First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Don. Things are looking fine, honestly stop fucking with the lights its a small difference probably, we grow shit some seed to full adults in the greenhouse, or under t5s so ill happen. And( i hate starting sentences with and sometimes your a dick and it makes sense anyways lol F-English)I agree with whomever said you care almost too much. yeah lights are an issue and a potential problem but just time is the only factor really IMO .fuckers grow it looks good no defs or tox's that i see keep gettting it and show erryone cfls will rock some shit :)
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

@donpaul and Pierce. The way to upload pics is exactly the same as it used to be. You can select the little camera with the little green arrow or you can select My Photos from below the area you write. Either one will open the window to your gallery and you can select your photos. Where it says "insert what?" you can select original size.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

i think my internet is sorted at home, ive tried ringing my house phone and its now ringing so im hoping i got internet when i get home,

im only messing with the lights to get the best results, im sure the more i learn along the way the better the grow, ive noticed im getting loads more growth under the 2700k cfls, not sure why though, ive noticed this as i have got 2 x 2ltr hempies going as well, ive got some newly sprouted plants under the 6500k cfls and put 2 under the 2700k cfls and it seems the plants under the 2700k cfls are growing quicker and not stretching as i have been told would happen, so in my flower room now i have got the 3 big plants and not ive got the 2 2ltr hempies in their as well,

the special kush seems to be a bit ahead of the other 2 in the flower stage, the 2 have only got the white hairs starting to grow but the special kush has got loas hairs at all bud sites and i can see the start of the buds on this plant.

since feeding with bpn the plants have exploded with growth, it seems they really did need it, possibly my compost lacked something the plants needed, im planning on taking clones at day 21 of flower to give this super cropping a try,

my 2 autos have started to grow more now, the first and slow one is still very close to ground level and growth between nodes is less than 1ml so very very close and its only got 2 sets of leaves, possibly bad seed, the new auto fem i bought has started growing like a normal plant so im hoping this one is going to grow as well as the other plants i planted, so at least i should still have 1 decent auto to flower off, i have took cuttings of the nl x bb fem so i can veg that out and flower that off in the next grow or possibly even turn it into a mother if the plant in flower turns out ok.

i didnt expect to have this many plants as i thought i would get some males, but i got 3 females with my big plants, i cant really complain now can i, so ive got the 3 big plants in flower, and ive got 2x 2ltr hempies in flower also which are ak47 female crossed with uk berry cheeze, so not sure what to expect from them, i have noticed that out of the few i sprouted i have got 2 different plant types, their is 2 differences in the sprouts so one must be bringing out the ak gene and the other the cheeze strain, so ill veg the rest out till the next grow goes into flower.

in my veg room i have got my 2 autos, g13 poisen dwarf which is really living up to its name, and ive got an auto bomb femenised in veg, then a cutting from my nl x bb and 4x ak47 x uk berry cheese, so these will be vegged out while the plants in the flower room finish how ever long that will be, im trying to keep a rotation going so when i have harvested one i can move another strait in, with some outside the box so to speak such as the auto's and the 2 ltr hempies,

the weather is getting better here, had some flooding the last few days but the warm weather is on its way so can use the balcony to give the plants some sunshine and they should benefit from that.

in my flower room now i have got the following, all 2700k cfls, 4 x 30watt and 6 x 23watt cfls, in the veg room i have got less cfls as the plants are only small so ive got 4 x 30watt 6500k cfls keeping them ticking over and growing.

i have read everywhere that plants need 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower, but what i have found is that the plants under the 2700k seem to be putting more growth on and look a lot better than the plants under 6500k, so possibly a mixture of the 2 would be a better option, or has anyone tried vegging under 2700k cfls and got the results, cuz i planted 5 seeds at the same time, all plants broke soil at the same time, i put 2 into 2ltr hempies and put them into flower room and left the rest in the veg room under 20-4, and i have noticed loads more growth under the 2700k cfls, not sure what to make of that, but for now im sticking with the 2700k lights for the flower stage as the plans seem to ne doing brilliant and growing more than they have ever done, they really have took off after feeding with bpn,

the special kush is well into flower at the base of the hairs you can see the buds forming and this plant is ahead of the other 2 at the same length of time in the flower stage, so thinking that will finish a lot sooner than the other 2 unless the other 2 catch up.

