grow, but not possible due to the weather and location at the moment, although i have got 10 seeds i got free that i could possibly risk outdoors, just need to make sure i can keep it all hidden, ill start looking and if i find somewhere ill start the plants indoors and move them when the weather looks better
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Indoors does seem to be a little more fun, though, more of a fraternal relationship with my baby girls(not babies any more, I guess you could say they're about 18 and one is more developed, while the other is more "athletic")
but as far as outdoors, a forest for a backyard is quite helpful.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

if only it was that easy, maybe one day my government will see sense and let people grow for medical reasons then ill get a few outdoor plants growing, till then i gota make do
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

DonPaul your grow is awesome with those CFL's very healthy and happy looking plants. Thanks for sharing your experience with us; I'm learning alot from your journal here.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

im glad you think your learning, not sure how much you will learn though, this is my first grow using cfls and my first in 9 years so its still a bit hit and miss, but my plants seem happy enough and no problems so far, ive asked loads of questions and probably pist a load of people off, but ive met some amazing people along the way and ive got as much help as i have needed, this site is the best grow site and the members are brilliant as well and always happy to offer advice, so if you can get anything from my grow then im must be doing something right, all i can do is keep going and see how it all turns out, not hoping for miracles or big yields but anything will be a bonus, so thanks for the comments and i try to pass on as much as i pick up, if i can help anyone then as far as im concerned my job here has all been worth it, and its great to have a journal you can keep going over and adding to, then next time round you can change things and compare the results, so its a brilliant idea, glad to have you aboard and hope the end results are all worth it
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Well I already learnt that the CFL's does a great grow and when you describe your issues and tell what your doing for them I pick up lots of good info. I kinda pick up on the chatters input as discussing what they think rather than being pissed off so that to me also gives another take on the issue being journaled. Personally I like that you go into detail and ask questions because that's how I learn too. I've been growing in soil for 5 straight years and just started cloning in coco coir and the whole grow scenerio and different takes and methods is very interesting to me. Thanks for doing what you do donpaul (and responders). :cheer:
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

no problems, its good to hear that what im doing and asking is benefiting others, thats why i chose this site to learn and to share my grow, ive only ever grown in compost, i dont want to risk using hydro due to laws in my part of the world as they would hammer me for production with intent to supply if they saw me having all the equipment so im trying to keep my grow as basic as possible to keep it on the side of personal use,

i only grow for myself, i do not sell any i grow, i have not grown for 9 years, i dont give any away to anyone so i wont be labled as a dealer, cuz i really aint a dealer, i just try and grow for myself so i can ease my pain and make my life a lot better, ive been through a rough year so just getting my head round it all and been part of a site like this gives me the chance to be part of something and meet people with similar interests, and i can learn and improve on what i do, and im more than happy to share and i dont mind people asking me questions or asking other growers questions on my journal, as long as you get the help and advice you need im happy,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

i got them closer today im about an inch to 2 above the plants, got a fan blowing through the lights to prevent it getting heat build up,

pierce av you got journal on here, av i commented on your journal, i comment and ask questions on that many its hard to keep track, i only remember when i go back to the journal and read my last comments, guess thats the problem with posting on so many journals
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