First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

ill take some more pics tomorrow away from the lights and ill take them in a darker room and use the flash on my fone cuz i need to get better pics than that, or ill try a video and show you all the growth im talking about, i think i might pull the plug on the auto, it has not changed in a week, its still at soil level, it has got 1 seed leaf on it and you can see a tiny new leaf growing at the stem but its been like that for a week now and nothing has changed, all my newly planted seeds have sprouted and are a couple of inches big and growing their proper leaves so not sure what to make of it, ive ordered another auto fem seed which if i pull the plug on this one ill soak and plant, i just want to get a plant flowered soon so ive got something to keep me going till i get the rest of the plants in flower,

GLR method.
at first say for the first 3 days i thought the glr method was not working, i did not see a change in growth or the rapid growth i was expecting, but after another couple of days i soon noticed loads of change, its as if the plant started to force itself to grow, possibly the plant done this thinking it need to flower and re-produce so packed on the growth but the extra hour of light prevented it from going into flower properly, so i would say the glr method works well for plants of a certain age.
how ever for seeds i see no difference at all, i had 2 seeds planted at the same time, and they was placed under glr and 24-0, i kept checking the growth and found no difference what so ever, the seeds are a week old now and their is no difference in size or rate of growth, the only slight difference i can see is that the new plant under 24-0 has got the edge of its leaves turning up slightly, this indicates high temps but my temps are the same in both veg rooms so not sure if its to much light causing it or not, i have lowered it away from the light a further half an inch to rule out it been to close, so the glr method for newly sprouted seeds is no difference, after ive got through with this grow im planning on side by side of 24-0 and glr, well i say i want to, ive got loads of things i want to try but i want to get this grow out the way before i try anything else, in the veg room i think i have got enough room for 4 x 3 gallon pots so ive got 2 veg rooms that are 3ft by 3ft and floor to ceiling high, so i could fit 4 good size plants in, but im using cfl so cant go mad on the upwards growth,

ive been offered a 600wat hps dual spectrum light, he says the bulb has got a extra element in it that produces a more blue light so the light can be used for both stages of growth, my concerns are, do these lights actually work well for both stages, and been 600watt my energy costs will rise so i need to see if the extra electric bill gives me a bigger yield, this grow i will see through with cfls as i want to see the results for myself, but i can get this light just not sure if its worth it, he says its got a ballast that allows you to turn the power down or something, unless i heard him wrong,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Looks awesome donpaul they're really going to explode with the nutes. I wouldn't really do any more then a week or two personally until you start flowering. They're already around the pot. I would even flower now if they were mine and let the shoots grow up during the stretch. Good job :) and yes he has a dimmable ballast like mine you can turn it down to different wattage. I would get it but that's up to you. How many watts are you running now? Rememeber watts are watts no matter where they come from.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

i was thinking about taking the ties off the top 2 shoots that i topped and give them a day or 2 to grow upwards so i will have 2 main tops for the flower stage then turn them to flower, so im thinking 5 to 7 days at the most, but now im using bpn it might speed things up, i think the plants are in rapid growth now, but do i need to wait till i see pre flowers before turning to flower, have heard it can give more males and hermies if you stress the plant into flower to early, i dont mind not waiting till the preflowers but im sure they will be showing sex very soon now in this stage of growth, ill keep an eye on it over next few days, the 2 plants their are about 7 weeks old now, i stunted them by messing up the fim but after topping the plants really took off, plus they will have loads of stretch time during flower stage wont they, would i still continue with lst till a couple of weeks before they finish flower.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

i gota admit the bpn has really changed the way the plants look and the way the leaves feel, they look a nicer shade of green, and they leaves feel less brittle so alls good, even the newly sprouted seeds have shot up since giving them a feed with bpn, so thanks to teSmp my plants are doing great.

my big bud#2 and northern lights cross big bud are now both in the flower room, its been 2 days, im giving my second bpn feed later on or in the morning so ill up it slightly to the start of 12-12 schedule, i have also put a couple of newly sprouted seeds in the flower room as well to see what happens with them,

my special kush is still under veg as its got a lot of growing to do so not in flower yet.