i rotate the plants in the flower room daily and turn them around and tie any leaves out of the way and pull branches and tie them out the way to ensure i get good light penetration, the plants are a lot more bushy then they are tall, ill upload some pics when i get home.

i managed to get a good deal on a 400 watt dual spectrum hps, it came with 2 spare bulbs as well, brand new never used and boxed with 12month warranty, and it cost me £40, so just waiting for that to turn up, should be 3 or 4 working days,

not sure if i want to use it to finish this grow off or stick with the cfls for this grow so ive got something to compare it to next time round, im just hoping a 400watt hps is enough for a 3ft x 3ft grow room, it says it can be used for both stages of growth due to it having an extra element or something that produces more of a blue light for the veg stage,

so thats where im at till now, ive been using bpn at full strength and noticed that one leaf on one of the plants had a small patch of yellow so possibly nute burn so ill back off the amounts slightly and see if it gets any worse or not, this was 4 days ago and no more leaves have got a yellow patch and none of the other plants have got any signs of nute burn either.

i need to start thinking about smell prevention now, as its only going to get stronger and stronger, i have managed to mask it so far with those plug in air fresheners and leaving the refills in the flower room as sort of masked the smell enough so you wouldnt notice what it was, but as soon as i touch the plants the place starts to smell really nice, cant wait till this first crop is out the way and can get onto the next, im only growing for myself so im thinking if i can get the next lot of plants into the flower room by the time this 1st one has finished then i should have enough to keep me going.

i cleaned out my aerogarden the other day and put just one plant in it to see what happens, not sure how they work or what its meant to do, from what i can tell. it keeps pouring water over the roots and into the resevoir at the bottom with the nutes in, i can just about see the roots poking out the bottom of the grow medium and nearly touching the water, how ever this is not a bubbler type system so not sure how the roots get oxygen, i know the pot is above water level and the roots grow into the res but the water is constant running through the grow medium and down into the res, is this enough to keep the roots oxygenated or would it be worth putting an air stone in their, ive got a few lying around from my tropical fish so i have got one to put in if it will help things,.

thats about it for now though people, im trying to catch up on journals as i go along, but when i get home ill check if im online and update some pics, and let you have a look how im getting on, my last pics are under my album if you know how to have a look that, ill try putting the pics on here now and see what happens,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

possibly i didnt have right temps, i kept all i cud the same, pot size, light wattage and distance, amount of feed and watter, etc etc, i kept it all the same as i could, and i just didnt get the glr working that good with my plants, i can see it working for plants a few weeks old, but from seed it looked like the plants under 24-0 had about a week ahead of the plants under glr, somebody else would need to try it from day one to compare with what i got, i just wanted to see what gave the best growth rate from seed, but i have read that people use 24-0 from day one the switch to glr after a couple of weeks, maybe this is the best way to use glr.

when i used glr with my big plants i noticed more growth that i had done under 24-0 but that was on plants upto 4 weeks old, like i said its only something basic i tried, i had different places to use as veg rooms and plenty of bulbs so i used the exact same watt bulb above each plant at the same distance away, temp was the same as they was all in the same unit, fed at same time with same amount and same amount of nutes, only thing that was different was the schedule, after i have got this grow out the way and my hps set up ill give a try from day 1 with glr right through till flower and make another journal, i take clones of these plants and give it a try.

im just deciding whether i want to use the 400watt hps to flower these 5 plants off or not or should i stick with the cfls for this grow,
i think i got a good deal with the light, i got ballast, hammered finish reflector, a long lead from ballast to the reflector so ballast can be out the way, 2 400watt dual spec bulbs and some hanger things that raise and lower the light level without having chains, sort of cable type things that raises it up and down, never used lights like this before, the least light i used was out of an old street light and pretty much home made, but a new bulb and it grew me some nice plants a few years back, i only think it was a 250watt as well so this 400 watt should be good to use in a 3x3 room, i dont think heat will be an issue as i dont have height issues and i have a vent in the top of the grow room i can vent out of with a carbon filter.
ill try and put the pics from my album on here and then when i get home ill put todays pics on,
im trying to catch up on everyones journals while im at my moms in case my fone isnt working when i get back, its ringing so hoping it is, well its ringing from this end and it wasnt the other day, so all been well i should be back online when i get home.

fed up of waiting to get packets to use some crappy program just to get online while my crappy fone provider figures out the problem, so i ended my contract with them and moved to someone else and it looks like they got it sorted out, i hope
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Hey donpaul, if it were my I would switch to the HPS immediately. I promise after you use it with this grow or the next you won't go back to CFLs for flowering. In my opinion there would be no reason to stick with the CFLs, if you do stick with them your only loss would be yield and possibly density of the buds. But if your already using a few hundred watts in CFLs then why not switch? Like I said you won't go back to flowering with a CFL set up after you use the HID. My only concern would be heat but if you can take care of it then I would certainly use it!

For your 2L DWC-H's, I threw 1" air stones into mine because I had a spare air pump lying around. It can only help so I figured why not. Can't wait for some pics of your stuff. The 400w will be fine in the 3x3 it's 44w sq/ft which will be good, certainly better then CFLs :)
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Don, the main issue I see with the all the light cycle "experimentation" is that its not side by side( cuttings off same mother, something like,3 cuttings in 1 room on 24/0 at the same time as 3 cuttings in your other veg room on GLR etc. they'd need to be at the same time and age to get any meaningful results). Just changing through different veg schedules in the same grow won't help you learn anything because the plant growth ebbs and flows to an extent through the life cycle, that you'll never know whether it was a "natural" slowing of growth(or growth spurt) or if it was caused by changing the light cycles. In fact, from my limited understanding, changing between different schedules like that, could , possibly, temporarily stunt growth in and of itself.

As I hope you understand, I say this with nothing but much love for you brotha and I'm only trying to help out.:thumb::cheer:
no probs pierce, i did how ever have 3 seperate veg areas, they was all sealed so no light leaked in or out, i didnt see it through the whole of veg and flower stage, i just gave it a few weeks to see what the best method was and then ill stick with that one method, i must admit the plants where not cuttings, but they was grown from seeds and all planted at the same time, i know seeds vary and cross strains mean some plants will lean towards the mother and 1 towards the father so i cant rule that been a problem out,

but the veg rooms where all seperate, all was grown under same lights and watered the same amount of measured water and nutes, temos where all the same. i did the best i could to keep it all the same and make it as fair as possible, if i had the money to keep the 3 grow rooms going i would have done it, but i dont have enough lights and money at the moment to try it, but its something im going to do very soon,
thanks for the advice teSmp, as always you give good advice, i got the light now, will set it up when it get back from my moms, im running 300watts at the moment with cfls so im only going 100watt over this so ill give it a try,

i have got some bad news, looks like im the proud owner of a big bud#2 hermie, the other 2 plants are well into flower now with loads of white hairs all over the place and look real good, this big bud#2 was slower to show the white hairs and they now seem to have stopped, and i can now see a small ball either side of new growth at the nodes, only small at the moment but looks male to me, ill grow it for a few days and make sure before i pull the plug on it, possibly the bigbud#2 isnt a stable strain yet and possibly why herbie gives these away with every single order, ive got more seeds of that strain so will try again next grow to get a female as the plant grew and spread out like a monster, really took off towards the end, but from what i have read, a hermie plant produces fem seeds so ill take it to another house and flower it off, i have also smoked some good weed with seeds in it so i wont kill it just yet, ill grow out the seeds and see what happens but ill do it away from me and my other plants.

in my flower room i put 2x 2ltr hempies strait under 12-12 from seed, these 2 plants have shot up and the growth is explosive, they will be taller then the flowering plants within a week by the looks of it, could i just ask what im meant to do with them, do i let the side shoots grow out or not, do i just keep it as one stem or let some of the side shoots grow out, these 2 plants have grown faster than any of the others, i have got the same strain under 18-6 in a veg room and they are the same age, but the ones under 12-12 seems weeks ahead in size and growth, the 12-12 has really made them shoot up in size, not stretched but got taller and loads of new growth at nodes, couldnt believe how quick they grew under 12-12,

in my veg room under 18-6 i have got my auto's and ak47 x uk berry cheese and also cuttings of my special kush and my nl x bb femenised, i decided to try something different with the cuttings, well on the nl x bb fem i had topped a lower branch and as the upper branches grew out under 12-12 it didnt grow much, so i decided to take this as a cutting, not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but i took the cuttings at the same size and that one seems to have started growing the quickest and strongest, looks as if ive got 2 plants growing when its only really 1, only time will tell if it was worth doing or not.