my g13 poisen dwarf auto has finally started growing after 3 weeks the growth is small and very slow but it i finally gowing,

ive got 2 veg rooms up and running as of a few days ago, one veg room is doing the glr routine, and the other is doing 24-0 routine, i have got special kush and a newly sprouted seed under glr and under the 24-0 i have got the auto till it picks up a bit as its onlt started slight growth, its still less than 1 cm from the soil so is very small, maybe its living up to its dwarf name, but thats in veg under 24-0 and so are 3 other seeds i planted from the pack of 10 i got free from a site that sent out samples a while back.

i have also purchased another auto in case this one dont make it so i got that and as usualy herbies sent me the normal big bud#2 x 2 seeds and they sent me the headband femenised for free as well, so im getting a few seeds for future grows lined up, im only buying cheap seeds but the seeds i get for free are worth more than what i order, plus herbies change their free seeds every so often so i always get different strains, usually a fem strain.

are their any seed banks that accept paypal, could do with finding some sellers as i have got some items for sale on auction site so will be having money in paypal that i could use for some more auto fem seeds, would like to try some more autos as i want to see what kind of yield they produce compared to a vegged plant,

ill try post some pics in the next day or 2, im still having problems with my phone line so at my moms with the kids using her connection to post msgs and catch up on journals, but im hoping my phone line is back on soon, theirs loads of building work going on where i live so chances are its got something to do with that.

im flowering under all 2700 k cfls, is this a good idea or should i add some 6500 k bulbs in as well, ive got about 6 x 20 watt 2700k cfls and i picked up 3 x 30watt 2700 k cfls as well, ive got more 2700k bulbs to use if i need to use them, ive only got 2 vegged plants in flower and 2 sprouted seeds and it looks pretty bright in the room and i rotate the plants to make sure it getting light at all sides and branches,

so thats me upto date about now

i cant fault bpn products my plants have really taken off since using it, even the new sprouts have taken off and i did a comparison and left a new plant without bpn that was the same age and you really can notice the difference after using bpn, so thanks go out to teSmp for hooking me up and also corey, and their was a 3rd party who was kind enough to help get me bpn products,

ill post some pics when i get chance as im using my phone as a modem and used my internet allowance up so not on line till its sorted out, im hoping its going to be done pretty soon cuz im lost without it
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Looking good Don! :thumb:

The topping will give you multiple tops and a nice level canopy if you keep up with the training. Good job, and congrats on the new nutes.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

So happy that you finally got your BPN.I'm ready to see your budsites coming in. I feel like I've spent enough time in this journal, that I've got British dirt under my fingernails. Keep up the good work and good luck.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

a quick update while ive got the chance to go online,
for all the doubters who thought id struggle to get any females planting so few seeds, ie i plants 2 big bud#2 and the dog ate 1 of them, i planted 1 special kush and 2 nl x bb femenised, well the 3 biggest plants have been in flower for about a week now and the good news is that every single one of them is a very sexy lady, so 3 out of 3 seeds turned out female and only 1 was femenised seeds so im chuffed to bits with that.

big bud#2, special kush. northern lights cross big bud femenised have really taken off since feeding with bpn products (thanking teSmp for hooking me up) they have had 2 feeds and ill be changing to the flowering feed for the next feed, the plants have really taken off and really growing and filling out, all 3 have spread outwards and filled the pots, it seems they are destined to be small in height but they have bushed out loads and all have got a very even canopy and will have many tops with juicy buds on, their at a week into flower and all have shown sex and all are amazingly female

g13 poisen dwarf - this i thought id be giving up on as it had not grown for a couple of weeks, it had broke the soil and stayed 1cm above the soil and did very little after, since putting it under 24-0 lighting schedule it has started growing so im holding onto it, the leaves are tiny, it looks as if im looking at a minature plant the leaves are minute but growing so ill keep hold of it and see what happens, its not a fem so i plants another auto seed that is meant to be femenised, its just gone into pot from seed as it had been soaked for 48 hours and sprouted so planted it yesterday, and as its coming to summer here i hope then i should get chance to get it on the balcony and give it a boost with the sun.