my 2nd auto is growing as normal and looks like a normal plant, my dwarf looking one seems to be growing very slow indeed, its about 6 weeks old and less than 2 inches tall, the nodes are so close that the leaves the next node up are only slightly above the leves at the node below, not sure what caused this, but ill grow it out as its not in the way and see if it picks up, my auto bomb is growing as normal now, was slow to start off with but is growing like it should.

im really suprised with these ak47 x uk berry cheese, these are all growing really quick, ive only got them under a small amount of 6500 k cfls and they are growing a lot quicker than the plants under a load of cfls, plus i found the plants prefer a mixture of cfls.

i found that the plants under 12-12 from seed have really grown and are way ahead of the others, not sure what causes this but they are taller and bigger than the plants of the same age under the 6500k lights.

the specail kush and the nl x bb fem are both well into flower now, hairs all over the place and really growing strong now, its hard to keep up with pulling branches out the way, each day they seem to have grown loads,

ive unpacked me 400watt dual spec light and tested it to make sure it all works and it does, but its new so it should work, i also got a ph meter and light meter for the soil, so that can only help,
Sorry bout the hermie. In my experience, a couple times when plants have hermied on me outdoor, if I caught it early enough, I just pulled the balls, and never saw anymore.
thats worth a try mate, it has got the hairs on it like a female but then where the new growth is at the node either side of this is a tiny little ball, so im thinking this is the start of the male in the plant coming out, i cut one away yesterday to see if any would grow back, im not seeing them all over the plant just in certain places, but the plant is that dense it would be very easy to miss one and risk pollenating the other plants, i have another place i can grow it out and let someone else i can trust grow it out for me and harvest the seeds and what ever bud is on it, it should give me fem seeds from what i have read so i wont kill it i will growt it out just if these balls get worse ill move it out my grow, ill give it a few days and see how it goes, ill remove as many as i can see and have a good check all over the plant and remove any that i see, ill keep checking if they come back, i have read a few places that people pull them off and have no problems with the female part of the plant, so ill give that a try mate, thanks for the suggestion, cant beat grabing a pair of bollocks and giving them a good twist and a yank. lol, that even made me cringe just writing it,
If your planning to lollipop the 2L's around day 21 you will want to cut off some of the lower stuff, yes it will have buds on it but big deal you want one massive bud. I would need pics to help advise on what to cut. It really varies on how the plant is growing, any nodes that are over an 1" apart I usually like cutting off. As well as pretty much any arm over 1.5". When I'm trying to do it it I want to aim for one single bud that's 8-12" long.

I've never really looked into doing fem seeds but when I looked at one of the journals on here explaining it one time I believe they turned one plant hermie but then took the pollen from the hermied plant and gave it to a female that wasn't hermied. It may work the way your saying not really sure.
thats worth a try mate, it has got the hairs on it like a female but then where the new growth is at the node either side of this is a tiny little ball, so im thinking this is the start of the male in the plant coming out, i cut one away yesterday to see if any would grow back, im not seeing them all over the plant just in certain places, but the plant is that dense it would be very easy to miss one and risk pollenating the other plants, i have another place i can grow it out and let someone else i can trust grow it out for me and harvest the seeds and what ever bud is on it, it should give me fem seeds from what i have read so i wont kill it i will growt it out just if these balls get worse ill move it out my grow, ill give it a few days and see how it goes, ill remove as many as i can see and have a good check all over the plant and remove any that i see, ill keep checking if they come back, i have read a few places that people pull them off and have no problems with the female part of the plant, so ill give that a try mate, thanks for the suggestion, cant beat grabing a pair of bollocks and giving them a good twist and a yank. lol, that even made me cringe just writing it,

Pre-flowers will have the hairs w/o neccessarily having the calyx's (seed pods.) It could possibly be you're mistaking the now forming seed pods (calyxs) with "balls." Don't toss it or cut away anything 'till you're sure is my two cents worth even though its prob not even worth a penny.

As far as shock concerns with your light...nonsense, you're already running 300 watts of lights probably real close at that. Only concern I would imagine would be heat. I would think 18" away would be plenty & quite frankly would test out 12"-15" myself.

If it's a Hermie & you're trying for "fem" seeds, you want it to pollinate another female plant. If you grow it out by itself somewhere and it does indeed have a male flower, chop that branch at an appropriate time to collect the pollen. Then pollinate an individual cluster on a different female plant.

thanks a lot, great info, ill post some pics of my 2ltrs as soon as i get my fone back on, they have only been in under 12-12 from seed for less than a week and they must be 7 inches tall from the soil so growing quicker than any of my other plants, even quicker than the same seeds under the 6500k cfls, cant figure it out, the plants of the same seed under the 18-6 schedule are closer to the lights and under the daylight bulbs, the 2ltr hempies are under only 2700k bulbs and seem to be out growing the other plants by a big difference, im hoping my phone back on tomorrow if not then i can use my mobile as a modem when my next months contract starts, usually the 4th or the 5th of the month so ill be back online very soon, their are some pics of the hempies under my album so you can check their if you want to try the long route, but them pics where a couple of days ago and things have moved on a lot since then, ill take some pics and upload them tomorrow, ill check the page before this and see if the last pics i put on got on my journal or not just in case i didnt do it right,
with the hermie, what i have been reading in many places is that the seeds it produces will mainly be female and some hermie, this is due to no male hormone been present, if the seeds are stressed they will turn out hermie but if grown without stress should be female, but could be miss information, im not going to chop the plant and kill it, i will wait a few days to make sure it is a hermie before i take it out the room, either side of the new growth at each node is one small round thing, its tiny though, but the other 2 plants dont have these, but im not seeing lots of balls, possibly to early for their to have grown yet, it wont pollenate the other plants yet its to early so can grow it out for at least a week before i need to move it so ill find out if its hermie or not, might be me just worrying about nothing.

i may be wrong about the hermie seeds been female, its just something i read and not from experience, but i will seed it off and plant some seeds and see what i end up with, worse case ill have another hermie which wont mean to much of a loss and wont take up much room, ill probably try 2ltr hempie with them and see how many turn out female,

thanks for the info, sorry i not checked in on many journals but ive only just got back online at my moms and unable to get online at home due to the phone connection problem, ill catch up on what i can,
the light will be up tonight for the last couple of hours so ill see how the plants take to it
The reason they are getting so tall is because they're 12/12 from seed! They're just doing their stretch right from the get go. Try and keep the light close though because you want the node spacing to be as tight as possible when lollipop'ing. You're absolutely correct, they force hermie the plants usually with colloidal silver. However, I'm pretty sure they're taking the pollen from the hermied plant and giving it to a female that is not hermied. Rather then trying to have the hermied plant pollinate itself. If you want a bunch of seeds maybe do a 12/12 from seed plant and take the pollen from the hermied one and pollinate the 12/12 plant. The gallery works just the same here now, you can select the little camera with the green arrow or you can select my photos right below where you type and insert the pictures directly in like it used to be.
thats a good idea, its def a hermie so its gone to another home to finish off, ill collect pollen and seeds and salvage what ever i can as i have smoked decent bud with seeds in it, ill keep the seeds and try a load at 12-12 from seed and see if any turn out female or male or both but that wont be for a few grows, ill possibly collect the pollen and make some seeds with the next grow i do, ill leave this one as is and see what i get,

I have had the 400watt dual spec light set up for just over a day now, i cant say im getting faster growth but its to early to say, its only costing a few pence an hour more to use than the cfls though so the electric bill wont alter much,

in the flower room i have now got the following
special kush, this is in flower with white hairs all over the place, buds are starting to form at the ends of branches, i have taken cuttings for the next grow.

northern lights cross big bud femenised, this has also got white hairs all over it, no buds forming yet it seems a big behind the other plant which im please about as i can crop the one before the other will give me a few days between cropping to sort drying area out, also taken cuttings from this as well,
im planning on taking cuttings at or around day 21 to try the super cropping technique.

i have also got 2 x 2ltr hempies that are ak47 cross uk berry cheese, both of these are growing really well, one is taller than the other so chances are it could be male and the shorter one is probably female, but wont be sure till it shows sex so wont pull either before then, both of these have got roots growing out the bottom of the bottle but only slightly so not down in the part that holds the water yet, could i just ask do i need to empty the water and nute mixture out every so often and top back up because their is some in their now that has ran down and wondered do i just leave that in their until the roots reach it or is it best to empty this just before the roots reach it and start again with watering until the hempie resevoir fills back up with water and nute mix.