now for my other seeds- i soaked a few seeds to try different schedules with, i put some 12-12 from seed, some 24-0 and some glr method, what i have found out is, that for the newly sprouted plants the best and quickest grow method is 24-0, the glr and 12-12 from seed have got no height difference and both are a set of leaves behind 24-0, the only difference i can see between glr and 12-12 is that the plants under 12-12 have got shorter and more rounded leaves, so from seed i would say that 24-0 is the fastest grow method, i kept everything the same, the plants where all under the same lights kept at the same distance from the light, watered and nuted the exact same amount and temp and humidity was the same also, so from seed i found that 24-0 has given faster and more vigourous growth,

im thinking that glr would be a better option for plants that are about a month old or showing sex, im thinking this due to the fact that glr causes the plants to think their coming into flower so start rapid growth and this dont happen till the plants have shown sex, so im thinking that glr would be good to use for plants that are 3 or 4 weeks old or that are showing sex, possibly use 24-0 till the plants are 4 weeks old then switch to glr for a couple of weeks before going to 12-12, thats my oppinion though and the results i found using all the same seeds from the same strain, i kept everything as level as i could, temp, lights height, water and nutes where all measured and fed at the same time, so for me the 24-0 schedule gave more growth and i must admit the plants look a lot healthier and seem a bit stronger, im not sure if the glr and 12-12 is stressing the plants and trying to force them to do something they are not ready for.

ill update pics when i can get on the net at home, the plants look amazing, ive how ever gone back to to rooms at the moment, flower and veg, my veg room is only small in height so will only be using this for the new sprouted plants and also my auto's till they have grown enough to go in the flower room or go outside for a decent bit of sun, thats what im hoping for anyway,

my flowering plants are under a load of 2700 k cfls and nothing else, they seem to be liking it so ill leave things as they are for now until i notice any problems or signs that its lacking in something, but since giving them bpn they seem to have taken off and really growing well, possibly the nutes i was using before had the wrong micro nutes in or wasnt strong enough or possibly to strong, but i have been feeding them all bpn at full strength and i have not got any signs of over nute or any signs of any sort of stress, even the seeds have been having their nutes and even they have benefited from bpn, so alls looking good,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Just checked the most recent pictures. Those look great! Nice work!
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

them pics are a bit old now, even i cant believe the difference, been having problems with my phone line so using net elsewhere and cant really post pics so ill be posting pics around the 29th so ill be updating the pics around that date, after giving my plants bpn they have really taken off, i have topped and lst them and the big bud and special kush have just filled out loads its hard to see the stem and branches, all the canopy is even across the whole plant so does this mean its a good thing or not ill find out soon im sure, but im chuffed i got 3 fems out of 4 seeds and the one plant the dog pinched and enjoyed eating it, so i was left with the 3 to veg and all 3 or fem and in flower now, the big bud is by far the bushiest and most spread out, i would love to put it under a scrog as im sure it would fill the whole flower room with just that plant, its outgrown the pot in width and is not a foot tall so its kept short but very bushy, tthe other 2 plants are pretty similar and not far behind, ill put some pics up and you can have a look, but since feeding bpn they have all packed on the growth, not so much high as they are wide but still loads of growth all over, cant wait to get this first grow finished.

i am starting to get a bit of a problem with the smell, i have got a few packs of activated carbon so ill try and make some sort of carbon filter as i think its time i got one made up, dont want the smell getting out of hand and drawing unwanted attention after i have gotten this far,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

can anybody talk my through the process of adding photos to my journal, it dont work the old way and the how to is the old way and dont work the new site config, someone at the site needs to change the how to in the how to upload/resize photos as it just dont work the old way and i cant put my pics on my journal, i uploaded them to my album but cant get them on my journal, got some pics to add and cant figure it out,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

When you are in your gallery, right click on the pic you want, then select open picture, then go to the opened picture and right click, there will be an option to copy the url, click it, then past in journal with little square picture looking button.
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