i have also been putting both my auto's in the flower room while the light is on just to try and boost them a bit.

the g13 poisen dwarf is tiny still, its less than an inch high, its is also 4 nodes high as well so you can imagine how close the nodes are, it really is a minature plant

my other auto the auto bomb is growing as a normal plant would, its grown its first set of single cannabis leaves after seed leaves and is now starting to grow the next set so im hoping this is going to be ok as its femenised as well.

so thats in my flower room, in veg room i have got the clones and some more ak47 x uk bc ready to flower after these have finished,

i have got some seeds left over that i got for free with my last few orders so this is what i got left, im not sure if i want to plant anymore yet in case i end up with a load of females out of the ak47 and need to take up the room in the flower room so ill hold back on these i think for a while and see what happens but here is the list of what i have got ready to be planted.
3 x ak47 cross uk cherry cheese,
1 x afgan sunk femenised
1x california skunk haze
4x big bud#2 i would like to grow one of these as the one i had was a monster and wasnt tall but spread out all over the place so would like a female from this to take clones from,
2x reserva privada sour kush femenised, am told its also called headband i think, never heard of it so not sure what to expect from this strain, has anyone tried it and grown it before, if you have then let me know what it was like and if its a big plant or not, i want to try and keep my plants roughly the same height throughout the grow.

so if i was going to grow indica then id try and stick with indica strains plus its the kind of high i want to help me sleep, but i want sativa for when im out and about when the summer finally gets here, not sure what the ak47 x uk cherry cheese is going to turn out like, the special kush in flower is indica and the northern lights cross big bud fem looks like its leaning towards its sativa background as leaves are not as fat as a full indica strain so could be a nice smoke when its finished.

but i got a long way to go yet, ill take some pics in morning and post them on here so you can see how im getting along
if i had gone 12-12 from the start with my 2 that are in flower now do you think they would have been taller than they are, the problem im having is the plant is that tight and branches that close and confined that its hard to move the leaves out the way of other branches, i know plants wont flower till they sexually mature at roughly 4 weeks old, so i had mine in veg for about 7 weeks before going to flower but if i went strait 12-12 from day 1 would my plants have been bigger than they are now, would i of benefited more from doing this.

how does 12-12 from seed for 4 weeks compare to say 18-6 for 4 weeks,
are you gaining anything by growing under 18-6 for 4 weeks then switching to 12-12 or if you was only going to veg for 4 weeks would you be better off going 12-12 from the start as the plants wouldnt switch to flower till at least 4 weeks old anyway, so are you gaining much by having them under veg lights for the 4 weeks, cuz if they grow quicker under 12-12 and would give me bigger plants then would i benefit from this because i think my plants would be slightly better if they had gained more height, the 2ltr hempies are as tall as the plants ive got in flower, i know its all strain related and the plants are suppose to stretch during 12-12, im going to stick with the 2ltr hempies under 12-12 from seed and iv stuck another ak47 in their as well in a normal size pot and gone 12-12 with that so i can see how it compares to a plant from the same batch that has been under veg for 4 weeks,

thanks for the nutes mate, my plants are loving it, i got myself a ph tester and soil moisture tester thing that you stick in the soil and it checks ph and moisture, my ph seems to be around 7 in all the pots so think thats ok, and my moisture seems ok as well, so i dont think i need to add anything to adjust the ph,

could i just ask the people using bpn. on the schedule it says transition 6 weeks old and bloom 7-8 weeks old, my problem is my plants where in veg for over 7 weeks as i was not getting much height with the plants, so i was going basically on the point of when i switched to 12-12 that was my transition period and now ive upped it to the bloom feed level, am i right doing this or what step do you think i should be on.
my special kush has got hairs all over and buds forming at a few of the ends of branches, but my nl x bb has got hairs all over but can only just see hairs forming at the ends of branches so its slightly behind the other,
so would you say im should be in the bloom schedule now and if so when would i switch to monster bloom, would i wait till i have got proper buds, i dont want to mess it up at this stage, im also using the bloom booster as well so this has been added at the strength of the bloom schedule.

thanks people, ill take some pics when the lights are back on, problem is im using my shitty fone so not sure if you will see much, ill try my best, im going to borrow a decent camera to take some decent pics next time i go over my moms,
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